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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1034723' date='Nov 24 2010, 08:24 AM']I get the same issue with any fix into the Carbon Copy. Digital delays work just fine though![/quote] that's cool, I was worried it may have been a quirk with the maxon delay - yeah, tried it with my DD-3 and it works much better (albeit without any soul!!!) actually tried the fuzz after the AD9, as was suggested. scope for some cool sounds there, and an oscillating delay into a big muff is a lot of fun... even better, then tried oscillating fuzz into phaser, then into muff - sounds insane!
  2. [quote name='GazWills' post='1033917' date='Nov 23 2010, 02:20 PM']not that i can remember no, i'll give that a try tonight[/quote] regardless of if this works or not, do other fuzz/analog delay users have the same issues i've been having??
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1033868' date='Nov 23 2010, 01:43 PM']Have you tried the fuzz after the delay?[/quote] not that i can remember no, i'll give that a try tonight
  4. Hey, hoping somebody can shed some light here. I use a maxon ad9-pro for my delay sound, and I really love it. great analog delay sound, and funky oscillations too! the problem comes when i use a fuzz before it (I assume my problem is common to all fuzzes, though i've only got an EHX bass big muff and a mammoth clone to try with)... basically, the fuzz kills the delay, or should i say notably reduces the volume and feedback (no. of delays). Could this be due to some heavy filtering to reduce noise at the higher delay lengths? Anyway, this is really bugging me, and in case that's just the way it is with analog delays over 300 or 400ms, are there any digital delays that won't have this problem with fuzz (i.e. they can still give some clear-ish repeats), but still have a warm analog-esque sound when using clean tones, and preferably nice anolog-sounding decay (I imagine not, but worth an ask!!!) cheers!
  5. OC2 dropped back down from 16 to 15... it's a conspiracy i tell you!
  6. ok, voting "again" as my last votes got missed off as a couple of us posted at the same time... and it's more power to the OC-2 again! 3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator - 6 Adrenalinn II - 1 Aguilar Agro - 1 Aguilar Octamizer - 1 Akai Unibass - 2 AMT Slap Bass -1 Analogman Mini Chorus - 1 Ashdown Chorus - 1 Ashdown Drive Plus - 2 Asdown dual band compressor - 2 Ashdown sub octave plus - 1 Barge Concepts VFB-2 - 2 Behringer BDI21 - 3 Behringer chorus - 1 Boomstick Bottom Feeder - 1 Boss BF-2 - 1 Boss BF-3 - 1 Boss CE-2 - 4 Boss CEB3 - 1 Boss CS-3 - 1 [b]Doss DD-3 - 1[/b] Boss DD-20 - 3 Boss DS-1 - 2 Boss LS-2 - 8 Boss ME-50B - 1 Boss ME-8B - 1 Boss MT-2 - 1 [b]Boss OC-2 - 15[/b] Boss OC-3 - 3 Boss ODB-3 - 7 Boss PH-1r - 1 Boss PS-3 - 1 Boss PW-10 - 1 Boss SD-1 - 1 Boss SL-20 -2 Boss SYB 3 - 2 [b]Boss TU2 - 14[/b] Boss TU3 - 2 Boss TU-12H - 2 Boss chorus ensemble CE-5 - 2 Bugbrand Bugcrusher - 1 Catalinbread SFT - 3 Catalinbread Teaser Stallion - 1 Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer - 1 Crowther Prunes & Custard - 1 Danelectro French Toast - 2 Danelectro Reel Echo - 1 Demeter Opto Comp - 3 Devi Ever Hyperion - 1 Devi Ever Cherry Pop - 1 Devi Ever SodaMeiser - 1 Digitech Bad Monkey - 2 Digitech Bass Synth Wah - 1 Digitech Dual Band Bass Compressor - 1 Digitech Whammy - 5 DOD FX-25 B - 1 DOD FX-68 - 1 DOD FX-80B - 1 Dunlop Bass Cry Baby - 4 DHA VT2 - 3 EBS Octabass - 3 EBS Microbass - 1 EBS Multidrive - 1 EBS Multicomp - 5 EBS Dynaverb - 1 EBS Unichorus - 1 EHX Memory Man with Hazarai - 1 EHX Bass Balls - 1 [b]EHX Bass Big Muff - 6[/b] EHX Bass Metaphors - 2 EHX Bass Micro Synth - 4 EHX Big Muff Pi (Black Russian) - 3 EHX Big Muff Pi (Green Russian) - 2 EHX Black