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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. This is what I've been using to while away the Xmas holidays not back to work until Tuesday so having a load of fun with this!! EDIT: chain is TU-2 (hidden off-shot to the right!) - wren and cuff phat phuk b - xotic bass bb preamp - fuzzrocious grey stache (LED & germanium diodes, gate on 2nd footswitch) - subdecay echobox - boss pn-2
  2. yeah, i agree - i love my p-bass through my BB preamp, but my jazz bass doesn't sound very good through it at all. on the flip side my jazz sounds great through my OSD, but i don't like how the P bass sounds through this pedal. bottom line, try as much as you can through your bass and rig, i can't even settle on a board for my own basses!!!
  3. tri pie on hold...
  4. PT999 now removed, as i can't part with it
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1323096776' post='1459192'] What's the PT999 like with bass? YouTube offers loads of guitar stuff, but no one playing a bass through one of these. [/quote] i think it sounds great with bass. it's been up for sale for a while, so i've started playing it again, and am very tempted to keep the thing. it's the best phaser i've tried on bass. i've not tried them all, but used old ibanez phasers, mxr phase 45, phase 90, phase 100, mad prof phaser and an old boss PH-1. very much personal preference with phasers i thing. i like the PT999 as it's subtle, very much a phase 45 sound at lower speeds (though the maxon is a 4-stage pedal), and at high speeds it's closer to a univibe than a phase in my opinion (and is usable at high speeds, unlike the madness of a phase 90 at max!!) it's my only phaser, and up for sale as i don't use phase in current (or past bands) - but as soon as i sell one i want another!!!
  6. BoF - no, i was tempted by the idea of a clean blend but Matt at W&C convinced me not to bother, and it definitely doesn't need it - when you turn up the fuzz and drop the tonecontrol the lows on this pedal are huge. If you're bristol/bath, you're welcome to pop over and try it out (i'm central Bristol)
  7. bump - surprised there is so little interest in the W&C fuzz - tis a badass!
  8. bump for added wren and cuff goodness
  9. forgot to update this - the mad professor BBBOD is now en route to a new home, so just the two Maxon pedals left...
  10. bump for the phat phuk being the best pedal i ever bought, i'd almost consider buying this for a backup if i had more spare cash
  11. xotic bass BB preamp. tidy! no blend, but doesn't need one, can dial in a big bass boost with the EQ.
  12. that's insanely clean looking! tuners look brand new!!! i have a couple of JV's and paid £675 for a P very recently, which i think is a fair price as it plays like a dream, much nicer than the 2 prev US P's i've owned (though i got my first JV for less than £400 4 or 5 years ago)... £1000 though! eek
  13. hi - i have a maxon AD9-Pro analog delay for sale, but could be tempted by a trade for this, send me a PM if you're interested. cheers
  14. tone factor now gone, just the maxon pedals and the BBBOD left...
  15. bump - still 4 pedals for sale here
  16. Traded my AV57 P bass with Seni's Jazz yesterday - bass is great and Seni is a sound bloke
  17. covers were unfortunately not provided by the store when i purchased.... also this is now on hold pending a potential trade on saturday.
  18. let us know what it's like if you do - i've been hunting for a valcoder for a while as i want a small choppy trem, the lovepedal one looks like it could be a winner!
  19. Thought there would be a bit of interest in this, i understand the little blemish on the base may put some folks off, put a perfect AV57 went for £1,000 not too long ago. Is £800 too high? This plays, and sounds, immense! wish my hands were a bit bigger as i'd keep it!
  20. hi - i have an AV57 Fender P up for sale at a similar price - but could be up for a trade..
  21. bump!
  22. edited and updated - new prices, and a couple of new pedals added...
  23. our first EP is up on bandcamp now, so you can listen to all 5 tracks! vonbartha.bandcamp.com i think
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