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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. i picked up an old BOSS CE-5 for £40 on e-bay recently, one of the older analog ones. sounds great to me, plus has the high and low filters, so you can keep the lower frequencies uneffected. I'm really quite liking it. for new pedals, the MXR micro chorus is simple and pretty cheap - bit of a volume boost but that may be appealing?
  2. yeah, it's the cheap price that tempts me, most stand alone pedals cost over £100 these days!
  3. VERY Swedish pedalboard there
  4. Thanks both, definitely tempted now!
  5. hey folks. So I have an M5-sized space on my pedal board, and am interested in finding out a bit more about these things! I have an all-analog board at the moment with octaver, o/d, fuzz, chorus and delay pedals, and have heard that the dirts on the M5 are pretty lame, but that the reverbs and delays are good. I would mostly be using this for reverb, delay and pitch shifting (if it's good at that?) - so any opinions are welcome! Also, for those that incorporate an M5 into a pedal board with other pedals, where do you put this in the chain, as surely depending on what effect you have selected on the M5 the position in your chain to get the best out of it relative to your other effects would need to change??? Finally, can you daisy chain it on a diago PSU, or does it need a lot of power?? thanks all
  6. Awesome!! Nice setup My rat tail is en route from Ry, can't wait to add it to my board!!
  7. new setup for me... finally bitten the bullet and got a bigger board! really liking how these pedals all work together, but that space in the top left is begging to be filled!!! I have a Rat Tail on its way to me so that'll probably be on there in a couple of weeks
  8. quite surprised there is no interest in this, it's the best tremolo out there IMO!
  9. well, rather quicker than I'd expected, my Quint (from Jaws) Rat Tail has shipped... now for the daily (hourly!) checking of the UPS website
  10. i have no idea if this link will work but I just recorded a little clip on my iphone of my oc-2 being used with some dirts and delay. oc-2's are just amazing, they make everything bigger/fatter an iphone camera is probably not the best to pick up sub-octave, so just ignore the video and buy an oc-2! [url="https://socialcam.com/videos/Dlc1qfTZ?action_object_map=%7B%2210151540612650549%22%3A497800960269015%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151540612650549%22%3A%22socialcam%3Acreate%22%7D&autostart=true&fb_action_ids=10151540612650549&fb_action_types=socialcam%3Acreate&fb_source=other_multiline&no_fb_log=true&autostart=true"]https://socialcam.com/videos/Dlc1qfTZ?action_object_map=%7B%2210151540612650549%22%3A497800960269015%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D&action_type_map=%7B%2210151540612650549%22%3A%22socialcam%3Acreate%22%7D&autostart=true&fb_action_ids=10151540612650549&fb_action_types=socialcam%3Acreate&fb_source=other_multiline&no_fb_log=true&autostart=true[/url]
  11. Nice board! Personally love my BB going into the TFR though, pushes it through the roof!!
  12. jesus what sort of porn do you watch??
  13. [indent=1]"full on" is why i got the rat tail! My BB preamp does me for a 'nice' OD, and I have a TFR for fuzz - but I needed a NASTY distortion, so RT for the win I think![/indent] [indent=1]I officially need a bigger pedal board! won a nice analog CE-5 chorus on the 'bay this week too [/indent]
  14. Ry has some awesome etched enclosures on the site at the minute... they're smaller than the standard enclosures, and he'll put a grey stache, dark driving, ram the man-parts or rat tail in for you! I've just ordered a Rat Tail in the Quint enclosure (I love Jaws!!), which looks ace: exciting!!!
  15. i don't know what surprises me more - that nobody has bought this yet, or that somebody is selling one of these!! love my BB, and £90 is a good price too
  16. another vote for OC-2 for analog/fat/awesome with fuzz... sold one a year or two back and have been hankering for another one for a while, and also picked one up this weekend I've used a micro-POG and have to say the tracking was staggering, fast runs, chords, it tracked everything. sounds very digital, but is perfect for getting 'Battles'-esque sounds... I may have to get one of those too!
  17. Withdrawn, come to my senses!!!
  18. I had a stache with gate and you're right, had to turn it to max, and was a volume drop, but driving it with a BB preamp was amazing!!
  19. Higgie - loving the boards, some awesome pedals there! what options do you have on your stache, not seen 2 toggles before!
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