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Everything posted by BluRay

  1. I bought a squier jaguar (last month) for my 11 year old lad - and its fab. Plays really well, sounds and looks good, and right size. Recommended.
  2. Whats the verdict on the CTM 100 in terms of volume? I'm wondering if it will be loud enough to hold up against two noisy geetards and heavy hitting drummer? (gas build up pending!). I'd be running it with two abm neo 210s. Ta
  3. [quote name='Sharkfinger' timestamp='1392911639' post='2374102'] Old thread but very interesting, as there's still pretty much nothing out there about this range. How are they a couple of months down the line? The official specs claim they can go really deep, to 22Hz, I believe. How true is that in your opinion? [/quote] Good question. A few months on I still think they sound great, look cool and easy to move. To be fair, I honestly couldn't say how true the tech specs are. But I haven't noticed any constraints in the context of normal playing - and I do tend to push pretty hard in a loud band. I didn't really know what to expect from neo drivers - but I'd say they're more than a match for any of the other cabs I've had in the last 7 years (admittedly all Ashdowns - Mag210+410, abm 410+115, abm 210x2 - so rather its limited comparison). No regrets so far.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1391892286' post='2362427'] I'm quite sure Joe Public can't tell the difference between a bass of any sort and a banjo. Great, now I've got GAS for a BB. Edit: Looks like there's no maple fretboard option, is this the case? [/quote] Apparently you can get a 2024 with maple board... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197099-yamaha-bb2024mx-is-mine-the-only-one/
  5. Ok I admit it. I use the subharmonic thing on Ashdowns (because its there ). yeah I know I don't need it, and probably wouldn't miss it - but a teeny bit - so only I know its there - does seem to slightly thicken the sound on the high notes without losing any definition, so what's not to like? I wouldn't use it as as a full-on effect tho. For practical reasons I'd have preferred to see a mute switch rather than shape on the rootmaster - but otherwise I think it looks fantastic. Fab design. Decent size too - not too fiddly!
  6. Ha! Cheers Geoff. I'm not usually so colour coordinated :-)
  7. Still for sale - I've revised the price to include Ashdown cab covers worth £94.
  8. [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Picked up a brace of ABM NEO 210 cabs (last month actually but [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]I've run em through a few gigs before reporting back) [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]and thought I'd post a quick review as I haven't seen much else about this range. Worth mentioning that Ashdown were very responsive and helpful with my pre-purchase questions. My local store had one in stock that I could muck about on for a while and that sealed it. Lead time for delivery was around 10 days.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Aesthetically these cabs look great - taller than wide, with offset NEO 210s on a diagonal. Metal grill with Ashdown logo cutout pattern (same as most Ashdown cabs). Covered in black tolex but without the white piping that you normally see on the ABM range - which makes them look a bit evil by comparison. I like that. [/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Weight: "light enough" is probably a fair description @ 20kg. Ok there's lighter alternatives, but I particularly wanted a pair of 210s - as this arrangement works well for me, and these are fine for a (not-too-far) one hand lift. In particular its the "narrowness" of these cabs make them very easy to cart about. The top handle looks a little odd - suspiciously like a side handle (there is no handle underneath for carrying 2-handed) but its more than fine for moving it about. Its a "proper" metal handle - recessed and reassuringly sturdy - as opposed to a strap handle.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Minor issue, hardly worth mentioning - but my cabs have different connectors. One has two combi inputs, the other has two jacks and a combi. No big deal - but it would be nice if they were the same.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Once unpacked I started stacking them vertically as clearly intended, but as they are the exact width/depth of an abm 500 amp, 2 of the ABM NEO cabs stacked tall with amp on top just felt a little bit precarious for my liking. No way it would topple unless pushed, but some clumsy doofus (probably me) might knock it for six. Unlikely perhaps - but it's a risk I'm not taking! Most gigs I do involve crowded stages and several bands milling about - so [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]after some experimenting - see pics - I've opted to stack them on side (on stage at least) - and bingo, that's the one!...this way the stack stands the same width as a 410 (but taller, for better projection) and no worries about it being knocked over. I popped some feet on the sides - which Ashdown should add as standard I think.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]I love the tone - tight, crisp and clear - but still very beefy. Big grins all round. [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Comparing the NEO against a regular ABM cab it is certainly different - seems a little bit less bassy (found myself bumping the bass and lower mid eq a bit to get back to my usual sound, which would have been overkill on regular abm). Or perhaps these ones just handle lower end a little better - I don't know. Also a little less inherent colour, more neutral maybe. No complaints at all about the sound. Sounds ace on stage with the volume cranked.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Volume wise - headroom for miles using my abm 500 head. I'm very sure I could get away with one cab - but two looks so much better (I know I know) Gain and volume settings on my amp were same as usual (9 o'clock and 11 o'clock respectively). Small tweak to eq - and got "my sound". All was good. All in all, really neat, light, great sounding cabs. [/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Topped off with a set of covers from Roqsolid (highly recommended) and I'm well happy.[/size][/font][/color] [attachment=151061:IMG_0069.JPG] [attachment=151060:IMG_0071.JPG] ....and the winner is.... [attachment=151059:IMG_0074.JPG]
  9. [quote name='johnwww' timestamp='1386160836' post='2296500'] Hi Guys I think a 1x15 may be a bit bulky, I don't have a lot of room in the car. I was thinking at rehearsals I could get away with one cab and just using the second one for gigs. I don't have an extortionate budget, probably around £400. I only need the one cab for now I can get the other a bit further down the line. I am using an Ashdown ABM EVO III 500. Thanks again John [/quote] I've just bought some of the new ABM NEO 210s - fantastic cabs & very portable (same width & depth as ABM head, so don't take up much room, which is why I got them) and perfect match for ABM head also. With a bit of haggling you could get one for close to £400. One is plenty loud enough but you could always add another at a later point.
