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Everything posted by BluRay

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1352576229' post='1864863'] This is just a GAS thread isn't it ;-) [/quote] There's no "just" when it comes to GAS.
  2. Thanks - well I've already got a Ray HH and no complaints at all about that - I love the build, feel and the sound. Especially with the two mid coils selected - which darkens the sound a little for my pick playing (pulls the tone closer to a H ray fingerstyle) I'm just finding it a little [i]too [/i]"MM" for the band I'm in. Can't help feeling that a P bass would suit better - but I'm struggling to concede that I "only" need a passive P bass! Sandberg might be the compromise....(already spent an hour today playing with the configerator on their website!!)
  3. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1352545705' post='1864401'] I owned a California PM4 for a while, and (as with any Sandberg IME) one thing you don't need to worry about I'd it not being gutsy enough! Yes, they can be tamed for jazzy noodling if you so wish, but they do a monster rock sound just great! Snarl, grit, bite, punch whatever you want to call it, it's there. They need to be considered as a PJ on steroids really - you can get a great Duff kinda sound with a pick! The P on its own is perfectly authentic, and when you bypass the pre and use the passive tone control, there's plenty of traditional sounds on offer too. Beats the pants off a USA precision IMO! [/quote] Bugger. I was hoping to be talked out of it. This isn't helping. Its exactly the monster played-with-pick rock sound that I'm after. I'm pretty sure I'd get with a precision. But frankly, a Berg just seems that bit more interesting.. Goddamn GAS Any disadvantages compared to a precision (apart from the price difference)?? Any any thoughts on the PJ vs PM options?
  4. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1352466016' post='1863432'] I'm loving my VM-5, it's not really a P or a MM, i would call it a mix of a super P with a super J, you can hear it's sound on my topic: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/189796-nbd-sandberg-california-vm-5/page__st__20"]http://basschat.co.u...-5/page__st__20[/url] you find the videos on the last posts. Cheers [/quote] Thanks - yes it was your thread that spiked my interest! Bass sounds great in that vid, And it looks a stunner. But I'm wondering if it would be a bit (....gropes for words...) polished for what I'm looking for which requires a more (...gropes for words again...) snarley bitey sound?
  5. This is definately one of those daft questions to which the answer is to "go try one..." I play in a punky rock band with plenty of bass going on. I joined the band in the summer, and I’m not sure that my Ray is quite sitting right in this context. There’s something about that inherent “sproing” sound that is jarring a bit. Actually that’s a bit unfair. I just think I may need slightly more of a conventional P sound, and have new-bass GAS. I’ve been eyeing up the Sandberg California VM4 – which I think looks fantsastic and (theoretically) should be just the job – P/MM blend (I'm thinking mostly P), active/passive etc (I'm thinking active). Some good threads here recently. And I love the configurator thing on their site – which is great fun – and I always come back to the same config too, which is promising. But all the clips/ youtube demos I can find involve some pretty uninspiring jazzy solo noodling (nice!….er not really ) and don’t really give a sense of what this bass might be capable off. Will I be able to get a great big beefy snarly punchy sound out of said bass, or should I stop faffing about and get a P bass? .….and yes I will go try one (!) I’m just collecting some opinions first. Any thoughts....
  6. Excuse the old thread hijack - but I've been eyeing up one of these - Does anyone know how the 2012 FSR precisions compare to 2012 American Standard (which is a quite a bit more expensive in some stores)? Are they "as good", basically the same spec with a nice paint job etc? And are these also USA made? Basically I'm gassing for a P bass and a bit confused by all the fender permutations. I won't be able to try before I buy - so any advice is appreciated. Cheers m'dears
  7. BluRay

