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Everything posted by BluRay

  1. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1348489341' post='1814181'] I just love the ABM preamp stage. And I have to admit the 500 is more than loud enough for me into a single BF Compact - so the 1000 would be overkill. However, at less than 10kg it is very tempting. Just need to try before I buy... [/quote] If you don't genuinely need the extra power, its a big cash upgrade for the sake of saving just 4lbs. Think of all that ale you could drink instead. That's how I get through it....
  2. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1348216630' post='1810862'] If its a one knob compressor on an amp (or pretty much anywhere else) avoid it, because so many choices about how you play must have been hardwired (literally) into the design of the thing. Attack time, Release time, threshold or ratio, and make up gain must all be automated (the knob either controls the ratio with a fixed threshold, or the threshold with a fixed ratio, or in some predetermined way manipulates both at the same time - predetermined meaning unsuitable in all cases IME). The chances are very slight that any such compressor will really work well for you. And you are right to think you may be over compressing, how could you tell though, since there is no metering on the useless thing. They are the devils spawn of hell in terms of compressors - especially nastily done ones stuck into amps to make you fiddle about with an inadequate and space/money/time wasting extra knob on your amp. Leave it off if it is in any way less than 100% convincing to you. My advice, don't bother with it, its almost certainly cr4p.... [/quote] Thanks. I dimly suspected it of being the devils spawn of hell, but couldn't quite face the reality. Off it stays.
  3. There's a compressor built in to my amp (ABM 500) which I'm never too sure about. When engaged (with the compressor dial right down to zero), there's a slight dip in volume and it seems to take something away from the (otherwise awesome) tone. Not much - but it flattens it slightly. To resolve it, you haveto crank the dial up to about 1 oclock. The basic tone's then ok, but it feels like it might be over-compressed. The upshot is I can never make my mind up whether I should have no compression (probably best option), a bit (with something lacking) or too much! Because the dial is there it wants to be used. Its like having a button marked "do not press". It makes my head hurt.
  4. Epiphone EB0 might be ok. They go for between 100 and 150 [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/epiphone-eb450-bass-guitar-ebony.html"]http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/epiphone-eb450-bass-guitar-ebony.html[/url] BTW I bought a Ibanez Mikro electric guitar, 6 stringer (I know I know) for my 9 year old son - and he loves it. Its a really nice little guitar, and ideal for him. However I got it from Thonmann and the factory set up was terrible. It was unplayable really. I ended up (in a panic) having to pay to get it sorted locally to avoid birthday dissapointment. I guess Thonmann would have sorted it if I'd had time, but it was just one of those things. The Mikros are great - but you might expect to have to set it up a bit.
  5. Now sold - thanks for looking
  6. Seems Friday is bump day..... Bump
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1347023649' post='1796131'] Im a bit worried about their customer service to be honest...only because of a few horror stories. [/quote] I've used them a few times - they've been fine. Prompt delivery, well packaged etc. They seem to have a good returns policy - tho I've not needed it I've been eyeing up the Sandbergs for a while too. Not sure about the reverse P pup - looks better with it the right (?) way round,. And with J instead of the bucker. And with dots. And rosewood. And matching headstock. hmmm how do I order that???
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1346499812' post='1789921'] Is it possible the label only really want one of the guys and you are the first to go like this? Have you been replaced or has the label 'provided' a bass player for them? [/quote] I had a mate who got signed to a major label years ago. The main part of their contract was for UK distribution and promotion, but there was an "extended licensing option" they were very excited about as it mentioned activities in the USA....at least until it transpired the licensing deal for the USA was to license the entire band! So the name and the songs would all be replicated in the USA using 100% different line up! Needless to say they turned down that option once they twigged the implications. I've no idea how common that was - but I laughed long and hard when I heard about it.
  9. Inspired me to locate this old franken-record....batfish boys mashup of purple haze and another one bites the dust.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz1CGrxDi0Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz1CGrxDi0Y[/url]