  10. BluRay

    Yamaha BBs

    [quote name='jaybass 70' timestamp='1382635380' post='2254827'] hi, I've been relatively gas free since acquiring a 1979 BB1200 off bobby K on this very fine forum until I seen this BB2024 £1650.00 from Bass Direct, good price for a quality instrument that retails for £2350.00 I'm wondering if there is a massive jump in quality and sound compared to the BB1200 I already love and own? I'm coming into some cash soon and I'm gonna treat myself to another bass to add to the herd , short of diving in the car and doing a 5 hour round trip has anyone tried these basses out compared to the very good japanese BB1200 ? thanks in Advance guys and dolls [/quote] £1650 seem like a seriously good price for that bass! The only grumble I have about mine (I have a black 2024x) is that it shows up every tiny little scratch, so I'd go for white or sunburst if I was buying another - which I probably will someday! edit to say the songs on the band link in my sig were done with the 2024 (don't let my playing put you off!)
  11. For an extra £60 I could probably get as far as M1 Junction 27 for a handover (and I'd chuck in high quality Ashdown fitted covers which I hadn't listed in the sale). Thats a 2.5 hour drive from dartford. The cabs (new ) cost me around £600 + £88 for the covers. Still tempted? :-)
  12. looks ace - but also like its made out of cast iron (cruel trick of the light?)
  13. Indestructable Peavey Mk6 with stupid sized Peavey1820 cab to go with it. Seemed like the best rig in the world at the time!
  14. now downsizing - these lovely cabs are for sale! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220124-ashdown-abm-210-compact-x2-vertical-stack-l300/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/220124-ashdown-abm-210-compact-x2-vertical-stack-l300/[/url]
  15. useful vid! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzsM5XQufCU[/media] the pickguardian surrounds look ok too [url="http://www.pickguardian.com/pickguardian/RICBridgePUPlate.html"]http://www.pickguard...dgePUPlate.html[/url]
  16. [size=4][b][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]2x Ashdown ABM 210t compact cabs - trade for ABM 410.[/font][/b][/size] [size=3]I [font=Arial]bought these 210s new to provide a vertically aligned stack for gigs - and they are superb. Portable, small stage footprint and HUGE sound. However, bad back meant I needed to go lighter still, so I switched to a NEO rig for live situations. A couple of very minor scuffs on the tolex and corner protectors, but otherwise A1.[/font] [font=Arial]I've found that the vertical 210 stack is MUCH louder/fuller sounding than an equivalent 410 on its own ([i]seems [/i]about 30% louder, and more beefy) - maybe due to running the amp at 4 Ohm and being quite a bit taller - on end they stand a bit taller than an average 810. I play in a loud band with heavy hitting drummer and two geetards - and these cabs deal with that situation no problem.[/font][/size] [size=3]I'm looking to trade for an equally good condition ABM 410 to keep at my rehearsal room, as the 210 stack is a bit overkill for that![/size] [attachment=204585:post-9102-0-16751900-1440235522.jpg] [size=3]- the bass in the pic is for sale separately :-) [/size] [size=3]I've fitted extra feet (provided by Ashdown) for stacking on end. [/size] [size=3]Meet within reasonable radius of Sheffield.[/size] [size=3]The Ashdown blurb is as follows:[/size] [color=#777777][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][size=3][i]The [b]Ashdown ABM-210T Compact[/b] is a 350 watt 8 Ohm bass cabinet combining 2 X 10" Ashdown BlueLine drivers with an HF horn in a precision tuned plywood cabinet. As the name suggests, this is a particularly compact cabinet, ideal for use in a portable rig that’s easy to transport. The cabinet is constructed from high-grade birch ply with properly screwed and glued joints, protected by a tough, buffalo leather cloth covering and chromed metal corners. [b]Special Ashdown-designed[/b]metal handles are used in favour of inferior flip handles which can rattle after years of use. Ashdown BlueLine speakers are specially developed to achieve a superb balance of power, transparency and deep, controlled low end, without sacrificing any of the mid-band attack and high-end brightness that are so important in a modern bass sound.[/i][/size][/size][/font][/color] [b] [size=3][i]Ashdown ABM 210T COMPACT Cabinet EVO III Specifications:[/i][/size][/b][list] [*][size=3][i][b]Power Handling:[/b] 350W continuous, 700W programme[/i][/size] [*][size=3][i][b]Speaker Configuration:[/b] 2 x 10" + HF tweeter[/i][/size] [*][size=3][i][b]Frequency Response:[/b] 75Hz - 20kHz[/i][/size] [*][size=3][i][b]Impedance:[/b] 8 Ohms[/i][/size] [/list] [size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Weight - 28kg each.[/font][/size]
