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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. thanks, that definitely helps, will prob give mr. COG a shout when I have the funds
  2. right, TK-421 owners, I have a question... I'm looking to put something in the chain between a BB preamp (t/screamer o/d) and a tall font russian (muff)... and the TK-421 sounds like it'd be a good fit. I don't like blends, generally, apart from on extreme fuzz pedals (like the diabolik) - so to those of you with the 421x, do you really find the blend useful, or anything else that it has over the basic model?? I like my stuff to be pretty simple, so am drawn to the basic pedal... I have the BB set for a bass boost, and the TFR is very subby, so I want to be able to set it the 421, accepting it's a ratty distortion, so that it'll sit nicely next to my other pedals, with a decent low-end whallop cheers
  3. I'd also suggest adding an Xotic BB Bass Preamp to the list, unless there is a reason you've not listed it - think they are fantastic.
  4. stop listing pedal after pedal that I want to buy
  5. DOD Octoplus - £40 posted. Works perfectly, few scratches but pretty good condition. Have to point out that the side of the pedal is NOT scuffed, that is a reflection in the metal from the surface of my kitchen table!! Great analog octave pedal. Tone control effects the sub-octave signal only. Will include a Diago adaptor so this can be plugged straight into a 'standard' centre negative PSU. DOD battery compartment door is still attached
  6. I'll chip in, but has been said before it's a very personal thing - pedals in general but overdrive / low gain in particular! I've always liked tubescreamer-based pedals. Originally used an early series fulltone bassdrive, now use an Xotic BB bass preamp. as far as I'm concerned, a blend is totally not needed on low gain pedals, but a low and high EQ (or 3 band, even) is very useful (as opposed to just a tone knob)... Even for me though, what I likes depends on if I'm using a p bass or a stingray, and if I'm using my little combo or bigger valve amp and 4x12... so try as many as you can
  7. that is a shame - it's a great idea having that subs switch...
  8. 3leaf octavbre...
  9. sold subject to the usual...
  10. Ditto on hold pending the usual... and now SOLD
  11. TC Ditto and EQD still available, PM's replied to
  12. haa, well good - selling/moving home between now and May so I'll be skint til then anyways!!
  13. well, that gives me a couple of months to save up... doubt the new pedaltrains will arrive before Easter either
  14. though guitar guitar seem to have an indian soap opera clip for a demo!! WTF! http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/pedals_s_detail.asp?stock=15012215470158
  15. not a high fidelity sound demo... but more than enough to colour me very interested in this - beefy and nasty sounding
  16. [url="http://youtu.be/bocA7S8RM0Q"]http://youtu.be/bocA7S8RM0Q[/url]
  17. [quote name='TG Flatline' timestamp='1422008251' post='2667624'] Good result for Fuzzrocious, excellent (and indeed personally encouraging!) to see a small company get a win like this. Would have been good to see more of the Rat Tail-style modifications implemented, but I can't imagine Ryan is going to be disappointed about this in any way whatsoever! [/quote] It's also great to see one of the bigger companies actually listening to what people want, instead of just blindly adding clean blend to stock guitar pedals. I'm looking forward to trying this. It still surprises me that EHX have never done something similar with the muff, the stock models are pretty poor...
  18. An MXR rat tail with blend... Oooooh!!
  19. More taken by the fuzzrocious rat tail that MXR are putting out!!!!
  20. I think xotic may have done themselves out of a few sales by calling the BB a preamp - I use mine as an o/d, as do most from what I read on forums... agree though, amazing pedal
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