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Everything posted by BluRay

  1. Well this thread died on its arse But updating anyway to say first airplay achieved last night - radio northumberland of all places. Tomorrow the world...
  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1364497916' post='2027397'] For that reason,, I'd say that if you are wondering about changing the preamp, it must be that you are not in love with it as it is... then yes, try a 3-band JE [/quote] hmmmm yeah.....much as I love my ray (the build quality is simply first class), i've never been too happy with the eq. Its really challenging to get it to sit "naturally" in the mix and veres from too thin and clanky or too boomy. I think some more JE investigation is required!
  3. I'm curious about these. Is there any merit in swapping a 3-band ray pre-amp for a JE? Would it change the tone much? Or are they mainly for upgrading copies?
  4. I think they're back on the blue ones again for new ones. They also changed size of the dust cover, which annoyed me as I couldn't get an exact replacement when I needed one. But I believe they're all basically the same spec.
  5. Hopefully this isn't breaking any sort of forum protocol... My band has a new EP out next month (yay!) and we're all mucking in with the pre-release activity, shipping promo CDs etc.Its an alternative/slightly punky sort of thing - so not really expecting mainstream airplay. But there must be many many club nights / radio shows that routinely cover this sort of music... [b]Can anyone please suggest any DJs, reviewers etc that we should contact?[/b] Or even better - do you have a contact list / emails etc you could share with me (via PM if appropriate)? The release is on 20th April (global record store day), and the title [url="https://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider"]track[/url] is all about the love of pokey record shops. A nice tie in, we thought. But actually drumming up the publicity is challenging. Any suggestions much appreciated! Thanks in advance!! (do we have some kind of industry contacts list on here? if not would be a great resource!)
  6. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1363941496' post='2019736'] I was looking at the Ashdown range the other day and noticed the Drophead 200 and CTM 100 are about the same price. Does that mean the CTM is better built or does it not cost that much more to add an extra 100w to a design? Obviously the two amps have different features, but I didn't think the differences were so great that the 200w amp would be so close in price to the CTM. [/quote] I guess its similar production costs combined with what people will pay for those different types of products. The drophead looks cool - but not very practical without the matching cab, CTM is probably more usable for most people. I wish they'd make a 200w CTM. Actually probably as well they don't.
  7. [quote name='thumbo' timestamp='1362654858' post='2002745'] Cheers guys I actually do like the white plate more than I thought I would, however, it's seeing this bass that made me realise I'd like to change it... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/33216-lakland-darryl-jones-4-blackblackmaple/"]http://basschat.co.u...lackblackmaple/[/url] [/quote] That looks well cool. I'd get the black one :-)
  8. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1362412937' post='1999240'] So, I've got a wedding evening do gig this July and it's in a marquee, I've played in marquees before but always with the BBC outdoor rig so power has been sorted for me...this time however it's a bit more hotch potch... I'm presuming there'll be a generator involved so does that mean I'll need a power conditioner to smooth out / clean up the power so it won't hurt my amp / my mates guitar amp? If so, what kind of thing would I need? I've heard of Furman who seem to be 'the one'...but which one? ...and... Does anyone in Sheffield have one I could borrow in July please? Ta BC [/quote] [size=4]I'm in Sheffield and can lend you a sampson power conditioner if you'd be happier using one. It does [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]surge protection, peak voltage clamping (whatever that is) and - most importantly - looks cool. [/font]The general advice seems to be its not necessary (I only use mine as a rack light and power hub to be honest) - but I'd definately get a trip switch if nothing else.[/size]
  9. Hi everyone. I finally got myself back into a band last summer - after several frustrating years in Gumtree wilderness, trying (and mostly failing) to find some folk to be in an originals band with who are broadly on the same wavelength, amicable, reasonably competent, not deluded etc. You wouldn't think its that hard, eh? Anyhow - after countless false starts and time-wasting" auditions" (don't get me started!), persistence eventually paid off and I joined an established alt rock band with an album out and a realistic balance between world domination and finding time to get the shopping done. We've just finished mixing the next EP due out next month. Here's a couple of tracks on the band's [url="http://soundcloud.com/bonesparkrider"]soundcloud[/url] (the newer ones have me on!). Its been rather a long while since I've been in a proper studio - and forgotten how much fun it is. One tracks maybe a bit busy/toppy, but the other guys liked it so I let it slide. :-) Any and all feedback appreciated!
  10. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1361909775' post='1992989'] Why would you say that? Of course it's not normal. The impedance should remain above nominal across the entire passband of the speaker and the manufacturer quotes a usable frequency response of 40Hz to 9kHz. What if your keyboard player uses it? Is there anything in the manual saying they shouldn’t? I can see why you’re jittery though. Roger’s done the right thing and employed you to OK the technical performance of the speaker and you messed up. In theory you are now liable for the cost of recalling and modifying all the Baer speakers in the field to meet the published spec. Nice one! [/quote] Irrespective of who’s “right” (and it seems there are fair and interesting points all around) I don’t think its right or fair to slate someone’s professional work based on the contents of this thread. Just saying, is all.
  11. Full marks to any manufacturer that takes the time to say hello on a forum. I sort of hope that somewhere theres an ampchat where the manufacture community pick faults with bass players that they don't know much about. That would seem fair somehow :-)
  12. spelling meant to use a n
  13. yep the curt reply tells you all you need to know - they're NOT professional.
  14. Having just acquired a yammy 2024 (from playing nowt but a stingray for a few years) I'd say you should definately check one out. Fairly similar neck profile and weight - and something of the stingray snarl/bite/cut-through to it, but a much more useable tone IMO.
  15. [media]http://youtu.be/os6-Ug1XBcs[/media] There's my answer Sounds great to me, especially with the gain up
  16. I had a Cougar 115 combo that was horrific. I'd "upgraded" from my first amp, a 1968 fender bassman silverface, because the cougar had more watts (which I thought meant it was better). I still weep bitter tears of regret.
  17. BluRay

