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Posts posted by BluRay

  1. Update for sake of closure. As people suggested, and it wasn't rocket science I'm pleased to say, I worked my way around the speakers - connecting until I found the culprit. Definitely a speaker. Funnily enough the buzz was still vaguely there with the offending speaker in but not connected (but not when I moved it out completely) so I guess its the air from the others was enough to make it resonate a bit on its own.

    I emailed Ashdown and they were very helpful. Sorted me out with a replacement at what seemed (to me, anyway) to be very reasonable price. Top people.

    The only snag was that the replacement was a visual missmatch with the others. Its a blueline speaker and the black bit in the middle (whatever that's called), was a totally different size to the others. So it looked like this :blink: I've asked them nicely to swap for a matching one, so hopefully they wont mind and will have one in stock. Never occurred to me to that the spec would change - so that was a lesson learned!

  2. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1326141861' post='1492938']

    The issue with the loud guitarist need sorting out. IME most loud guitarists are unlikely to turn down for anything. It will always be an issue so if you can't get them to do something immediately then look elsewhere.

    Yep completely agree! I didn't say anything about that at the audition, cos I was fluffing my way through the songs and totally winging it. But no way I could put up with it unsorted. I was using an abm 500, turned up to 11 through a raised-up 115. So probably pushing about 350w. The room was about 12 by 12, and i couldn't hear myself! But I'll save that battle for if they ask me back :D

  3. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' timestamp='1326116485' post='1492451']
    It can, but going down a semitone isn't likely to have a massive effect. Depends on the strings and setup you have though- if you use high action and thicker strings you're less likely to notice. Try it at home and see.

    As for benefits, it depends why they're doing it- I used to play with bands tuned to D for a "heavier" sound. Personally I prefer to play a 5 now anyway.

    Well the guitarist was tuned to Drop D - which melted my head as I couldn't visually follow what he was doing. I dont really want to go Drop D myself as I'm way too lazy to learn something new :lol: . But as I was so drowned out, it probably didn't matter!

  4. I went for an audition yesterday with a noisy 3-piece rock band. First thing they said was I had to tune-down a semi-tone. I've always played in bands that tune to concert pitch, and have the impression that downtuning - even just a note - makes the strings rattle and mucks up the internation (?). Anyway I did as I was told (first impressions and all that), but the guitarist was so loud I couldn't hear a damn thing anyway. That's another issue!

    So does down-tuning (a semi-tone) actually cause any issues - like would I need to amend my set-up - or is there nothing to worry about? Are there any actual benefits, other than for the vocalist?


  5. Or add this cab!!!
    = HUGE peavey rig!Ludicrous, immense and utterly brilliant.
    (shameless plug)

  6. completely agree! Westone Thunder 1a is a killer P bass. I've wasted loads on "upgrading" to different basses - only to come back to the westone poorer and wiser. Doesn't stop GAS tho. When will I learn?

  7. In exchange for being so unbelievably understanding about the permanent 6 inch strata of Lego on the floor (my 9 year old has LAS) and god-knows-what craft stuff all over the place from the Mrs, I get to keep all my gear - including fullstack - in the living room. Its all about compromise in our house. :D

  8. Hi

    I'm selling my monster Peavey 1820 cab (and 400w Peavey MK VI head, if you wanted that too), which I've owned from new. Its just not getting used these days and I need to free up some space.

    The cab has a single 18 driver with 2x10 above (which are Scorpions I think - but might be wrong). The combination of the 10s and the 18 works a treat in this instance - sounds huge. A design benefit is that there are separate inputs for the 10s and the 18 so [b]you could run it with 2 amps if you want [/b](you know you want to!!) - they run at 8ohms each, or 4ohms altogether. The "normal" input drives the 18 only.The Hi and Lo inputs are used to drive all 3 speakers together. I can include a "y" connector if you want to run the full cab from a single amp output.

    The outer casing has some scuffs - cosmetic only.The 18 is not the original BW, as I replaced it a few years ago (can't remember the make of the replacement but honestly couldn't tell a difference afterwards).

    In all fairness this is probably not one for the mini-rig obsessives :D . This is of the old-school, built-like-a-tank variety. It has been 100% reliable - It is an absolute beast and damn loud. Big stages, loud drummers - no problem.

    price is either:[list]
    [*]£90 for the cab on its own
    [*]or - for a complete bass rig - £160 to include the "matching" Peavey MK VI head - 400w amp [url="http://www.peavey.com/assets/literature/manuals/80300912.pdf"]http://www.peavey.co...ls/80300912.pdf[/url] (the head is not for sale on its own, only with the cab). The head will run at 2Ohm - so you could still add another cab!
    Collection only Derbyshire - S33 Postcode


  9. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1324330602' post='1473186']
    Ashdown have just added [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3fFvTSqNsw"]this[/url] to their Youtube feed.

    Finally a decent amp demo from Ashdown. Wonder why its taken so long? I hope they do more like this with their other products.

  10. [size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'm posting this on behalf of a mate who is starting a new band. He's a singer/songwriter doing melodic indie/rock type stuff. Age 27. Good bloke with lots of ideas. For further details contact: [color=#000000]steve.oasis(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk[/color][/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]acoustic / solo stuff here [url="http://www.myspace.com/stevehowarth24"]http://www.myspace.com/stevehowarth24[/url][/font][/size]

  11. Hi chaps. I've noticed that my 410 has acquired a slight "background buzz". I've tried different amps, bass, cables etc - and the cab seems to be the culpret. I even cleared the room out to make sure it wasn't anything nearby (son's lego box was the primary suspect!).
    There's no buzz when the bass volume is down, but its there in the background when I play a note. Its not drastic - but if you know its there, its annoying. Doesn't sound like full-on blown speaker or the sort of crackling you get with a dodgy connection. Any ideas what might be causing it? (its not the tweeter, as thats switched off)

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