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Everything posted by the_skezz

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362510835' post='2000558'] * Standard R 'n' B groove * Ooh Baby I got love gravy And I don't mean maybe Ooh Yeah! Gonna foam at the mouth Like a dog with rabies You gonna have my babies, girl Then your norks will go south. Your body so shapely You makin' me capely - But there's no such word as 'capely', ooh yeah. * Continue in similar vein until music business becomes financially and morally bankrupt * - Oh, wait... [/quote] I read this out in the style of Flight of the Conchords 'Business Time' myself.
  2. Heavy metal band Punk band Currently working on songs that sound to me like they have a fair bit of folk influence (think softer Levellers) but which my mate reckons sound like early Nirvana, in which case not the curveball I was hoping for
  3. Nope, I'd fall at the first hurdle as I absolutely refuse to use the word 'baby' in reference to a love interest, which seems to be a prerequisite for just about every pop song.
  4. I've found that more people tend to view you as a failed guitarist if you use a pick rather than fingers - ridiculous assumption of course, but IME it's generally held up. I remember going to an audition a few years back, using fingerstyle to warm up, and the singer saying 'Wow, he's a proper musician!' My last band certainly appreciated my playing - helped by the fact that I could play all the songs on guitar but none of the others could play my basslines.
  5. Worth it if it means no more Chris Brown.
  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1361112674' post='1981179'] \ Who? No, not The Who. Who? [/quote] Y'know, I was watching Leon; The Professional last night and was struck by how much the bloke in that looked like Pete Townshend. Knew it wouldn't end well when he let an underage girl into his apartment. I did intend to contribute seriously to the thread as well but from reading the last page it seems to have gone a bit off the subject
  7. Peaches by the Stranglers always gets approval. Used to throw the riff in at gigs while the guitarist was busy tuning up.
  8. Can't stand Van Halen but his solo stuff's fantastic. Great interview, particularly interested by this collaboration with John 5
  9. > Overrated bassist and the song are crap >>No he isn't and you can't measure the worth of such things >>>Yes he is, you just didn't understand what I said >>>>Your Mother >>>>>NO YOUR MOTHER Well, that's the artist discussion preliminaries done with.
  10. My current feelgood track. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6htI3w_FrU
  11. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1360529624' post='1971941'] Here's something to make you feel old. When the Beatles split up, George Harrison was still only 27!!! [/quote] Something to make you feel young; that's the same age as Bon Scott when he joined AC/DC
  12. Should I ever con an unfortunate, confused lass into marrying me, the band shall be asked to provide nothing but Hawkwind and Stranglers covers. Any guest's request for Sex On Fire shall lead to the bulkiest available instrument being inserted sideways into their rectum, a service for which I shall pay extra. So do the opposite of that
  13. Who?
  14. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360340197' post='1969006'] Uriah Heep Demons and Wizards is one of my favorite albums. I can not defend that opinion. [/quote] Uriah Heep are one of the greatest bands ever and you should never feel shame for enjoying them For me; all the old Burt Bacharach/Hal Davies numbers, due to more than a few corny lyrics. But I'll be damned if they're not some of the most enjoyable/relatable corny lyrics I've heard.
  15. Green Day - there's still quite a lot of their material that I enjoy for the energy or catchiness, but a lot that I've gone off in terms of lyrics. Queen - not knocking them in any way but I just grew tired of them. Slipknot - I liked them a lot but I can't think why. Enjoyable enough but nothing special IMO.
  16. Not the sort of name that'd get me interested to be honest. That said, I've heard a few silly band names that put me off a group initially, but went on to think nothing of it once I saw them live and found they were good bands.
  17. I said to the niece's recently Cat recently: 'Hello kitty!' Her (three, indignantly): 'S'not a kitty! Tha's [i]Jess[/i]. Tha's a CAT.' I later found out her friend's cat is called 'Kitty' hence the reply
  18. In a band scenario I'm more likely to contribute riffs, but for the last few months I've been working on my own material. Got about six fully recorded sans vocals (I've got lyrics but lack the cojones to hear myself sing) and another dozen fleshed out that just need getting down. Whether or not they're actually decent remains to be seen
  19. Stranglers' Black and White in terms of agression on the instrument, and the Leveller's Levelling the Land when it comes to laying down a groove.
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1359826541' post='1960877'] the opposite. There have been several bands I auditioned for, who looked like they were gonna be successful (signed, name management, lotsa press etc) but after not getting the gig they all seemed to split up soon after. [/quote] So you jinxed them by auditioning?
  21. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1359788761' post='1960285'] Maybe the youth of today are a bit less violent? [/quote] Or a bit more lazy
  22. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1359650887' post='1958267'] I'll probably get shot down for this, but I'll say it anyway: There are more players out there who misuse a high C to draw attention to themselves than there are players who use it sensibly and to serve the song. That's certainly been my experience at least. But I'm a neanderthal. Only 4 strings, and preferably not even any frets. [/quote] I can see where you're coming from - I do get sceptical when I see a bassist taking a six string onstage, due to memories of all the metalheads I started out gigging with who'd play them either to make themselves look more impressive or so that they could live up to their history as failed guitarists by playing the next closest thing. I know I shouldn't tar other people with the same brush - there are plenty of players out there who do a grand job with them - but it's gut instinct by this point sadly. If they use it sensibly I'll watch them play all night.
  23. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1359656560' post='1958409'] I have just started trying to learn to play keys a little. Tommy Mars is greatly inspiring me, and I'm making a little progress with Gymnopedie 1 [/quote] Had to google to check who Tommy Mars was - after listening to him play, I've gotta agree. Talented geezer.
  24. Keyboards for me - especially after seeing Rod Argent play. Pulls off some amazing lines and makes it look so damn easy. Whereas every time I sit down at a keyboard I hunch over it with a maniacal look of glee in my eyes before hammering out the melody to Feed the World.
  25. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1359582953' post='1957182'] A gig or a fish-filleting in Grimsby? Difficult decision. [/quote] It was cleaning a pub for about fifty quid on top of the usual wage, I wasn't complaining
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