    New Zoom B3

    [quote name='Thatguy59' timestamp='1359459655' post='1954969'] I really don't get why they won't do it, either: -They don't want to, because for some reason we're not as important as those pesky guitarists, or they don't understand why it would be good for us OR -They can't, because for some reason the B3's hardware isn't capable of it, which means we're sold what is an inferior product at the same price (although not having this upgrade kind of makes it inferior in the first place) Maybe I'm being too mean, or I've not had enough caffeine this morning, but I really fail to understand this. [/quote] More likely they don't think theres enough demand for an upgrade to justify the effort involved. If they thought it would impact sales to any great extent, they've have done it already. They've probably priorised their development resource to releasing a B-something-else .
  18. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1359221472' post='1951852'] I hadn't noticed that, so fair play to them. Thanks for pointing that out. I notice from your sig you have a BB2024X - what are your impressions of it, if you don't mind me asking? I recently bought a BB414 on BC and it is the easiest player I've ever had. I thought my Jazz was good until I played the 414. And what a fabulously versatile sound too - ideal for all those different covers my band does. I'm toying with the idea of a 1024 - so what does the 2024 bring? (apart from an empty wallet in my case lol) Cheers Geoff [/quote] Hi Geoff. Well i'm still in my honeymoon period with it - but its simply a staggeringly good bass from every perspective. However its really the tone that sets it apart. Looks identical to its cousins - but whats under the hood is quite different. There's loads of marketing guff about it on the yamaha site - but the upshot is its hand-built and the wood has been treated in various ways to make it more resonant. I think the pups are upgraded etc. Honestly couldn't say which of these upgrades makes the most impact - or maybe its just the sum of its parts. To be honest I suspect you wouldn't notice much difference between 1024 & 2024 just to pick them up in a shop. But when you plug it in, you really know where you're money's going. I don't think I've ever played a better sounding bass. Still grinning 2 months later (despite the empyty wallet). Well worth a trip somehere to try one out
  19. says on the site they will be "uploading loads more information" so I guess there's more detail on its way. Probably find their marketing team is all at NAMM! I'd like to know the dimensions and weight of the new neo range.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1358700403' post='1943583'] The problem wit this and comments about slappers is that sure I can get a super transparent sound from any of my Genz heads but they can also do the bottom end either as a mix or on its own for a super tight thumpy thing, I would happily put my 900w twin channel (FET and Tube mixed or solo'd) against any of the EVO heads (I had one for 10 years) and it will do everything the Ashdown can plus the top end thing, even on the foot switch if you really want to be versatile. For anyone playing multiple styles I just think things have moved on from a warmed over Trace Elliot PCB from the 80's [/quote] Well I'm not rising to the bait other than to say if it works for you, great. But personally have zero complaints about the ABM tone. Its a superb rock amp and I find it perfect in my band setting. I've tried genz shuttles and they were great, sure. But didn't make me particularly want one. More versitile? Probably. As good? Maybe (didn't spend long enough to say really, but it wasn't an instant hit). As desirable? Depends if you're happy with something that looks like a halfords car radio Each to their own. When its time for a rig change I'll take another look.
  21. [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1358638493' post='1942794'] No probs with my ABM 500 evo 3 head, takes time to work out the best settings thats all, not a plug in and play [/quote] +1 No problems at all with clarity or top end. I did find their 15 speakers less distinct than the 10s - but no suprises there. ABMs are also designed/marketed around a fairly strong signature tone, which doesn't suite everyone (just same as more transparent/uncoloured amps don't suit everyone either). If you try and dial it out you'll get frustrated quite quickly. If you work with it the results can be plenty impressive.
  22. This looks fun - on a facebook link today. Sadly I don't have £369 for a 15w tube amp (Gear4music price) - but if I did, I'd get one! [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/Daily/News/Ashdown_Launches_New_Classic_Tube_Magnifiers.aspx"]http://www.premiergu...Magnifiers.aspx[/url] Wonder what cab would suit it
  23. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1358536405' post='1941171'] Why can't I afford one of these. I'd love a 2025x. Btw, I watched ed bass whisperers review and he goes on about a noisy humming bridge pup. Is this an issue? [/quote] The J pup (soloed) does have a slight hum. Its a bit odd that its there - but its not really an issue as you can't hear it when you actually play anything. And the best sounds are from the P/J or P soled anyway. Its nothing really.
  24. That looks stunning. I've never seen another with a maple board. I've recently picked up a 2024 - and honestly cant believe how good it sounds. I've spent ages (and ££££) trying to get THAT sound from other basses - but the yammy just knows what to do. My bandmates are blown away by it too. I got the rosewood one which was the only one on offer (and, lucklily, I would have chosen anyway cos I personally prefer dark boards). Enjoy the new bass!
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