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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. I don't know that any modulation pedals can 'suck the low end out'... probably why you hardly ever see bass-specific modulation pedals. I've not tried the bass chorus deluxe, so can't comment on that, but I have the MXR analog chorus, and it sounds great. I have absolutely no desire to try the dearer MXR pedal...
  2. slight update to my board... starting to feel a little cramped now, I need a Metro 28!! The DOD FX10 is starting to be quite key... slight volume and treble boost does great things to the TFR
  3. I'll just leave this here! Like the look of this [url="http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/t-16-octave.php"]http://www.cogeffects.co.uk/t-16-octave.php[/url]
  4. I was just going to say COG T16 myself... small, better bypass than BOSS, the addition of a filter control on the octave down... if you don't want an octave up, I'd say this is the best option... but if you can score an OC-2 for a decent price second hand, it is the cheaper option. I love my OC-2, but see a T-16 in my future... I woundn't consider an OC-3, but it is a personal thing. The octron gets good reviews, but have not tried one to comment.
  5. worth trying the MXR analog chorus, love mine - it's solid and pretty reasonably priced. sounds like my old boss ce-5.
  6. haha - don't post when you are steaming drunk!
  7. if you can find an old DOD BI-FET preamp, I use one for this very purpose. volume boost, plus the EQ is really nice, boost bass without losing treble, and vice-versa...
  8. used to have one way back when. i see he has a volume mod, needs it, was unusably loud before!!
  9. re-reading your first post, I use octave (OC-2) and chorus a lot with fuzz. My OC-2 and MXR analog chorus work beautifully with my TFR. I mean, really nicely
  10. Ok, so i have owned 2 stache's and one TFR. The TFR is what I still own. However, I massively regret selling my first stache, it was awesome. Using a jazz, I preferred the stache, using a P bass, I preferred the TFR. I regretted selling the stache, so I bought another one. For me, it sounded nowhere near as great at that first stache. Ry told me that the design had changed, or the components had changed, I forget. Either way, the TFR won out for me. If you want a muff, I would really strongly recommend a TFR. I one day want to try a SUF civil war, I hear good things about them, from a lot of people who have owned the stache and TFR. outside of the muff world, I recently bought a solid gold fx formula 76, which is a great super fuzz clone. I also really dig the malekko diabolik, which is brass master based, I think...
  11. I'm gonna need a bigger [s]boat[/s] board!
  12. ain't that the truth!
  13. just for one practice, couldn't fit those 6 pedals on it! I'm back to the metro now, and the formula 76 is off the board... TFR wins!
  14. GazWills

    Fuzz question

    I'm pretty sure i saw this video in a similar thread a while back, maybe on talkbass, and general concensus was a depth charge? either way, sounds fat!
  15. GazWills

    Super Fuzz!

    if anyone's interested, the SolidGoldFX super fuzz (formula 76) is a real badass! in the mid scoop mode, the sound is even bassier than a tall font russian, and it totally nails that beastie boys gratitude tone. however, with a guitarist playing an SG into a 4x12 5 feet away from you, it gets totally swamped in the mix. but for using very sparingly with no guitars / chilled guitars, it sounds great. for me, the real tones with this pedal are in the mid boost mode. it just screams, really cuts through, rather like a malekko diabolik. in fact, it does that weird harmonic thing when the notes decay, like a diabolik does. Playing high up the neck in this mode, especially playing chords, the upper octave sounds are really dominant. some real sounds in this thing. The tone control is relatively subtle, but the separate compression knob is a really cool idea, and can really change the sounds dramatically. all in all, a cracking pedal!
  16. looking forward to seeing how the new boy fares this evening at practice muff, super fuzz / standard fuzz and rat. boom. destroy...
  17. GazWills

    Super Fuzz!

    holy cow. at bedroom levels, this thing sounds so heavy and bassey, it actually made my W&C tall font russian sound a little thin by comparison very much looking forward to practice this evening, and seeing how it compares through a valve amp and a 4x12!
  18. GazWills

    Super Fuzz!

    well, top marks to prymaxe... i ordered this pedal last thursday and it was delivered today, 4 working days later. pretty good for USPS priority
  19. It's the COG TK-421x that knocks my socks off every time I step on it... spectacular ratty good(bad)ness I do get tempted by the T65, but my OC-2 does what I need as far as analog octaves go, and I don't use it enough to justify the spend... but that TK-421...
  20. Looks interesting... I have never liked tiered pedalboards, but the widest single tier board that I know of is the metro 24 by pedaltrain. But the Evo Track L1 is over 32 inches wide... interested!!! http://www.aclamguitars.cat/shop/en/evo-track/52-evo-track-l1.html
  21. I was wanting something like this a while back, but the choice was very limited! Ashdown makes this: [url="http://ashdownmusic.com/products/1/Bass-Amplification/1/Custom-Shop/110/Drophead15C110/"]http://ashdownmusic....Drophead15C110/[/url] but I personally don't rate their gear in the slightest, so didn't look into it much further... EDIT - beat me to it!
  22. GazWills

    Super Fuzz!

    Agreed, but if you live in the UK and no shops in the country stock them, demos is all you have to try and choose wisely...
  23. GazWills

    Super Fuzz!

    this is the clip that sold me on it, as he is using a passive bass into an old fender amp (same setup I use): [media]http://youtu.be/Yz6G0yTKv_Q[/media] the excane demo's just don't work for me, as the clean bass tone is so far removed from what I use!
  24. GazWills

    Super Fuzz!

    well, I've been after a killer Super Fuzz clone / varient for some time, then stumbled across a couple of bass demos for the SolidGold FX Formula 76. Sounds amazing... based on the Super Fuzz and the Ibanez Standard Fuzz! add those demos to a 20% code for Prymaxe, and new fuzz is incoming excite!
  25. I need to get one soon for volume swells along with my delay and reverb, can't get the control i want using the volume on the bass and trying to play at the same time! going to go with the EB Jr, seems the 'TU-2' of volume pedals (I see it on pro's boards more than any alternative)
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