Ok, so i have owned 2 stache's and one TFR. The TFR is what I still own.
However, I massively regret selling my first stache, it was awesome. Using a jazz, I preferred the stache, using a P bass, I preferred the TFR.
I regretted selling the stache, so I bought another one. For me, it sounded nowhere near as great at that first stache. Ry told me that the design had changed, or the components had changed, I forget. Either way, the TFR won out for me.
If you want a muff, I would really strongly recommend a TFR. I one day want to try a SUF civil war, I hear good things about them, from a lot of people who have owned the stache and TFR.
outside of the muff world, I recently bought a solid gold fx formula 76, which is a great super fuzz clone. I also really dig the malekko diabolik, which is brass master based, I think...