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Everything posted by the_skezz

  1. Not much of a magazine reader but thought I'd throw in a 'Good luck' while I'm here Looking through some of the ideas in this thread I'm quite impressed, as well as with your willingness to ask for suggestions and keep in touch with the audience. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for BGM in future, if you publish even some of these ideas you've got a sure buy from me! Good to have you on the forum
  2. If they're your cup of tea, the Stranglers - Black and White. The solos in Curfew and Walk on By, the intros to Toiler on the Sea/Enough Time/Death and Night and Blood, the lines on In the Shadows and Do You Wanna...and of course Nice n Sleazy! All fantastic, IMO the best album of theirs basswise.
  3. About seven or eight months if memory serves. Was terrified about the opening of For Whom the Bell Tolls at the end of the set, for how much easier it'd be for people to notice me cocking up than at any other point in the set. Played it alright, though my dad later commented it was the first time he'd seen a band play War Pigs in four minutes
  4. Hopefully getting this - having a couple of years bass experience under my belt, it's demotivating to try playing such a similar instrument but being nowhere near as good (which is more indicative as to my ability on the guitar than it is my bass skills ) Sounds like this could be a great help.
  5. Most definately agree from what I know of Maroon 5 (admittedly only the hits). The singles off the first album, though not exactly high up on my playlist, were at least decent songs which I can still enjoy today. Then I heard Moves Like Jagger earlier this year, and hoped the rest of the album wasn't as dire. Checking out youtube, my fears were confirmed
  6. Agreed with Pearl Jam, stuff like the Fixer and Go and great fun to play.
  7. Motorhead's Ace Of Spades...even if it does sound more like a guitar playing it EDIT: GODAMMIT, beaten to it
  8. Blubble.
  9. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1339543123' post='1690474'] Anyone that played in a 'punk' band, because sloppy musicianship and creative bankruptcy were supposedly 'credible' in the genre. Not surprised it died as quickly as it rose... [/quote] Awww, that came right under my post about being used to playing punk basslines
  10. Gotta disagree with Krist Nosavelic, Mike Dirnt and Jeff Ament! Just listen to Lounge Act, Longview and half the songs that Jeff Ament composed for Pearl Jam for proof of their playing They're all pretty solid, with some nice embellishment during most of the songs...hell, I sometimes get put off learning the songs accurately when looking at the tabs cos of how much work I'd have to put in getting them down accurately - though recently I have gotten used to playing simpler punk basslines, which might explain it Also love Rob Trujilo's tone - listen to the start of Metallica's Cyanide and tell me it doesn't do special things to you I know I'm probably a bit late on the bandwagon for disagreeing with the OP's choices but I drank a large bottle of Boost on the way back from work just - it's the only energy drink that affects me - and I'm too busy dashing about trying to compose an epic concept album about rising up and destroying the crap they play on Capital Radio to read through the last three pages
  11. Loved the acts at Download, but pretty much everything else about the festival was appalling. Started off when I got there; had a beady-eyed security-man-geezer-bloke go through my bag. Fair enough, he's doing his job. He asked me if I smoked; I responded with 'No' to be given a suspicious look and be told 'I'm ****ing holding you to that'. Then made my way through the mud to brown camp, where my mates were. What should have been a twenty minute walk took an hour and a half, due to a lack of decent signs around the place and also due to half the stewards having no idea where it was. Those who did know told me there was no spaces left and to go elsewhere - I assured them my mates had a space saved for me, and still they argued. I got there in the end and could see at least three spaces near me where a one-man tent could have feasibly been set up. Alas, on my way there, I lost my tent, and so went to buy one from a delightful little stall called 'Wellie bobs'. I got to the front of the queue, picked up a poncho I intended on buying, and asked the woman behind the counter if I could purchase that along with a single skin tent (couldn't afford a double). This remarkably lovely woman responded with 'We've got none left, and you'd be ****ing your money away anyway. You may as well throw it down in the mud and stamp on it. Who's next?' And before I could open my mouth she moved onto another customer. Disgusted at being spoken to like that, I threw the poncho on the desk and went to another stall - more expensive, but worth it to not have to deal with her again. Service through the rest of the weekend continued in a similar vein; after walking a friend to the West car park on the Saturday where her dad was meeting her, me and my mate set off to try and find our way back to the camp. After being told we couldn't go down the one road we were sure led to it, we tried to find an alternate route - upon asking a steward there, he told us to go back the way we tried earlier. We told him we'd been stopped from going down there. Apparently he heard this as 'Please repeat the instruction as patronisingly as possible' because he did. Again, we told him we'd weren't allowed down there. This carried on about five times before we went back the way we came, slipped around the stewards that had challenged us the first time, and had a pleasant half hour cursing the tossers while we walked back to the tent. Plus there was a right hassle finding out way home last night, but I've ranted enough.
