hey folks. So I have an M5-sized space on my pedal board, and am interested in finding out a bit more about these things!
I have an all-analog board at the moment with octaver, o/d, fuzz, chorus and delay pedals, and have heard that the dirts on the M5 are pretty lame, but that the reverbs and delays are good. I would mostly be using this for reverb, delay and pitch shifting (if it's good at that?) - so any opinions are welcome!
Also, for those that incorporate an M5 into a pedal board with other pedals, where do you put this in the chain, as surely depending on what effect you have selected on the M5 the position in your chain to get the best out of it relative to your other effects would need to change???
Finally, can you daisy chain it on a diago PSU, or does it need a lot of power??
thanks all