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Posts posted by BluRay

  1. For the sake of closure...the winner is.....

  2. Personally I don't have more than one cos it impacts on how well I play, and I'm ususally driving anyway.

    That said, there's a guy in our band who drinks a bit - and gets a bit sloppy sometimes. But I know he'll always get it right when it matters. Another guy likes a smoke, and can't remember two riffs in a row. And the other one doesn't drink or smoke at all - but throws his weight around and wants his own way over everything (guitarist obviously). On balance, the drinker is the better band mate. :lol: Amazing anything gets done really.

  3. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1333361014' post='1600425']
    Hold on , Billyapple, Discreet, Bluray and Linus27 all managed to get an audition with NMA - I am seriously impressed well done guys and Linus fingers crossed :)
    I didnt get an audition. Sorry for the confusion. I sent in some tracks quite early on - before the stated requirement to do videos etc. But my style wasn't for them (that was a very polite response!). I'd like to think that I had marks deducted for a previous band connection, because thats better than thinking I was too sh*t :lol: . It would be fantastic if the job went to someone here. There's some (audition?) bass covers on You Tube - don't know if thats any of you lot?

  4. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1333201746' post='1598677']
    I'm a little worried here. I was also NMA bass player for half an hour yesterday afternoon yet I have not heard anything back yet. My audition went very well and I actually got to play a forth song, "White Light". So I guess no news is good news for me then. Fingers crossed but not expecting to get it.
    That sounds really promising. Hope you get it!!

  5. I had a go - but was quietly relieved not to get it! It would mean long periods away from home, which I'd find hard with young family. Can but dream eh. Shame it didn't come up 10 years earlier. I hope they find a superb bass player, so I wont have to beat myself up for not trying a bit harder. Top band.

  6. Blue picks are crap. I tried one for half a second 10 years ago and didn't quite get on with it. Actually I didn't try it. But I thought about it. Actually it was my mate who thought about it. And they're completetely unreliable, although I might be thinking of a Fiat Uno. But that's enough reason to slate everything by the same manufacturer for ever after, right? I hate blue picks. Am I on the right forum? :ph34r:

  7. B3 arrived yesterday - ordered at the weekend. Fairly prompt service from effectpowersupplies. Only had 1/2 hour to look at it last night - so just about had time to figure out the menu navigation. But good first impressions. Seems nice and sturdy. Looks and feels like a decent bit of kit.

    The screens didn't seem [i]too [/i]fragile - although best kept sheltered from beer slops, stage-blundering bandmates and unfortunate incidents with cymbal stands.

    Started with the easy bit - the tuner. I think someone on this thread said they were a bit disappointed with it - admittedly its not a Korg DTR (or similar), but seemed more than adequate to me. Lights are bright enough to see what's going on - and you can easily see how far you are from the note. Its easier to use than the tuner on the B2, which required fancy footwork to get both pedals down at the same time. Push and hold for mute, and tap it again to bring it back. Happy with that!

    The patches were a bit bewildering to start with - but slowly (cos I'm a bit dim, and haven't read all the preceding posts) got the gist that you can have any combination of up to 3 patches (one in each window). Sort of like the spinners on a fruit machine. I'd thought that each window would have a different bank of patches (one for amps, one for pedals etc) but that's apparently not the case. Each window accesses the same bank of patches, so you just choose which one to put in each window. So thats different to the B2 where there are up to 9 things in the chain (including noise reduction and 2 EQs).

    But - from a control perspective - this approach is much closer to having the actual pedals / amps etc - as each one is presented as a virtual unit (where you can play with the nobs, so to speak, more or less as they would appear on the real version). Very cool. You could - if you wanted - have two or three of the same patch, with different settings. I'm not sure why you'd want to do that, but can be done. It seems pretty easy to swap the order of the patches, save and name your own patches etc etc. There's loads of the damn things - I'm sure I wont bother with the vast majority. Can't comment yet on the most important bit - does it sound any good? - how they compare to the real thing etc - but if nothing else, it should be great fun for mucking about / recording etc. Its going to take a while to suss the level settings for individual paramenters, then at a patch level, then at a master level, and the whole wet/dry thing. But if I needed something simple, I should have just bought one pedal!.

    I did notice that the gain on the amp sims was more convincing than the B2, so you can get some grit out of the amps if you want.

    Next - the looper. I know I'm going to annoy the hell out of bandmates with it. Excellent! Seems quite straightforward - press to start recording. Press again to stop (or it can be set to match a number of beats when using the drum machine). Same for the overdubs. So you can layer up a sound and put the guitarist out of a job when it comes to solos. I haven't figured out how to change patches for the overdubs - that seems more fiddly than I'd have liked (you have to go back to the home screen, and somehow get back again). I'll have to work on that.

    The drum machine seems like the same basic boom-toosh boom-toosh that you get with the B2. I haven't looked at it properly yet. But its probably ok for jamming at home.

    So thats the first impressions. Roll on the weekend!

  8. Pulled the trigger on a B3 at the weekend - can't wait.
    I think its probably the looper that I'm most looking forward to mucking about with.

    If its anything like the B2 (which I also have) I'll hate ALL the pre-sets :D and I'll just spend hours editing the patches - and sill hating it. But its the fun of the chase.

  9. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1328487486' post='1528071']
    However I was merely being simplistic in that if you was going to get a musicman it may aswell be a single H version, this is what they do best. I'm a one bass kind a guy and I find I can get every tone/sound out of my sterling with the single H, and a lot of others arn't(single bassers) so they would naturally have a Jazz or a precision (like you haha!!)aswell or something similar to do that. The rest is merely subderfuge.


    Its HH for me all the way! The extra pup suites my playing style better than the H version. Doesn't sound like like P or J bass, just a more versitile Stingray. Worth a try anyhow. :)

  10. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1328253539' post='1524346']
    I've been to auditions where I've been given songs to learn, covers to learn, or just had to go in blind before!

    In your situation, if you're fairly well versed in rock music, just turn up with your P Bass and play along to whatever they throw at you, you won't have an issue :) Maybe jam out a few riff/bassline ideas to let them see what sort of thing you can bring to the table. If you gel with them, it doesn't matter that you don't know the songs yet. You'll know them soon enough :)

    + 1. Turning up with some riffs/suggestions is definately a good idea. If its originals - they should be up for working on new stuff, then everyone's on the same footing.

  11. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1327319518' post='1509140']
    Hats off to anyone who gets a tone they like out of an Ashdown ABM ;) . I seem to have tried several in music shops and rehearsal rooms over the years and never got on with any of them. I was particularly interested in Ashdown when they first started as I'd used and liked Trace gear and the company was set up by ex Trace people. Lots of pros use them so I guess I've been unlucky but I haven't found an Ashdown I liked yet. But then plenty of people can't stand Trace stuff so it's horses for courses as usual.

    I think they're great sounding amps - but I guess they have a fairly distinctive tone and take some getting to know.

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