  10. Its dreadful. But I like it.
  11. If almost every successful but overweight or otherwise non pin-up musician counts as a carefully constructed non image, then there's no winning that argument!
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1346483192' post='1789682'] Anyone who thinks that image in an originals band is unimportant is severely deluding themselves. [/quote] Fortunately there's no shortage of exceptions to that!
  13. My first gig was a school trip to see Motorhead, Hull City Hall, 22nd June 1983. I was 14, and along with half my class - ie the lads - had (in a rare display of unity) refused point blank to go on the "official" end of year class trip to see Kajagoogoo . I'm mean WTF, Kajagoogoo?? Our form tutor took sympathy and said fair enough and he would sanction an alternative class trip to "some other event" of our choosing - if we organised it entirely by ourselves. He went a bit pale when he found out what we booked...and paler still when the support act (Anvil) opened the show with guitars played with vibrators. On the whole I'd say it was the most educational school trip of the whole miserable five years. (edit: line up was Lemmy, Philthy Taylor and Robbo Robertson - I didn't make the Thin Lizzy connection until years later!)
  14. I've tried both and would definitely pay the extra grand for the 2024. If I had it.
  15. I think he more than made up for it with his playing.
  16. [quote name='Mod_Machine' timestamp='1345969466' post='1783556'] Reeve just doesnt sit right as a cure member.....plus seems to emphasise the cures age. [/quote] Probably couldn't bring himself to dress up like a 17 year old goth. Good for him!
  17. I thought they sounded fantastic. Time to get the effects pedals out!
  18. Hi For sale is my beautiful [b]Epiphone EB3[/b], longscale bass. This bass has hardly been played as the neck is a bit narrow for me. Its in [b]superb condition. [/b]No dings etc. Super-low action and recent professional set up. This bass plays and looks amazing.Translucent red, with fantastic grain (my photo's don't do it justice). Very fast neck. I'm including the (free) hardshell case, pictured, which has a few very light scuffs on the outside - but fine for keeping the bass safely stowed. Selling to fund a GAS attack for a P bass. Prefer collection (Sheffield or S33 postcode) or can meet within reason. Any questions, just drop me a line. Pics (click to enlarge).... [attachment=116545:img_0181.jpg] [attachment=116546:img_0180.jpg] [attachment=116547:img_0182.jpg] [attachment=116548:img_0183.jpg] [i]Product description[/i] [i]The Epiphone EB3 bass guitar uses the classic SG shaped body with double cutaway horns to create an awesome looking bass guitar. But it doesn't end there ... the EB3 produces great tone through its Sidewinder and mini humbucker pick-ups.[/i] [i]This bass features a long scale neck.The materials used on the EB3 are of a high quality and use Mahogany for the neck as well as the body, helping this bass to produce a deep, rich tone with masses of sustain.[/i] [i]The EB3 includes a Sidewinder pickup at the neck position managed by individual volume and tone controls, and a mini humbucker at the bridge position also featuring individual volume and tone controls. The pickups are selected using a 3 way selector switch configured to use each pickup individually or both pickups together.[/i]
  19. Now I have serious GAS for one of those
  20. Hi Igor I think most evoiii's are Chinese built these days - but ashdown tend to put stickers on that say "designed and engineered" in the UK - which confuses the issue. However, I don't think there are any significant differences. I'm very happy with mine. If you specifically want a UK made one, and ideally new / evoiii, then try and find a "Black edition" (same amp but with cool black design). This was a special edition of Evoiii that the Ashdown website confirmed were made in the UK [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/news.asp?thedate=2010&news=&ID=351"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/news.asp?thedate=2010&news=&ID=351[/url] There's one here - but you'd want to check availability as only 40 were made [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Ashdown-ABM500-EVO-III-Bass-Amp-Head-Black-Limited-Edition/EAX"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Ashdown-ABM500-EVO-III-Bass-Amp-Head-Black-Limited-Edition/EAX[/url] Good luck
  21. This thread's taken a turn for the better
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1343845601' post='1756302'] Is it better than a water pistol at chasing off cats? [/quote] Yes, according to the sales guy at catshooters direct. But only if you get a new lightweight one like they have in stock at the moment.
  23. BluRay

    New Zoom B3

    Anyone know if its possible to delete / hide effects?. The B3's great - but there's too many effects I'll never use. It would be good to get it down to 20 or so of the best ones.
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