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Everything posted by Muppet

  1. That's the summary guidance. The detailed guidance is slightly different and is as follows Objective: To maintain social distancing when providing entertainment within or outside restaurants, pubs, bars and similar venues that serve food or drink. At this time, venues should not permit live performances, including drama, comedy and music, to take place in front of a live audience.
  2. It's clear from your photo that the problem is that there are four wires across the top holding it in place.......😂 Seriously, could there be foam under the pickup like Fenders? If so it could be glued in place. Is there any room around the edge to slip a thin wedge in and lever it out? I noted there was some paint chips around the pup already maybe someone's already tried to lever it out previously?
  3. Check the links I posted earlier for the actual Govt advice. I'm drawing my conclusions from them rather than the Daily Mail's interpretation!
  4. Headline advice is here for the 'visitor' economy. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19/the-visitor-economy#shops-4-1 The document for pubs is here. Section 4.5 covers Entertainment https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5eb96e8e86650c278b077616/Keeping-workers-and-customers-safe-during-covid-19-restaurants-pubs-bars-takeaways-230620.pdf
  5. looking at the published guidance/rules "At this time, venues should not permit indoor performances, including drama, comedy and music, to take place in front of a live audience." So gigs inside should not happen. "Venues should not permit indoor performances, including drama, comedy and music, to take place in front of a live audience. This is important to mitigate the risks of aerosol transmission - from either the performer(s) or their audience. There will be further guidance setting out how performing arts activity can be managed safely in other settings, for instance rehearsing or broadcast without an audience. There is an additional risk of infection in environments where you or others are singing, chanting, shouting or conversing loudly. This applies even if others are at a distance to you. You should therefore avoid environments that require you to raise your voice to communicate with anyone outside your household. All venues should ensure that steps are taken to avoid people needing to unduly raise their voices to each other. This includes - but is not limited to - refraining from playing music or broadcasts that may encourage shouting, including if played at a volume that makes normal conversation difficult. " Gigs outside? Not specifically mentioned but seems unlikely. Further guidance expected for 'rehearsals'.
  6. ...and you'd probably not make that back including them in the sale would you? If you sold them separately you could make up some of the loss vs a standard Ray?
  7. I reckon you'd get more interest by putting it back to standard, advertising it as a Ray 5 and offering the option of the modifications on top. Ultimately the only permanent modification is (hidden) split coil routing?
  8. That's a really good point. It could be the lacquer has lifted and flaked off where it's been applied over the decal as it's not taken properly.
  9. Another vote for the ACS plugs. I used the same moulds that were taken when I got my IEMs done.
  10. Those tuner bushes look mangled and the truss rod adjustment is at the headstock which would fit with a Traditional model. No idea why the decals are rubbed off in those places...The Fender logo looks legit but better photos would help.
  11. Have you got any more photos? Straight on headstock front and back, full body etc? You've only provide two that are a bit abstract, but..... Looks like an American Traditional to me. It was a sort of budget American model halfway between an Mexican and USA model at the time. The tuners will look like mexican ones if so. I think these Jazzes came with one piece pickguard and stratocaster type knobs originally...
  12. What options are you selecting on their website? You need to select "package or suitcase" when getting a quote rather than " non-standard". It's confusing because it tells you to use non standard for musical instruments. I've used them a couple of times and DPD have been used as the courier, which I'm happy about as I find them the best.
  13. In that case make sure you are safe during your gig!
  14. It's a big supermarket chain. We have to queue up, 2 metres apart, to be allowed in to do our grocery shopping.....
  15. Will you have to queue up outside?
  16. Well we have outdoor slot booked for 4th July - very big beer garden with semi permanent large covered stage. @steantval you'll know the place, The Black Horse in Elton.... Actually playing the gig won't be an issue, and for punters there is a huge amount of room outside. The tricky bit for us I think will be the loading in and out and the setup and take down. We're doing our 'risk assessment' on Thursday to decide if it is worth it.
  17. Oil won't do it any harm - a small dose of mineral oil will help and restore the look of dry wood. It won't do much for the roughness though. I use this bore oil, designed for woodwind instruments.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alisyn-Conditioner-Woodwind-Protect-Condition/dp/B007PDSK84
  18. Are the volume and tone pots tight on the pickguard? They could have twisted and you have a bad contact. Might be worthwhile having a look under the pickguard to see if there is anything obviously wrong. To be honest, assuming the pickups are healthy, there ain't a great deal to go wrong
  19. I'd imagine a standard (non vintage) 13 hole Fender or Fender copy would fit? WD Music have these - although they do have the heel truss rod adjuster cutout. And it's pricey. But quality. https://www.wdmusic.co.uk/pickguards-c62/fender-basses-c111/precision-bass-american-professional-4-string-c381/wd-music-fender-4-string-american-professional-precison-bass-tortoise-shell-mint-green-lamination-p13708
  20. So, in a strange turn of events I picked up a Candy Apple Red Cabronita recently. I had previous experience of these pickups in a Coronado and wasn't impressed but in this bass I really like it. I'm assuming the Coronado semi hollow style was more of a factor than I thought. The fidelitron pickup is adjustable in overall height and also has adjustable pole pieces too. I set the pole pieces low in the pickup and then adjusted the pickup height to around 5/32" from top of pole piece to underside of string. I don't get any farty noise - I find it quite similar to a Precision. @ubit have you tried adjusting the pole pieces individually? Set low, I find they are more low middy, but raised up (with an appropriate reduction in pickup body height) they are brighter.
  21. The official address format in the UK is very standard - it's residents who overly complicate the address by including additional (mostly superfluous) components, as you've clearly already found out!!
  22. Fender did it with the dimension bass - it was 9.5" to 14". Lovely neck to play.
  23. Does toggling this option help?
  24. I use Transferwise all the time, it’s really good. The more recent reviews of Eurosender have been variable to be honest and the discount is next to nothing.
  25. And a couple more pics from a different AVRI 62. This one is also sunburst and the same code as yours. I reckon you can be pretty confident you have a AVRI 62. It's just that neck plate issue that's a bit of a spoiler.......
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