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Everything posted by BluRay

  1. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1343844144' post='1756269'] Just handbags tho! [/quote] but are two small handbags better than one big one?
  2. [quote name='JD1' timestamp='1343821922' post='1755711'] I've just changed from a GK NEO410 to two NEO 210's. Absolutely rock all to do with helmholtz passive radiator standing wave waffle sprocket dispersion. Easier to carry, easier to handle, more flexible configurations (including one or both as wedges e.g. for theatre work) and if I stack vertically then I can hear better. And to my ears sound as good if not better than the 410. God knows what the punters are hearing (DI or not) - but that's always been the case. I've not had any complaints. [/quote] Similar situation here - my ABM 410 has great sound to my ears, well made and looks good (which counts for something I think ), but was seriously starting to dread moving it about (my new band reheases somewhere called "the attic"...and it doesn't dissapoint in terms of staircases). Due to lack of funds I took the unadventerous option and shelled out for two ABM 210s. I couldn't be happier. Took the opportunity at the weekend to properly compare against the 410 in case I was missing something to do with the size of the cab or other 410 secret ingredient. Prehaps unsurprisingly there's nack all difference as far as I could detect, except the 2x210s feel louder (no doubt due to a bit of extra height and 4ohms not 8). But the tone is fundamentally the same.
  3. My ray order took 9 months. That was a looong wait - more than double what I was told. Apparently I'd just got unlucky with the timing of the shipments. But for a £1500 order I reckon they could have got it to me a lot faster. That said, no complaints about the bass itself.
  4. I completely understand how disheartening it is between bands - I found it really hard finding the right band, where everyone's more of less in the same place in terms of competence, ambition (or lack of), nice reliable people etc. Loads of time-wasting "auditions" and then false starts with ego-geetarists. But there can be nothing for ages and then a load of credible offers all at once. If it were me I'd definately keep a reserve of bass and amp for the 10 calls that could come in next week
  5. lucky escape. sadly there's a lot like that out there!
  6. For sale is my Ashdown ABM 115 Compact cab I bought this new as part of a fullstack a couple of years ago, but literally only used it a couple of times in reheasals, and for a bit of home recording - so its hardly used. It is now surpless to requirements as I've moved to a 210 set-up. This is the newer sort with square handles and metal grill, as shown here [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=12"]http://www.ashdownmu...etail.asp?ID=12[/url] The cab is in full working order and very good condition. The only things to declare are a couple of barely-noticable scuffs on the cover and a tiny/thumbnail sized ding at the base (I suspect due to some overzellous hoovering ), which I've tried to photograph. [b]£150 [/b]collected from north derbyshire (S33 Postcode). Or I could meet within 15(ish) miles of Sheffield (Edit to say I can arrange shipping if needs be - at cost price) [i]pics (click to enlarge)...[/i] [i][attachment=113812:pic1.jpg][/i] [i][attachment=113814:pic3.jpg][/i] [i][attachment=113813:pic2.jpg][/i] [i]Ashdown's product description ....[/i] [i]The ABM 115 COMPACT is a 300 watt 8 Ohm bass cabinet featuring a single 15" Ashdown driver in a precision tuned plywood cabinet. The cabinet is constructed from high-grade birch ply with properly screwed and glued joints, protected by a tough, buffalo leather cloth covering and chromed metal corners. Special Ashdown-designed metal handles are used in favour of inferior flip handles which can rattle after years of use. Ashdown speakers are specially developed to achieve a superb balance of power, transparency and deep, controlled low end, without sacrificing any of the mid-band attack and high-end brightness that are so important in a modern bass sound.[/i][list] [*][i]1 x 15" Blue Line speaker[/i] [*][i]Compact cabinet design[/i] [*][i]300W continuous, 600W programme power Handling[/i] [*][i]8 Ohms impedance[/i] [*][i]41Hz - 4kHz Frequency Response[/i] [*][i]Dimensions (mm): 474 H, 610 W, 420 D[/i] [*][i]Weight (Kg): 28[/i] [/list]
  7. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1342508953' post='1736165'] +1 for the Zoom H2. A great piece of kit. The only slight criticism is that it looks and feels a bit flimsy. It doesn't look like it would survive a drop on a hard floor. So, depending on how and where you'd plan to use it, it might be worth a look before buying. In terms of construction, a Boss pedal it ain't! [/quote] You can buy it as a bundle with a protective cover, which makes it a bit more robust and then you need to get one of these as well - just for a laugh Great piece of kit tho - well worth the money
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1342092566' post='1729369'] Amp and 210 and then add another 210 when req'd [/quote] + 1 ...just gives a little more flexability when it comes to replacing or upgrading at a later point.
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1342027912' post='1728431'] The cabs are still weighty but they lack a very good punch. Solid cabs and solid sound, IMO. [/quote] I'm hoping that was meant to be "pack" not lack! Yeah, not the lightest 210s around - but they're "ok" weight-wise, well-made and sound spot on. I did seriously consider the new genz focus cabs - at around the same price and 2/3rds weight. But then I'd [s]want [/s]need a new amp to go with them, and so it goes on. Anyhow I'm hoping thats me sorted for cabs now, and I can start thinking about basses again!
  10. So I used the excuse of joining a new band (successful audition, yey!!) to finally sort my cabs out. This is a gigging band, playing loud punky stuff. 2 guitars with 412s and all that, loud drummer. At last a band that suits nice big gear! Except the prospect of dragging the fullstack about ..... hmmm So now, after muchos shopping around (cos Ashdown have just stopped making em apparently) I picked up twin ABM 210s. Friendly, prompt and efficient service from both Academy of Sound and GAK, who each had one left in stock to form a matching pair. Both cabs arrived safe and sound the very next day. I think this is the right combination for me. Ok there's lots of lighter 210s about, but these are a great match for the amp, robust and portable enough. And I can move them up our steps without scraping the skin of my knuckles. And they look awesome stacked vertically, so the OTT stage furniture remains intact too! The 410 is relegated to rehearsal room.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341796699' post='1724330'] A couple of years before this happened, I was asked to join a band by a school friend - I turned him down (twice). This band went on to be hugely successful and influential and so far have recorded fifteen albums over 35 years. They influenced Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Primus, Faith No More, Foo Fighters and Napalm Death, among many others. They tour regularly, and have made a huge fortune. Dave Grohl occasionally sits in on drums with them. [/quote] Thats no joke
  12. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1339100063' post='1683773'] Have you tried turning his knob down? [/quote] Our drummer has a volume pot glued to the bass drum. That's what passes for drummer humour.
  13. The Hunt springs to mind. What a run of rotten luck. I hope the gear shows up intact.
  14. I owned a Peavey 1820 as my main stage cab for over 20 years. A beast of a thing with 18 + 2x10. It weighed an absolute ton. Ridiculous really. You could (just about) get away with running the 18 on its own - it was certainly usable, and clearer than you'd expect. Not that much different from most 115s I've owned in terms of definition. But the really cab only woke up when the 10s were hooked-up as well (which is why they were there I guess). All in all, it was pretty impressive cab - and, with all three drivers, sounded immense. I know I'll never own another 118, but if I found myself in a rehearsal room with some amp-compatible 10s and an 18 lying about, I'd waste no time plugging it all in! Sold it to a fellow BCer recently - and he seemed well chuffed with it.
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1337721592' post='1664632'] You can't beat a Ray IMO, it's the one trick pony that's been used for both live and studio work for jazz, funk, punk, blues, rock, indie and everything else by some of the best players out there, that's quite a trick! [/quote] I love my stingray, but - and I accept this is just down to me - its not the easiest bass to get to sound right. Very challenging to EQ, and sometimes I'm all over the shop - from way to thin to mega phat. When I get it right it sounds awesome - but Ive had to adjust my playing style to suite the bass. I'm now its bitch.
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1337391025' post='1659359'] That sure is a beauty. Here is my most recent acquisition.... [/quote] That's very cool - and the correct number of pickups too.
  17. Don't know if this helps, but I'm about to offload an (ungigged, used handful of times in rehearsals) ABM 115 compact cab, because I prefer the ABM 10s. It would go well with your combo, if you don't manage to swap it for the 115 version. PM me if interested.
  18. BluRay

