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Everything posted by Muppet

  1. Chris are you prepared to buy new? if so then [url="http://www.musicstore.de/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/MusicStore-MusicStoreShop-Site/en_EN/-/EUR/ViewProductDetail-Start;pgid=?SKU=BAS0002017-000&ProductUUID=0&JumpTo=OfferList"]here[/url] is a great bet. Steve
  2. Muppet


    I've never seen on in white with black binding. I much prefer it over the black - very very sophisticated. Excellent.
  3. I'm also recommending the Lakland DJ. Best Jazz that I've ever owned. BUT, if that's too expensive, the next best is the Japanese 75 reissue in my opinion which is superb.
  4. Your amp ain't gonna do loud like a 35w guitar amp is going to do loud. I had a 35B and it just doesn't do it - it's a practice amp after all. It'll only go as loud as it's going to go - then you need a bigger powered amp, either a bass amp or PA. There's no real way around it as all you will end up doing is overdriving the input stage of your amp and getting a real nasty sound. Then it'll go bang.
  5. Automotive products generally work, but they are designed for removing oxidised lacquer and paint so I'd not use them too often as they do actually remove a fine layer. Saying that, there is a product in a tube called scratch remover or similar, that works very well - found in Halfords. Guitar polish is quite good also and Fender do a 'swirl remover' product by Meguiars that they claim does the trick, though I've yet to try it.
  6. is it an NC or a RS combo?
  7. Top answer there Pete!
  8. erm, best value for money cables are those purposely built by our very own OBBM on here. Take a look at his feedback thread. Seeing the quality of Dave's cables will not make you rush out and spend £88 on a monster cable, that's for sure. Watch the +1s stack up on this thread.
  9. I'm sure someone had a very similar situation with a US ebay dealer recently (over a refinish of a vintage Jazz I believe) - remember there were a couple of protest ebay auctions as a result. I wonder if it could the same dealer? FWIW I think the stance Chris has taken is excellent and truly representative of the BW community. He's not legally obliged to act in this way which makes it all the more laudable.
  10. Muppet

    Single or Multi

    I use the Toneworks AX3000B for my covers band where a number of different sounds are needed. I find that it is excellent. It is easy to use and easy to get the sound you are after. It's also pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things.
  11. Third in the list. Heading for fifth.
  12. Erm, if you want to deaden the sound of new strings, why are you changing them in the first place? Maybe choose strings that are not so bright to start with? Vaseline is petroleum based, so I'm really not sure what sort of effect that might have on finishes etc. but I can't imagine it would be good, otherwise we'd all be using it.
  13. All over mate. Covers band normally plays from Huntingdon up to and around Peterborough, but the Brackets - we'll play anywhere. In Cambridge it's the regular places, The Moon, Portland, Loft, but lots in Peterborough and beyond. Jakobi rings a bell but not a very loud one! Lonestar - I reckon they have loads of bass players! Been up at Wyton tonight infact with them. I'll mention you to them next week.
  14. You've ditched the bass and taken up playing a cathedral organ...? Close I must be, c'mon...
  15. Interesting to pan the bass. I was always taught bass and kick drum down the centre. Not that there's anything wrong with breaking from tradition!
  16. OK I know you posted your thread first
  17. Same one ! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3207&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3207&hl=[/url]
  18. In a live situation I always boost my high mids for my Precisons with SD QPs and cut a little on the low mids
  19. Can you connect it to itunes or other music libraries on your PC to update it with music, and can you drop the bass sounds out (like the Tascam) to play over the top of existing tracks?
  20. What sort of battery life are people getting? I'm experiencing about 5-6 hours for a Sennheiser system which I'm not overly pleased about but no idea if this is normal...
  21. I'd have it if I could get to Manchester!!
  22. [quote name='ped' post='33941' date='Jul 19 2007, 12:52 AM']It is difficult to advise with action and setup without knowing where you started from and without having a look. Where are you from? I am sure there will be a local Basschatter who will be willing to look at it for you. Ped[/quote] I think Brandon's in the States, Ped. Somewhere like Michigan or Montana or somewhere beginning with M (apologies as I have forgotten) Brandon, your fingerboard is curved not flat, so the middle two strings are quite likely to be raised higher than the outer two to follow the curve. This is quite normal. If you set all your strings to the same height and are setting the E and G strings first, I'm not surprised the A and the D are buzzing. Try raising them so that the distance from the BOTTOM of the string to the TOP of the 17th fret is the same on all strings and then make minor adjustments from there. Steve
  23. Three bands Rich, The Brackets out of Peterborough, Burlesque (!) out of Huntingdon and Bottled Out sort of Cambridge/St Ives based. I'm not at home a lot
  24. [quote name='lonestar' post='33335' date='Jul 17 2007, 10:52 PM']I'm amazed the lockup is still going We used it years ago and it was a tip then. Loads of stories of nicked car hi fi and dodgy substances being dealt in thr car park. Allegedly! Cambridge centre is a sad place for rehearsal spaces. There used to be a small place called Flightpath studios on newmarket Road and that's about it I'm afraid. I've also used the place mentioned above near RAF whyton in the back of beyond; converted packing case type rooms but still better than the lockup. PA and drums quite good. we also used a place called The Warehouse in fulbourn. i now live in saffron Walden and rehearse with my band in either Harlow or Chelmsford. sorry I don't know of anywhere else Good luck![/quote] Yup we use the place in Wyton occasionally too - it's handy as it's central for us, but a bit out of the way for you guys. Have you tried The Portland and Man in the Moon for nights when they've not got bands on?
  25. [quote name='wizbat' post='33194' date='Jul 17 2007, 06:41 PM']Cheers fror that! all logged on and stuff[/quote] Excellent - there are often a few drummers on there!
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