Finger - 1 EHX HOG - 1 EHX Octave Multiplexer - 2 EHX POG2 - 1 EHX Small Clone - 1 EHX Small Stone Nano - 3 EHX Small Stone (Black Russian) - 1 EHX Qtron - 2 EHX Qtron+ - 3 [b]ElectroniX Crossdrive - 1 ElectroniX Submarine - 1[/b] Exar PigNose - 1 Ernie Ball VP-Jr - 1 Fishman Platinum Pro EQ -1 FuzzHugger ABsynth - 1 [b]Fulltone Bassdrive non-MOSFET - 1[/b] Fulltone Bass-Drive Mosfet - 1 Guyatone MD-3 delay - 1 Guyatone PS-3 Phase Shifter - 1 HBE Psilocybe -1 [b]Ibanez FL9[/b] Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive - 2 Ibanez SB 7 - 1 Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon - 1 Korg DT-10 - 2 Korg Pitchblack - 4 Line 6 M9 - 2 Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live - 1 Line 6 DL4 - 3 Line6 FM4 - 1 Maestro Brassmaster (clone) -1 MarkBass Compressore - 1 MarkBass Super Synth - 1 Marshall Guv'nor (MK1) - 1 Marshall Jackhammer - 2 Marshall Echohead - 1 Marshall Regenerator - 1 [b]Maxon AD9 Pro - 1[/b] Maxon CP9+ - 1 [b]Maxon PT999 - 1[/b] Mellowtone Clean Chan Dirty Chan - 1 Mojo Hand Cream Pie - 1 Montgomery Flanger - 1 Moog MF-101 - 3 Moog MF-102 - 1 Moog MF-105b - 1 Moog MF-107 - 2 Moog MP-201 - 1 Mr Zinky Master Blaster - 1 MXR Bass Octave Deluxe - 2 MXR Blowtorch - 4 MXR Carbon Copy - 1 MXR El Grande Bass Fuzz -1 MXR M-80 DI+ - 7 MXR M-143 Limiter MXR Phase 90 - 1 MXR Phase 100 - 1 MXR Super Comp - 1 Peterson StroboStomp 1 - 1 ProCo Tubro Rat - 2 Radial Bassbone - 1 Radial bishot io - 1 Robot Factory Meatwad - 1 Rocktron Cyborg Reverb - 1 Sansamp Bddi - 9 SansAmp Para-driver - 1 Seymour Duncan Tweak Fuzz - 1 SFX Micro Fuzz - 1 SFX S&M - 1 Sonic Research Turbo Tuner - 1 Subdecay Noise Box - 1 TC Electronics PolyTune - 2 TC Electronics Nova Modulator - 1 Tech 21 VT Bass - 4 Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe - 3 Toadworks Mr Squishy - 1 [b]Tone Factor 442 Red Filter - 1[/b] Way huge swollen pickle - 1 Wren & Cuff Pickle Pie B - 1 Xotic X-Blender - 1 Xotic Bass BB Preamp - 1 Yamaha OD-10 - 1 Z.Vex Box of Rock - 1 (clone) Zvex Fuzz Factory - 1 [b]Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth - 7[/b] Z.Vex Mastotron - 1 Z.Vex Wah Probe - 1
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1019553' date='Nov 11 2010, 12:06 AM']After a year or two playing with myself, I'm now gigging once again. Haven't posted for a while, but here's what I'm currently rocking: Wilson Freaker Wah -> Korg Pitchblack -> Xotic Bass BB -> SFX S&M with Bass Big Muff in the loop -> SFX X&M with Carbon Copy and Small Stone in the high channel I had to pick up the S&M to blend the Bass Big Muff since EHX screwed up and made it so you can only mix in your wet signal with 100% dry level on the blended mode, which gives too much volume. But I need it as I haven't managed to find a better combination than my BB415 with both pickups on into the BB into the blended BBM! Such a doomy crunchy tone yet with plenty of clarity, since it's effectively a light overdrive and boosted fuzz in parallel. The Freaker is a smaller cheaper more adjustable replacement for the Parachute wah that I have up for sale (will get around to eBay-ing it one day). It sounds evil going into the fuzz! The X&M is there so I can just add delay and phaser to the midrange and treble, although I mainly use these for freakout oscillation noises, adjusting the pitch with my big toe whilst playing bass.[/quote] damn the IT police at work - can't see the picture! sounds like a great setup, v.close to what i'm using - waiting on a BB preamp to replace my bassdrive, then into a BBM, and then PT999 phaser and AD9-Pro delay (loving the maxon pedals!) - but yeah, bit of phase or delay mixed in with the fuzz is the way forward! Like i say can't see your board at work, but i'm running a phase before the muff, much prefer the sound that way round!