    New Zoom B3

    Thanks for the feedback guys. Muchos appreciated. I find the EQ on my Stingray to be really challenging. It never seems to be quite right in the mix. On this go, I'd boosted the bass and cut the mids slightly as that sounded ok at input stage (pick-playing can come through a little clanky on the Ray if I'm not careful). But I think I need to compensate for the MP3 compression and the bassier sound through speakers. I think I'll try again in a few weeks, and try to get it a bit brighter maybe start with everything flat. I guess I really need to get a PC/DAW set up so I can EQ after recording. But I spend all day at a PC at work, so old hardware rules ok in our house. BTW that was a right zoomfest. B3, G2 and RT223. I hope they don't bring out a B5 anytime soon I'm really chuffed with the B3 so far. The parameter control is superb. But I do think that a lot of effects are just daft and get in the way (is it possible to remove them?). I use the bomber for scaring next doors cat.
  19. BluRay

    New Zoom B3

    With some trepidation....here's my first go at recording using the B3. Excuse the dodgy playing, tragic guitar sound and general crapness. Done in a bit of a rush on a very old 8 track (my PC is way too slow for DAW unfortunately). thats enough excuses. Any suggestions for improving the recorded bass tone (other than learn how to play better? ). After a bit of fiddling about I went for DCOMP> > Graphic EQ> SVT/810 and Stingray with pick (how else? ). Too compressed? What do you reckon? [url="http://soundcloud.com/hollowsun/rough-idea"]http://soundcloud.co...wsun/rough-idea[/url]
  20. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1337422166' post='1659622'] Certainly justifies pick playing, if it needed it. [/quote] Surely its the only real way to play a bass. (runs for cover)
  21. [quote name='KERMITNT' timestamp='1337247185' post='1657606'] i think the best thing is recording the rehersal and then listen to it in order to see if is adrenaline or actually has speeding issues [/quote] + 1. We got a Zoom H2, and there's nowhere to hide with that - it shows up everything (but in a good way). Makes everyone want to raise their game, rather than be caught on tape with crap timing (to relentless piss taking from the others).
  22. Chances are its becoming less fun for the singer also - though it might be difficult for him to admit in front of the mrs. He might welcome a man to man about how its a bit more rock n roll when its not a family outing - and how the dynamic has taken a bit of a hit recently. No-one has to be critical of parenting skills or anything - but if you clear the air, nicely, then it could get sorted over a pint. Ever the optimist!
  23. Each rig I've had has been slightly more portable than the last, so I guess I'll end up with something small and convenient eventually. But there's a lot of big old gear out there that sounds fantasic and at a fraction of the price of ligtweight rigs, because it won't all fit in a Tecso bag. So if you can carry and store it ok then long may it last. And if it was all about convenience, no one would have drummers.
  24. I'm sick with envy.
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