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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. not tried the deluxe bass big muff, but I used to own the std bass big muff. It was a decent enough pedal, but the tall font russian, for me, is so much better sounding. doesn't lose any bass, if anything it adds bass. i'm not interested in the new EHX pedals, not liked what I have tried. i can't see the point of a DI out on a fuzz, and I think if you want options, some of the more boutique builders are a better option (fuzzrocious, wren and cuff, etc). i don't personally go for the obsession with clean blends that a lot of folks have with dirt pedals - the stache and the TFR do not lose any bass, and sound huge. As for cutting through, I think it depends what sort of band context you use it in. muffs tend to be scooped in the mids - but my fuzzrocious grey stache has a mids control and really cuts through well when you dial this in. The TFR manages just fine, as I use it when the guitar drops out mostly, but would probably struggle in a band with 2 guitarists playing fuzzy guitars into big 4x12's! I have by no means tried all the muffs out there, but from my experience, the TFR and fuzzrocious grey stache are far better pedals than the std EHX bass big muff, and the deluxe version looks to me like a very big box with a limited range of options. For example, Fuzzrocious offer (in a smaller enclosure) diode clipping, 2nd distortion setting, add a gate, or a tone bypass - far more options than EHX offer.
  2. it's a very pretty board! nice etched BDPG, and one of the best kid-painted pedals i've seen
  3. Re-posted from Talkbass.... in case anyone is interested in hearing about the Maxon AD-10 I've had a carbon copy for a while, and liked it. I have always wanted a simple, no frills, decent analog delay on my board, and the MXR has done me proud for some time. But a couple of things bugged me with the carbon copy: 1. It's quite noisy. I know it's an analog delay, and maybe you're not 'supposed' to use the longest delay settings with maximum repeat volume, but the hissing noise makes it pretty bad for creating ambient sounds / feedback. Which brings me to... 2. Feedback on the carbon copy, to me, is very much nothing or waaay too much. It is hard to set the pedal at the point of oscillation, but have it stay under control. I picked up the Maxon AD-10 recently (had to order from Germany as nobody in the UK stocks it!). It arrived today, and I'm really happy with it. It is MUCH quieter than the carbon copy - still a very small amount of noise at the most extreme settings, but by far the quietest analog delay I've tried (I've tried quite a few, though none of the big, top $$ models). Also, feedback / oscillation is nicely controllable The only problem is price, as the AD-10 is almost £200, compared to £130 for the MXR. But for me, definitely the best quality, small footprint, simple analog delay out there.
  4. GazWills

    Maxon pedals

    I just ordered a new Maxon AD-10 analog delay... used to have an AD9-Pro and loved the tone but hated the footswitch!! So this new one looks the business Trying to find somewhere to buy it earlier made me realise just how few places stock Maxon pedals (and of those that do, nobody in the UK seems to stock the AD-10, had to buy from Germany!!!). This is a shame, as I think maxon pedals are excellent.
  5. cool... I ordered a stache with custom artwork a week or so back, and feel your pain RE the 2.5 month wait list - but it'll be worth it
  6. Yeah, with you on that - tfr sounds amazing using my 4x12 (no tweeters), but sounds horrible though some 4x10's with tweeters i've used for gigs...
  7. no fuzz... NO FUZZZZZ - I object!!!
  8. Well, it may just squeeze on, but for playing live it would be next to useless as everything would be too close together.... Maybe i'm less co-ordinated than others! But even with these 5 pedals i sometimes hit the tuner when going for the BB, as i'm bouncing about too much
  9. Sooooo - I've changed my mind about the bigger board (again!), and gone back to the PT Mini! Really happy with the pedals, just can't fit all 6 onto a mini, and a PT JR just seems too big (especially as I walk to practise)... so the OC-2 can live on the floor
  10. more zu cos they f***ing rock [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtS3QzBB_xA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtS3QzBB_xA[/url]
  11. back to effects-bass ZU [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0FKoyUwjxM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0FKoyUwjxM[/url]
  12. lovely reverb on the bass, on the album version - but killer live version so posting it anyway... think i'm getting sidetracked! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHI-4jZqIs8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHI-4jZqIs8[/url]
  13. pissed jeans - killer fuzz tone [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZj-3LhSsno"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZj-3LhSsno[/url]
  14. nice grindy bass tone - KONG [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bqhY31PBug"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bqhY31PBug[/url]
  15. my posts are just tuning into a list of the 'just a bassist' or '2 bassist' bands i like!
  16. dianogah [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mbjq4UNFC4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mbjq4UNFC4[/url]
  17. bored and quite hungover so this will turn into a long list
  18. Death from above... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWFCl2oHnaI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWFCl2oHnaI[/url]
  19. cows... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4pHLFYuFhI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4pHLFYuFhI[/url]
  20. not a great recording but a great 2-basses band Bear Claw: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2nCkGN35gY[/media]
  21. I have to say the vintage microtubes really interests me - I like my o/d more along the lines of the BB preamp / old bassdrive, and find the b3k samples quite harsh sounding... this pedal buying thing really doesn't end does it!!!
  22. Interested in trades for the phase 100? Boss PN-2 tremolo pan or wren and cuff phat phuk b??
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