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About hogman

  • Birthday August 4

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Rookie (2/14)


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  1. I am currently having a veritable nightmare with my nemesis 2x10 and 1x15 cabs, there humble speakers dying, granted they have had a hard life. Got manufacturers replacement speakers that were both replaced by myself I am more than qualified to do this, I ran them in at low volume for 72 hours as I do with all my drivers. They have had very little hard use (compared to what they used to get I was gigging between 3 and 5 nights a week and out 4 - 5 a month now) and suffered no real abuse, I use an Ampeg SVT 3 and have since I bought the cabs. The speakers looked the same but are obviously not. Could you suggest a better quality speaker for the cabs (Eden Nemesis). To say I am disappointed is an understatement. The cabs have served me well for over about years ( being fed a diet from punk rock to Jazz and experimental playing) and I have replaced the 10's but not the 15 and was hoping to get a lot more out of them than 7 Months. Not to bothered about price n drivers is what I am after the cabs are a great size. The horns are a bit shouty. Any help would be ace!
  2. Just a nice one. I have just purchased a Stingray from bassman666 ace transaction like clockwork.. My first one here. Many more to follow. Anybody know what the deal with the 2006 Limited edition its ace and not going anywhere however it does weigh a ton ha ha am a big lad though! Here is a picture of new bass being guarded by my killer cat! Cheers Team Steve H
  3. I will take it. Please... email me info at stevehoggart dot com
  4. Hi A touch confused with price how much for this? Thanks Steve
  5. I charge 17.50 per 50 mins and the students come every 2 weeks however if the student is under 13 you are best of 30 mins a week every week Hope this helps
  6. Inocent exile by iron maiden..... and loadsa bits on land of the midnight sun aldi meola if me rememebrs right anthony jackson jaco n stanley clark 1976 me older cousin had i then got hold of a copy when i was about 17
  7. Lemmy 62
  8. [quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='101869' date='Dec 9 2007, 07:53 PM']I've been playing for almost a year now and through a combination of lack of time to practice/intolerant girlfriend I'm still pretty terrible. However, I think that my main issue is that I don't actually jam with anyone. I feel that I won't actually make any major improvements until I start doing this. However, I almost think its unfair to inflict my playing on others! I was wondering how long people on here had been playing before they joined a band? Also how long until they actually gigged? What kind of level were you at when you first started playing with others/playing live?[/quote] Started playing in ernest just after my 16th birthday then got my first regular gig a couple of months later when i learnt some more open chords... Started gigging when I was 15 though not many about 15 -20 strumming acoustic in a country band. Swaped to bass at 18 best thing I have ever done..... Last count done over 3600 gigs approx
  9. Mister Jeffs dvd has landed. In this he explained his views on metronomes. Quite intresting as he basically says lear your stuff without one. The when you are a mega god use one to see if your playing is pushing or pulling. It was quite good actually some diffrent views on stuff and he is proper passionate about music education.
  10. As I am mister vand driver and PA sorter outerer... I wont include that dribble. 2 x bass in one double case. (case has a rip in it inside which is a ball ache) 1 x 6 rack with a 2 u rack drawer to put my crap in. 1x15 cab Eden Nemessis filled full ogf heluim. Great buy lets see how long it will last cos a girl can lift these babies 1 2x10 Eden Nemessis also filled full of helium. 2 trips to van
  11. I dont mind really if they know what they are doing well to be honest even if they dont I tend yo give them a bit of a hand sorting out a sound. Took me a while to sort my sound out with my Ampeg so I know where evrything lives and I ussually have a fiddle when our set has kicked of saying that I dont fiddle much and the outfront guy will be supplied with a pre eq DI for him to balls up my sound. Most kids love it that there going through an Ampeg and they respect my wishes also I am 6ft 6 and 21 stone ha ha..... Charity Gigs I take my DI and thats it last one there were no sound checks and twas real fun but hey its a charity gig and its about the cause and having fun an enjoying your rider....
  12. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='100152' date='Dec 6 2007, 12:48 PM']Potentially controversial, I know, but I just don't have any empathy towards amplification at all. I have a lovely collection of instruments. And I have some things I plug them into. They're made by people who know what they're doing (Trace/Hartke/Ampeg/QSC/Peavey) but the things fill me with no joy at all, to the extent that I'd consider amp buying a chore and would be more likely to buy another bass whilst trying amps out. Do I need help? What type of GAS do you specialise in? Basses or Amps? Or are you one of those well-rounded individuals who likes BOTH?! Please relate your experiences![/quote] Both I am as sad with all things bass n that. Had a Marshall jcm 800 bass amp that did me for about 1500 gigs then got nicked I am now the proud owner of an Ampeg svt 3 pro and very nice it is.
  13. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='99049' date='Dec 4 2007, 06:43 PM']no this has been interpreted all wrong put your name here your name goes in a hat in 2 weeks time to be drawn at random you then make a compilation cd of your favourite songs - i don't want to make a basschat compilation of covers or original material, nor do i want to make 1 compilation cd which is then given out/sold/given to charity/whatever send your compilation cd to the person you are drawn with - ie i am drawn with wil and send wil a cd that i have made of songs i like. wil does the same thing and sends it to me. if there's a copyright issue with this and admin aren't happy with it, then i'll sack it off think of it as a now that's what i call music, basschat fans.[/quote] sorry wrong end of stick...... you cant copy and exchange thats naughty and will result in a big bottom kicking by the mcps n big labels n mister bono and good ole lars of metallica fame cos you are infact pinchin tunez and they wont like it.
  14. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='99025' date='Dec 4 2007, 06:06 PM']The copyright issue is probably a valid one, unfortunately. Thats probably going to require everyone to sign a waiver, and we'll have to refuse submission of any cover songs. Why not change it to the Basschat Christmas Jingle CD? Everyone can submit a short 4 line or more verse set to music.[/quote] If its all original material and you/we donate some of the cash to chaarity I doubt any one would mind paying a couple of quid via pay pal for it. I dont mind mastering it ( I have a studio n the like) talk about making a rod for yer own back.... If it all goes to one place with specific release rights for each tune ( I can sort that as well) and some one takes ownership for the product there should be no hassle at all. Just be carefull it does not get out of hand with covers n the like. A CD in a plastic wallet with a4 printed who is who would do the trick. and nock up a myspce thing I am sure someone can add more tunes to the media player.
  15. [quote name='dood' post='98779' date='Dec 4 2007, 01:10 PM']Not you personally Jase, but I'm surprised at the almost Marmite reaction to our little time keeping friends that I am getting off this thread and..well, Mr Berlin amongst others. p.s. i'm a hippy lol lol[/quote] Hi Mister Dood Thats what I was after a good debate keep us all muddling through and get the grey matter working. Hows the dust settled round yer transision to 7 strings and mad low notes? I am also a shuker boy.....
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