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Everything posted by the_skezz

  1. I get an uncomfortable itch if I ever step outside General Discussion or Off Topic Truth be told, I rarely check the gig secton, as I could do with saving money rather than going on nights out. The occasions when I do plan to go out something else always seems to come up - I remember telling one basschatter a few months ago that I'd head to one of his gigs only to be asked the night before if I could work down in Grimsby that night.
  2. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1359579512' post='1957071'] A Queensryche song like I Dont Believe in Love or maybe Breaking the Silence from Operation Mindcrime. Or maybe something from Empire. Eddie Jackson is my all time fave bass player mainly because of those 2 albums - what a gritty tone! [/quote] Got to agree - always wanted to play a Queensryche number back when I was in a metal band, but never came to fruition as none of the blokes in the band ever bothered to listen to them and see what terrific songs they wrote I'd have gone with something off the first EP, like Nightrider - the Mindcrime material's easily my favourite of theirs, but IMO works best when the album's played in full. Always wanted to play One Way by the Levellers as well, but can't see myself ever being in the right band for it. Shame, as it's an amazing song.
  3. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1359498613' post='1955899'] +1. I didn't say I didn't like it; I thought it was actually alright, just nothing special. [/quote] Sorry man, didn't see yours and Chris' responses till after I'd finished typing
  4. I'm the only one who liked it then? Nothing special, but enjoyable enough IMO. Might sound like any other given 80s thrash song but since I love that era of metal I'm not complaining. EDIT: Chris summed it up better than I could.
  5. Worked with one female singer before - certainly brought a lot of attention to the band (particularly from blokes), despite having some dire timing issues (we'd be on the verse of any given song and she'd still be halfway through the chorus). Nice girl though, and had a decent voice.
  6. Binary solos! 0000001 00001111 00011011 0001001 *May not be an accurate tab
  7. Seen Turner and Powell's WAs, both brilliant.
  8. Plenty of kids I know round here who're trying to get into the business of promoting (I say kids, they're all about one or two years younger than me). Every single one of these seems to think that the extent of promoting involves setting up an event on facebook and telling a few of their mates to come along to the gig, which nine times out of ten features the same couple of bands they had playing there the week before. And then taking the majority of the entrance fee. Sod that. If I get a band together again, I'd rather set up my own gigs. Not much to do with the OP (and yes, it is bloody cheeky of the promoter in question) but while we're all sharing promotre stories
  9. Does anyone really expect anything else from an amp with 'ASH' in the first half of its brand name?
  10. I stopped using my first tuner after it led me to snap an E-string trying to get it in tune (early days of playing, underestimated how much tension it could take). Do it by ear now then use a tuner if I'm not entirely sure it's spot on.
  11. 'Random' Jon Poole. Had some nice lines on Ginger Wildheart's recent albums and his recent solo album had some great bass playing on it as well.
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1358256973' post='1935662'] I would rather crash my car than listen to Nickelback, 4real. This is the most dangerous track on my USB sticks though. Thankfully it's very short: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfrQ8ZutmLE[/media] [/quote] The Dead Milkmen are a bad influence at the best of times. I remember walking home drunk a few years back and ended up chasing a badger up the road while singing 'The Badger Song' Poor thing...and poorer me if it had gotten annoyed and come back at me!
  13. No Slayer? V. poor effort, must try harder!
  14. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1358185018' post='1934486'] [url="http://www.victorwooten.com/labs.html"]http://www.victorwooten.com/labs.html[/url] Here you go. There are a couple of cool little things there. [/quote] Lovely, cheers for that, some excellent tools there. That's my night sorted
  15. And there I was thinking my last band did well having four tracks in two weeks Keep it up!
  16. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1358179694' post='1934348'] There is a similar thing on Victor Wootens website where it shows you a note and you 'play' it on a bass neck [/quote] Sounds great, any chance you could link that please Doddy? Having a look through the site and can't seem to find it - probably just me being thick
  17. the_skezz


    [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1357892909' post='1930016'] [i][i][/i][/i] [/quote] Love it
  18. That bass tone is fantastic! Brilliant stuff, loving the vocals too.
  19. Socks duly blown off. I know where my money's going come payday.
  20. For one, I actually sat down and starting looking into some theory today. The punk rocker who first came to this site would not approve!
  21. Love it musically and lyrically - can't say I'm massive on how his voice sounds on it, but then I thought that about his vocals on the early material till they grew on me, so who knows. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album.
  22. I stopped illegally downloading about two years ago, mainly because I prefer to have a physical copy of a CD - something more personal about it than an file on a computer. If I want to listen to a track I don't have, like if I'm learning it, I'll listen on youtube - if I want the priviledge of owning it and having it on my Walkman, I'll buy it. I hear all sorts of people say they'll buy something from a band if they like the download, but most of the time that's bull - I know people with a band's entire discography on their computer who haven't put a penny towards the group. It doesn't bother me if they pay or not, but it annoys me that they use such a flimsy excuse to justify it.
  23. Having a couple's come in useful. Lent one to a mate who's got an interest in learning it, when I've been in bands I've left one round the practise space to make travelling easier (always been at another band member's house and I make sure it's alright with them first) got my Precision for recording and another one I'm intending to do up (read: get working). But yeah, could definately function with just one, and it'd mean I might be able to move about the bedroom again.
  24. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1356348464' post='1909339'] Hawkwind - Motorhead (yes I did say Hawkwind) ... check it out here [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p02-77XI1Gs[/media] [/quote] Good choice, I always prefered the bass tone on the Hawkwind version. I seem to remember another version they did that was identical except for Dave Brock on vocals (which I prefered) though sadly missing that awesome violin solo.
  25. The Magnificent Seven - The Clash WMA - Pearl Jam (same three notes all the way through but works perfectly) The Body Electric - Rush Toiler on the Sea...nah, scratch that, Baroque Bordello...on second thoughts, Another Camden Afternoon...maybe Freddie Laker...or possibly Do You Wanna/Death and Night and Blood...sod it, just insert any JJ Burnel Stranglers/solo basslines here.
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