    Tuner - Amp

    Hi. The best option is to connect the rear [u]input [/u]of the DTR to the fx send [u]output [/u]on the rear of the ABM. Then you can still use the mute on amp when you want to tune up in silence and all the wires are nicely out of the way.
  8. [quote name='TG Flatline' timestamp='1351845520' post='1856023'] Should probably clarify, I was using ABM 410s and 115s. They are happy to go loud, and on their own sounded fine, but certainly not a "clear" sound once everyone else was playing. I had a far better time when borrowing a 212 Schroeder and with my current BFM cabs. The ABM minis I used to have before the 410 and 115 were ace as a mini solution, but only for backline and they just couldn't kick out enough to be used without PA support. Can't stress enough how ace the ABM head is though! [/quote] Maybe the AMB115 was partly the culprit? I got rid of mine for that reason. The 10s on their own seem to cut through much better.
  9. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1351699745' post='1854375'] The ABM810 is really tempting - I own a big Transit van so moving it is no problem, it's just totally over the top for my needs at the moment! Two 2x10s sounds a lot more manageable, do you stack them tallways then? [/quote] Well I thought I'd stack them on end - got extra feet and everything - but actually they're fine stacked normal way. Stands quite a bit taller than the 410, and feels about 30% louder (I know that's a flawed statement!) Anyhow - there's pics here... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181395-ncd-twin-210s/page__hl__abm+210s__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181395-ncd-twin-210s/page__hl__abm+210s__fromsearch__1[/url]
  10. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1351690068' post='1854185'] Borrowed my mate's big Ashdown rig for a dep last weekend as amp is out of action and absolutely fell in love with the tone! I've never owned any Ashdown gear and had mixed experiences using it on shared/house backline gigs, but this rig was stunning. It was total overkill for the litle pub gig I was playing but the sound when I cranked it up was perfect, so much punch in the mids. It's tempting me to change up my current set up for something simlar - the EVOIII heads seem to go for a reasonable price, but I was wondering if anybody who has experience of the ABM810 and 410 cabs could give me a clue if the smaller cab comes close to delivering the same punch as the 'big rig'. Had grand plans of going small and lightweight but this tone was just perfect, a definite plan-changer. Don't know if I can justify owning a big 810 for the small amount of bass gigging I'm doing at the moment. Looks nice in the living room though. [/quote] To go with my ABM 500, I've used an ABM 810 (borrowed at rehearsals), and own a ABM 410 and 2x ABM 210s. I now use the 2x210 for gigs - works a treat! Although I'd have an 810 if I could carry one, to be honest I cant say I've noticed a tone difference between that and its smaller siblings. Seems to be much the same sound out of different sized boxes!. The 2x210 combination works especially well cos it stands high up and runs at 4Ohm - so gets the most out of the amp. The 410 on its own is noticeably quieter - but still plenty loud enough. Its a heavy bugger tho!
  11. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1350416955' post='1838640'] Hi Guys, Much as I love Roqsolid covers, Im looking at nearly £90 for two rain covers, and it got me to thinking, there must be a clever and cheaper alternative. I've seen cardboard and gaffa tape, Ive seen converted tarps etc.. What are your thoughts? [/quote] If its for the cabs in your sig, I'd get the ashdown covers. They're really well made. Would appear to be about 70 for a set - tho they sometimes come up in the soundslive clearance section for less
  12. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1350975345' post='1845636'] Yeah I read that too. Poor show if they have to test everything that is shipped over from their off-shore manufacturing facility. Is the QC really that bad that they cannot rely on checks done at the factory? [/quote] I think an extra QC check is quite reassuring. These amps are shipped thousands of miles after all. A once-over when they reach blighty seems prudent. If other companys bothered to do that I'm sure I'd have had much less hassle with faulty cars, TVs, washing machines etc.
  13. I know this isn't answering the question - but have you considered getting one of these instead [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Roland-Micro-Cube-R~ID~9478.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Roland-Micro-Cube-R~ID~9478.asp[/url] They are very small, only about 2watts - but increadibly loud, sound great and have some nice effects built in. It will sound much better than a pod through a bass rig. I got one for my 10 year old son and he loves it (especially twiddling with the fx). It will do him for years to come, and he'll easily be able to carry it with him if he wants to jam with anyone later on.
  14. Yeah good for them - a year ago there was nowt but people putting them down. I'd love to try one of these. Value watts tend to be worth more in volume terms right? So would a CTM 300 be much more powerful (louder) than, saym, ABM 500?
  15. I find the MP3 settings are fine for taping rehearsals
  16. probably someone in PRC
  17. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1349465290' post='1826807'] ... not at the same time obviously, that would be completely insane... [/quote] I saw Billy Sheehan play bass and kick drum/hi hat at the same time as part of an insane bass solo. That was quite impressive. I tried it during a band practice and fell over the drum stool, dinging my headstock in the process.
  18. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1349379183' post='1825601'] I agree with Lozz. The MIA P is THE bass. With it, you get a no-questions asked seat at the top table of bass playing. Strap on. Rock. [/quote] see, now you've made me want one. God I wish I wasn't so impressionable - I'd have a lot more cash to spend on other stuff.
  19. Ha! then I will have the semi-cylindrical wavefront of certain doom!
  20. Ta. I think its definately killed the cab GAS for a while!
  21. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1349002525' post='1820475'] if your stacking vertically they might not be any louder but are just closer to your ear so easier to hear. glad the rigs working for you tho dude! need pics tho to or it isn't real! andy [/quote] In the end I just stacked them normally. Ample volume and clarity - and didn't need to-up end them. I guess they stand about a foot taller than my 410 anyhow. Though I might flip them on end next time just to see the difference. Pics to make it real.... [attachment=119731:210.jpg] [attachment=119732:210a.jpg]
  22. Update to say gigged these for the first time last night - noisy punky situation with 2 geeetars and loud drums. full pa. Blimey what a difference over the single 410 in terms of volume. Loads of headroom. I've found myself almost maxed out in rehearsals with the 410, but just needed the volume at around 50-60% with the 2x210s. And didn't put my back out. Well happy.
  23. My first gig with BONES PARK RIDER tonight. Supporting Vice Squad @ Doncaster Hallcross. Its a free gig (a punky sort of thing), so be good to see anyone there. I'll be the one with the blue stingray!
  24. What's the light thing? I want one!
  25. BluRay

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1348702776' post='1817269'] Thanks for that, very useful info! I'm not much of a synth/filter user, but I'm anticipating I may have to use a little for an upcoming project. How does it perform as a DI box for recording? [/quote] When I first got mine a few months ago, I made a very rushed attempt to record something on an ancient 8 track just to see how it came out (see soundcloud link). I've meant to do it again better - with eq suggestions from the guys here - but not go around to it yet due to band projects. But based on that, I think it would take some trial and error to prepare it for a "proper" recording situation - its so versitile that you'd want to spend some quality time with it selecting patches and fiddling with the parameters and blends. I just haven't had the time to get the most out of it yet.
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