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Posts posted by BluRay

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425282629' post='2705725']
    Everyone knows Ampeg are a shell of what they used to be.

    Out of interest, how so? I've never used ampeg gear - so don't have a view either way. Just interested really.

  2. I had a mag 210 combo. It sounded really beefy and best run with eq on and everything flat. Seem to remember thinking that the shape button didn't do it any favours (same goes for ABM to be fair). With a sansamp in front it was bloody fantastic for a mid range amp. The main reason for moving it on was the weight. Separates rule OK these days.
  3. [quote name='doctorbass' timestamp='1424727998' post='2699840']
    Seriously considering a CTM-100. How do you guys that play them think they hold up on stage volume wise? How far do they go into distortion if we were talking about the sort of volume typically put out when using FOH? I like some break up and always play with full PA support, usually with an Ashdown 610

    I run CTM 100 through two ABM NEO 210s. I use the low/quieter input as the breaks up a bit too soon (like REALLY soon) with the high one. I have the gain at about 10-11, master between 12-2. Its quite a loud band - 2 guitars, heavy drums, and those settings bring it up to being proud in the mix - ie normal backline vol B) - and that puts it just on the edge of snarl, but not noticeably distorted. Fantastic sound really.

    I found I had to encourage the guitarists to tweak their normal eq, as it sits differently to my other amp - so when I first plugged in, it all sounded a bit mushy. The CTM eq doesn't do big eq variations. But once they'd conceded to cut a little bit of bass or mids or something from the guitars, any slush went away and cuts through like a demon.

    I think I read someone saying its on a par with an ABM 500 - but I'm not sure it is really. With gain and vol in similar place on my ABM, I know I've got loads of extra clean headroom (not that I've ever needed it). The CTM wouldn't much above drum volume without getting fuzzy IMO. But its completely happy at regular backline level, accepting a little bit of bite. I've used it at gigs a few times now, some with pa & some smaller ones with backline only & its got as much oomph as I've needed so far. Happy days.

  4. [quote name='ozzy138' timestamp='1423247772' post='2682841']

    Just how loud are a 100 watts out of a valve amp?

    I've got a Orange terror 500, are they a comparable bit of kit?
    These are plenty loud. I gig mine in a noisy garage type band with 2 marshalled-up guitars and a loud drummer. I wouldn't be able to totally drown everyone out - but it sits high enough in the mix with a nice bit of snarl from the power section. Sounds ace. No probs so far

  5. I'm not sure this is a niche product. Clearly some people think the price makes it high end. But that's OK isn't it? There's room in the market for cheaper and pricier products that are differentiated by quality, features, appearance and other factors. That people here get vexed about something they haven't seen or heard seems a bit sad really. I'm not saying opinions aren't valid but they aren't shared by everyone. That we have a small but quite successful British company prepared to try new things and push the boundaries a bit should be a good thing really. IMO.

  6. Yeah I think the 100 version is calibrated just right for (up to) medium sized gigs, cos you get the power section grunt without completely overdoing it. Mainly I picked the 100 cos I had valve amp GAS and needed it to be giggable and one I can carry without help - the 300 was too damn heavy - but in hindsight the 100 is probably more suitable for the venues I play anyway. It was more luck than judgment. I'd love to try a CTM 300 in a big venue tho!

  7. Well IMO the cabs run very deep as it is (perhaps voiced a bit different to some others, but if you crank the amp eq the range is very wide indeed) but I think two together seem much more than the sum of the parts. At quiet (living room) volume, it sounds the same individually or together. But bumped to rocked-out band level, using two, its a much bigger, wider overall sound - more like you might expect from a 610 or bigger. I'm not sure if thats the same as depth (as you might mean it), but the upshot is impressive. Its a serious gig rig. These are utterly brilliant cabs for the money - not sure why they don't get more fuss here to be honest.

  8. Ok, there may be some (real or perceived) compromise in exchange for versatility. But it’s clearly it’s a different proposition to a regular practice amp - guitar and bass at the same time, at don't-upset-the-neighbours volume. When my band works on songs at home, it feels like total overkill when the geetards turn up with 212s etc. One of these things would be cool for that situation, and nice toy with the apps and stuff. I can’t afford it either (and keep my live rig in the living room, so I'm at hardware capacity!), but just saying it could be good for what its meant for. :)

  9. I've used mine for few gigs now - can't fault it really. I find I have to crank it a bit, because of two geetards and loud drummer - so at my normal playing level I'm on the cusp of the growly zone, which turns out just right. :) It gets a bit too overdriven if I push it harder (which isn't for me really), and I don't think there's much more on tap, but its plenty loud enough accepting a bit of (lovely) snarl. What surprised me was the feel of the air pushed from the speakers. Can't say I've noticed that before with my other amps. All good so far!

  10. My band uses it. Seems like good value - I think we pay something like $20 annual subscription and that puts all our content on iTunes,amazon, google play etc. [s]They then take a small cut of sales.[/s] I don't think you can opt out of Spotify which is a bit of an artist rip off but we're happy with $0.00002 per play or whatever it is. Every little helps. Its worth it to see our songs in the amazon store.

    Edit: correction - its just the annual flat fee and they put as many songs as you want through to the different stores.

  11. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1416382702' post='2609517']
    I played one at PMT not long ago, lovely tone but im just a bit put off by the ''All Valve'' marketing when the amp is actually a hybrid?


    It says its all valve in the blurb, with pre-amp and output tube?

  12. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1416262071' post='2608535']
    not so worried about clean headroom as i never have a clean sound always heavy fuzz or dirt.


    Then the 100 should be ideal. Its a filthy fuzz machine when cranked a bit. B)

  13. My band charges £2 for ep, £4 for album on bandcamp, which is cheaper than the itunes/amazon pricing. Most of our distribution is physical CDs in shops or at shows (normally around £5 per CD). But we really only have a paid option on Bandcamp so we can use it for occasional promotional freebies/giveaways, just to get the songs circulating a bit. People are more likely to download it if they think its free for only a day or so, and then it reverts to the paid option. We figure its better to have the extra distribution than worry about a few quid in "lost" sales. Bandcamp has some nice options to create download codes that you can send out etc.

    We also distribute through Distrokid - which is a really cheap way to get content onto the big download stores. Its around $20 per year flat fee, then they take something like 15% of the price (which is set by itunes etc). The downside is it goes on spotify too. There's something really depressing about getting royalties for $0.002

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