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Everything posted by mrdreadful

  1. In[i] your[/i] end-o!
  2. Shouldn't this be in the 'Other Instruments' section as it doesn't involve bass?
  3. Cool thanks... I imagine a series switch will go in sooner or later regardless of what I do with the coil tapping.
  4. Being able to get rid of all the lows will come in handy if I decide to start a trve kvlt misanthropic black metal band.
  5. Yeah, a mod similar to yours would probably be the best starting point. If nothing else I won't have to spend any money on it!
  6. Found a load of wiring diagrams... so many options, so many ideas. 2 vol, 2 tone (concentric), 2 variable tap pots, mini toggle for series/parallel... all the different tones ever... I suspect I might just be overcomplicating things though.
  7. Cool. Worth investigating as an option then. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1326198006' post='1493558'] I Just fiddle with it until I find a sweet spot. [/quote] As the actress said to the bishop...
  8. With variable coil taps are the differences between the two coils really that noticable? Or am I thinking of something else? Having had a look on the internet variable coil tap seems to be using a pot to vary between full humbucker and single coil, whereas I thought it was the one where you have a switch that lets you choose which coil you use when tapped.
  9. Hi everybody! At some point I'm going to add coil taps to my Retrovibe RV4 (two MM style humbuckers) to widen the range of tones I can get out of the thing. However, I've also seen a load of wiring kits - intended for Les Pauls and similar but with the right options and stuff to work in this bass - which feature series/parallel and reverse phase switching too. I've only done basic circuits so far and have no idea whether series/parallel and reverse phase would be worth it. Tempted to just work on the "more is more" principle and try it anyway, the worst that could happen is I hate it and decide to put regular pots back in for the tone controls, but thought I'd ask for advice from people more in the know than I am.
  10. mrdreadful

    Guitar Porn

    More Readers' Wives than decent porn, but here's my rebuilt Ibanez EX-140. Old pic, it does have strings now! [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34452882@N05/5400619586/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34452882@N05/5400619586/"]Ibanez EX140 - New Pickups and Bridge Installed[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/34452882@N05/"]Mr. Dreadful[/url], on Flickr
  11. Somewhat disconsolate bump. Getting fed up of trying to sell this thing.
  12. Nah, circular arguments are way more productive...
  13. I suspect the selfish axe-swinging "rilly rilly ree" image is a perfect example of a minority of bad 'uns getting the majority of the attention.
  14. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1325760458' post='1487094'] All because some people couldnt be bothered looking for a guitar forum from the two million out there that already exsist. [/quote] I have, I'm sure others have too. That's quite a big assumption to make really and exactly the sort of comment that makes threads degenerate in to a huge row. To reiterate an earlier point, I have yet to find a guitar forum that fulfils all the following criteria: UK-centric, not aimed at a specific type of guitar, independant (i.e. not owned by a guitar/hardware/pickup manufacturer).
  15. So get someone else to do the work... (that's not me voluteering, I'm too busy with h2g2.com and I wouldn't know where to start anyway)
  16. What Leftybassman said. The thing is there *are* guitar fora out there, but I've yet to find one that fulfils the criteria of being UK-centric, not belonging to a particular company, and not being devoted to a particular type of guitar. Is there any reason why there can't be Guitarchat.co.uk running alongside this one. Separate forum, same servers?
  17. Had the option of taking a Thunder 1A or a Jazz copy off Mr. Foxen once. Went for the Jazz. It's a fine bass and has series/parallel switching so is reasonably versatile but most days I can't help but wish I'd gone for the Westone.
  18. Well, no, it wouldn't be the same size on account of having to be wider to accommodate the extra string. To convert a 4 string to a 5 string would probably be more expense and effort than the end result would be worth; you'd need to re-route the neck pocket, and get a new pickup (more routing) and make sure the whole thing is properly aligned.
  19. The Squier VM Jaguar bass comes in a short scale model.
  20. Current price is £250 (which is as low as it's likely to get. Might consider haggling with people who are willing to come and collect). Postage depends on where it's going really.
  21. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1324693757' post='1477181'] Making the most of not having to consider the spousal approval factor while I can. [/quote] This is exactly why I wish I'd got properly into buying gear before settling down. Although I will always claim basically being [i]told [/i]to buy the Retrovibe RV4 as a huge victory,
  22. Hm... barrowload of cash, guaranteed capacity crowd every gig, own sound guy, own roadies, free dinner, free beer, unlimited gear budget... Yep, those are about the circumstances in which I'd allow a venue to tell me what to do.
  23. I did not watch any of this and I most certainly did not enjoy it immensely.
  24. Basically what Mr. Foxen said... I've been messing around with the crossover on mine and there was a whole lot of shaking going on. If I had the money I'd be all over this because what's better than having one Firebass head? Having two Firebass heads!
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