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Everything posted by mrdreadful

  1. This still a thing? All gone a bit quiet
  2. Blew the dust off my account just for this thread! My dream bass would be lightweight Jaguar-style ash body with walnut top, maple neck, purpleheart fretboard with pearl blocks and white binding, 4 string 30" scale, nickel hipshot hardware and narrow string spacing, single guitar-sized humbucker in 'sweet spot' (Dunable Baphomet or similar), single volume, no tone, passive electronics
  3. Watched the documentary as I've liked Cream from an early age (my dad ensured that my musical education was excellent). I get the comments about what a total bastard Baker appears to be, but I actually feel sorry for him because it's clear that the only time he is really happy and at ease with the world is when he's behind a drumkit and however fantastic a drummer you may be that's a really sad way to live.
  4. And I'd just like to thank ped and discreet for responding to my post constructively, which is more than I can say for the other two. I posted my opinion, if I was complaining I would have framed it as such.
  5. I've got to admit I have decided against trying to sell something on here because of the fee and finding out the set up is busted makes me less likely to consider it in future. I understand why the fee is requested, but if I don't sell the thing I'm trying to sell I actually lose money, and if I do sell it I'm still effectively £7 down.
  6. Nine of Swords Altar. It goes from slight grit to full on buzzsaw so is pretty versatile. I would assume it works well with active basses as I use an EQ pedal before it to boost the signal from low output basses and that works fine. It's £50, which considering it's hand made is bloody good. I definitely get enough mids (but then I boost mids at the amp anyway), and it's about the same size as EHX 'micro' pedals. (Little Big Muff, etc)
  7. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1431000081' post='2766712'] I detest band names with profanity in them (that Anal C bunch being a a prime example). Trying faaar too hard to be controversial. "Look at us, we're being rude! *snigger*". Oh, grow up. [/quote] That was kind of the point of A.C.
  8. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1428862287' post='2745411'] Wasn't that Johnny Rotten's trick? [/quote] No, I think that was just how he sang... *drum fill*
  9. Latest addition to my fuzz family and my second Nine of Swords pedal. The Altar is designed to retain bottom end without being muddy and it does the job admirably. [color=#00ff00][/color] Tested using Probass Jazz copy into Ampeg BA115. Terror and despair and I expect the neighbours to come over and complain about their pictures falling off the walls.
  10. So, basically, it's group socialising... which is HORRIBLE anyway and to be avoided at all costs. Seriously though, if people enjoy it then good for them... I was mainly curious as kept seeing posts advertising them but the Events forum doesn't have any information either as a sticky or in the OPs of the threads. It's just sort of assumed people would know what to expect.
  11. What the title says. What does one of these things entail? The only image my mind conjures up is a load of guys sat in a circle with their gear playing at each other which, to be honest, sounds a bit sh*te.
  12. "Dixie" Dave Collins from Weedeater is known for puking during gigs without missing a note. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYPyVDb75xc"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lYPyVDb75xc[/url]
  13. Bought an Ampeg BA115 combo from Ian. Good comms and complete honesty about the condition of the thing. Reasonably local so would deal again.
  14. I would imagine it quite likely that pre-binding/pre-routing most Epi bodies are made the same as it'll be cheaper to do all the same basic shape in bulk and then route, paint, etc. as required.
  15. Subscribing as relevant to my interests.
  16. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1421318132' post='2659703'] So, like an Ibanez ATK bridge but for a Jazz pickup then? [/quote] YES! I did think of using something like an ATK bridge and having an MM/humbucker at the bridge, but at that point I'd've routed out the stuff I want covered so it would be kind of pointless.
  17. Worth a look... prices start at £100 plus VAT, but I wouldn't expect to pay less than that for such a specialised bridge anyway.
  18. Hello all! Long time no visit... I've picked up parts for a bitsa P/J project, but the bridge pickup cavity has been somewhat abused by previous owners. One option is strip and repair and refinish, but the rest of the finish is pretty sound so I'd rather not. So I was wondering if there's such a thing as a bass bridge with an extended base plate that has a slot for a J pickup? Kind of like a Tele bridge but for a jazz bass. Otherwise is there anywhere UK-based who does pickup rings for J pickups? They do exist, but seem to be made from unobtanium.
  19. "That way, you can still be part of the performance in [b][i]a song that simply doesn't need a bass[/i][/b]." I do not understand.
  20. Bump - this is currently still up for grabs.
  21. Late 60s/early 70s Columbus EB-3 copy. Good condition, has new switch and nut. Neck needs shimming but can do that easily enough. Have added a thumb rest. Never use it, but figure someone might. Swindon. Can deliver within 50 miles. Couriered will cost extra. Trades considered. Free tea and cake if you come and collect!
  22. I think stacked pots tend to both be the same taper so if you get audio/log you should be fine.
  23. eBay. Just make sure you get measurements off the seller (like what I keep forgetting to do).
  24. Experimental drilling has already been done and I have not struck a rich seam of pure truss rod!
  25. The truss rod nut is at the other end. Getting the pocket lengthened is reliant on other people getting around to doing it as I have neither the tools nor expertise.
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