  17. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' timestamp='1376076850' post='2169564'] They are the same width when standing up as an ABM 500 head [/quote] Great. Thanks for clarifying. Looking forward to trying these out!
  18. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1375435650' post='2161151'] I always stand my ABM cab on it's side so it stands a bit taller. One of these should stack well on top of that. I'm inclined to go for a 2 x 15 setup and going by the specs the Neo has a little more top end output (9KHz) than my ABM Compact (4KHz). I'm not into the sharp top-heavy thing but I do like to be rewarded with a little bite when I dig in. Just wondering in this thread if anybody uses an ABM Neo already, and how they compare to other similarly sized cabs. They need to stack neatly after all! [/quote] I use AMB cabs on their side too. By the looks of it, I think the new NEO cabs are a bit slimmer - so not sure a ABM head will sit neatly on top, unless you lay them flat. Shame, as I'd probably switch to these otherwise.
  19. Bass direct selling sock of 2024 for £1650. Thats is a seriously good offer folks...
  20. I'm not a particularly discerning player having been quite happy with lower end gear inbetween the odd mad GAS attack. I got hooked on a 2024 because of how it sounds. Its just "there" - the sound that I've spent ages trying to create with amps and fx and god knows what. Turned out I just needed to shell out on the right bass. I haven't played a 1024 enough to do a fair comparison with its brother. But compared to (say) my stingray, which was £400 cheaper (new) than the 2024 - I'd say that they ('ray and 2024) feel very similar from a quality / build / feel perspective. Both almost fautless to be fair. The 2024 has proved to be slightly less hard-waring. I take excellent care of my gear - but it gains micro-scratches just by looking at it (maybe the gloss black shows it up more). Also the chrome has tarnished a little bit. Its no big deal and nothing to write home about - just that its lost its brand-newess a little quicker that I'd hoped. I guess its whats under the hood that counts. I'm thinking of selling everything else so I can have another one (mad GAS again!)
  21. [size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][sup]The Mods are spot on. Fighting talk’s all well and good, but would anyone REALLY (and personally) risk an injunction just to prove a point about (someone else’s) copyright infringement? I bloody wouldn’t. Best to calmly cease and desist as requested, have a quiet laugh about corporate paranoia, and put our money elsewhere. If I’d saved up enough for a real ric, I’d buy another Yamaha 2024. [/sup][/font][/size]
  22. Thats so sad. I met him a few times, cos I was friends with his daughter back in the day. He was a really nice guy. He told me a story about doing a show with another band who were taking the piss put of his sideburns. The singer said to him, "who do you think you are, trevor boulder?" Trevor said, never heard of him.
  23. I really like my abm - beefy articulate sound, got a fantastic eq, looks great - if you like that sort of thing - and plenty loud. I guess it does have a certain signature which not everyone would like (evidentally by some of the posts ) but thats what makes it what it is. I get on with it. A couple of tracks here which are straight bass-thro-abm (eq flatish and even mix of Di/mic) with nothing else added. It will sound crap to most (and may prove some of the negative points) I'm sure - but hey ho... [url="https://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider/the-girl-in-the-record-shop"]https://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider/the-girl-in-the-record-shop[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider/heroes-to-me"]https://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider/heroes-to-me[/url]
  24. BONES PARK RIDER New CD Launch Gig - Dove & Rainbow, Sheffield. 20 April (Global Record Store Day!) Free
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