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Posts posted by Muppet

  1. Two basses
    One 6x10 cab
    Two amp heads
    DI box connected with lead
    Spare cables
    Spare speaker leads
    Spare fuses
    Spare batteries
    Tool box with usual stuff (screwdrivers, soldering iron allen keys etc)
    Pedal board or multiFX
    Spare patch leads
    Spare 9v PSU
    Change of clothes
    Roadie gloves
    A plan in case things go wrong.

    I have a spare for almost every eventuality AND importantly either have the backups plugged in or ready cabled or ready to be used. No point having a backup if it's in the car or not tuned or still in its case. Overkill in 99% of cases but when it comes to interrupting someones wedding music to sort out kit that's failed when they've paid you a fair lump of cash that interruption should be a bare minimum.

  2. [quote name='bassboy115' post='26726' date='Jul 3 2007, 09:26 PM']Maybe booking out a pub with a field so we can camp... With all the different equipment people own on here im sure we could get together a bit of a marquee and stage/lights etc....

    This may sound a bit of a crap idea...but its just an idea[/quote]

    Perfectly feasible and camping is a good idea, though you need to consider whether venues have Entertainment licences etc, or whether you apply for a temporary one (covering IIRC up to 500 people) etc. All perfectly possible though.

  3. I think London has only been suggested as an example as it is where Fuink is from. It could just as well be Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Newcastle, whatever.

    Unless someone can back the whole thing financially then it has to be self funding by the bands. I guess you wouldn't have to bring 20 people but that way it would end up being cost neutral for you.

    It's fine saying " I'd like to play a gig in London (or wherever) that's well attended but I can't contribute anything financially towards it" but wouldn't we all. Anyway, it's all speculative at this point and would be something that needed to be adressed if it goes further.

  4. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='26559' date='Jul 3 2007, 03:59 PM']I seem to recall it being losely based on my board at the time when I had 19 pedals on a Pedaltrain Pro[/quote]

    I think you may be right - at the same time I also think we were debating the pros and cons of LS2s ....

  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='26428' date='Jul 3 2007, 11:53 AM']It wouldn't quite be 'pay to play' if the bands put up the money to hire the venue 'cos then they'd be keeping any / all profits.

    I do think that for it to be a 'festival', it should cover an entire weekend. Friday afternoon - Sunday night.[/quote]

    Sure I realise that - I was just playing Devil's Advocate. If possible it would be better if bands didn't have to stump up, up front, but it's the only way I can see it working. The bands would then have a vested interest in securing a decent crowd, but would also be more in control of finances.

    I like the whole weekend idea - maybe Friday evening start though?

  6. From a promotion point of view I think you have to keep 'Bass' out of the equation, otherwise it'll be seen as too specialist, so what's it in aid of? Charidee? Public Holiday? A day without rain?

    Bands could be responsible for bringing an audience as Funk suggests. My band for example could guarantee at least 20 paying punters to London. A bill of ten bands throughout the day gives you 200 punters and that's without band members and Basschatters. The point here is that we could more or less guarantee our audience without having to pull punters from 'outisde' which, as we all know, is difficult.

    If you can get bands to commit to bringing a following, in principle, you have an idea of the size of venue needed, an estimated income and the bare bones of a bill.

    As Kiwi states though, you need someone prepared to fund upfront at risk, unless bands on the bill accept this responsibility jointly. This, however, harks back to 'pay to play....'


  7. [quote name='elliotminor' post='26208' date='Jul 2 2007, 08:25 PM']hey,

    does anyone know where I can get a 'skid' or something similar, like the stuff they use at festivals?


    What's a skid?

    ps - heard your stuff on Radio 1 the other day - really cool, nice one.

  8. [quote name='Musky' post='25559' date='Jul 1 2007, 11:43 AM']To be fair, most of those suggestions are just simple basslines - which doesn't make them crap per se. A crap bassline IMHO is one that actually detracts from a song.

    Something that Mark King has been guilty of at times.[/quote]

    I agree, or is badly put together and does not fit the song. I think the Waterfront bassline, whilst able to be played by virtually any farmyard animal, makes the song. The ame with some of the other suggestions here. We're mixing up 'bad basslines' with 'basslines that are not complex or that are boring to play'.....

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