  12. I'm the only one who quite enjoyed it then?
  13. Playing with Eastfield last year, one of my favourite punk bands - if I recall correctly they were watching us play, making it embarassing when I stepped off the stage to jump around a bit and pulled my lead out in the process. Took me about ten seconds before noticing
  14. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1338194921' post='1670512'] Mind you, I saw Hugh Cornwell a few years back and his band do quite a few Stranglers numbers without keys, still works pretty well. [/quote] True, Baz and JJ did an acoustic set at the convention last year, numbers like Skin Deep and Dagenham Dave still held their magic. I did try to get my old punk band to cover Peaches sans keys, but they could never remember the amount of times the riff played in each verse and then the singer didn't want to do it cos he said he sounded stupid singing it and the guitarist didn't want to try playing a solo instead of the keyboard solo and didn't fancy just playing the riff a couple of times instead... At least they took the effort to come up with some excuses that first time. Every song I suggested covering after that was met the next week with the response of 'I forgot to learn it, let's go onto that song I want to cover/this new song I've wrote and we'll learn yours for next week'
  15. This one's pretty accurate, I remember learning it off here a couple of years ago http://www.911tabs.com/link/?217222 If I recall correctly I did change one or two bits around...I can't remember which or how I changed them though Took me over a year to get through it all...mind you, I did start learning bits of it only four days after picking up the bass so it was always gonna be a bit of a slog
  16. Caught them twice last year, fantastic show both times. Richie Faulkner was a great replacement for KK.
  17. The one time me and the drummer both seriously cocked up during a song we'd both played maybe once several weeks before, causing it all to fall to pieces after ten seconds. The only reason it was in the set after so little practise was because the girl the singer had wrote it about was in the audience
  18. Always wanted to do some Stranglers but there's amazingly few keys players round these parts - or rather, everyone I know who says they play keyboards means that they've had a few lessons in school and can do 'When the Saints Go Marching In'
  19. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1337971539' post='1668296'] play drums [/quote] You're right there, playing around on a kit actually did wonders for me when I was in a rut a few months ago Only got so far as learning the basics thanks to the neighbours complaining, but it was great to explore music and songs that I'd written with heavier focus on another instrument and made it all feel so much fresher when I got back to bass
  20. Ex-punk band used to open with the Sex Pistols' Holidays in the Sun - not a bad opener in all fairness, worked well enough at opening the album
  21. "So, are we splitting the bill for the rehearsal room?" - When I auditioned for a temporary position in a band three weeks away from an important gig they needed a bassist for. This was after I'd come straight from work, not having eaten all day (had been up since five; it was nine o clock now) and to maintain good relations gave what I'd been saving for food money on the way home - the guitarist had to cover me for the rest. And then I still never heard back from them - I'm unsure whether to be annoyed or glad that I didn't end up forking over thirty quid for the next three weeks of rehearsals.
  22. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1336678976' post='1649502'] I've often thought punk music was so bad it must have been a big joke to a select few, laughing at everyone getting swept up in it. But good grief, this really shows how low punk would go. The time keeping in that solo was terrible. I know punk musicians generally pride themselves on not being able to play a tune to save their life because it 'f***s the system' but that was genuinely cringeworthy. [/quote] I kind of sort of have a slight hunch that that solo, lyrics, and everything else about that song may have just about been intended as a joke mate
  23. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1335444029' post='1631198'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU4GXgaCFTI[/media] That's strange, because i've never really liked their singles, but they've improved massively with their new vocalist Marc, a much better and more mature sound. Liam [/quote] A Dragonforce song less than seven minutes long?! Impossible!
  24. 'We sound much better when we rehearse stoned' Probably because our minds were consequently all on other things ¬¬ Guitarist: 'Have you learned Headbutt by the Kind Blues?' Me: 'No, you didn't tell me to. Have you learnt Riot Squad by Cock Sparrer as you've been saying you would for the last month?' Him: 'Oh no, I'll learn it for next week. Headbutt's easy, just follow what I do. One two three four...'
  25. Rob Calvert's Lucky Leif and the Longships.
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