  8. sweet! cheers for posting this, just worked through 7 of the 8 parts on u-tube with a bottle of wine (couldn't find part 6!!), what a great film! particularly loved j mascis and his big muff collection!
  9. 3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator - 4 Adrenalinn II - 1 Aguilar Agro - 1 Aguilar Octamizer - 1 Akai Unibass - 1 AMT Slap Bass -1 Ashdown Chorus - 1 Ashdown Drive Plus - 2 Asdown dual band compressor - 2 Ashdown sub octave plus - 1 Barge Concepts VFB-2 - 2 Behringer BDI21 - 2 Behringer chorus - 1 Boomstick Bottom Feeder - 1 Boss CE-2 - 3 Boss CEB3 - 1 Boss DD3 - 1 Boss DD-20 - 3 Boss DS-1 - 1 Boss LS-2 - 6 Boss ME-8B - 1 Boss OC-2 - 10 Boss ODB-3 - 4 Boss SD-1 - 1 Boss SL-20 -2 Boss SYB 3 - 2 Boss TU2 - 9 Boss TU-12H - 1 Boss chorus ensemble CE-5 - 2 Bugbrand Bugcrusher - 1 Catalinbread SFT (clone) - 1 Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer - 1 Danelectro French Toast - 2 Demeter opto comp - 1 Devi Ever Hyperion - 1 Devi Ever Cherry Pop - 1 Devi Ever SodaMeiser - 1 Digitech Bad Monkey - 1 Digitech Whammy - 3 Dunlop Bass Cry Baby - 3 DHA VT2 - 3 EBS Octabass - 3 EBS Multicomp - 3 EBS Dynaverb - 1 EHX Memory Man with Hazarai - 1 EBS Unichorus - 1 EHX Bass Balls - 1 EHX Bass Big Muff - 2 EHX Bass Metaphors - 1 EHX Bass Micro Synth - 4 EHX Big Muff Pi (Black Russian) - 2 EHX Octave Multiplexer - 1 EHX POG2 - 1 EHX Small Stone Nano - 2 EHX Small Stone (Black Russian) - 1 EHX Qtron - 1 EHX Qtron+ - 3 ElectroniX Crossdrive - 1 ElectroniX Submarine - 1 Ernie Ball VP-Jr - 1 Fishman Platinum Pro EQ -1 Fulltone Bassdrive (non MOSFET) - 1 Guyatone MD-3 delay - 1 Guyatone PS-3 Phase Shifter - 1 HBE Psilocybe -1 Ibanez FL9 - 1 Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive - 1 Ibanez SB 7 - 1 Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon - 1 Korg DT-10 - 1 Korg Pitchblack - 3 Line 6 M9 - 2 Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live - 1 Line 6 DL4 - 1 Maestro Brassmaster (clone) -1 MarkBass Super Synth - 1 Marshall Guv'nor (MK1) - 1 Marshall Jackhammer - 2 Maxon AD9 Pro - 1 Maxon CP9+ - 1 Maxon PT999 - 1 Mojo Hand Cream Pie - 1 Moog MF-101 - 3 Moog MF-102 - 1 Moog MF-105b - 1 Moog MF-107 - 2 Moog MP-201 - 1 Mr Zinky Master Blaster - 1 MXR Blowtorch - 3 MXR M-80 DI+ - 5 ProCo Tubro Rat - 2 Radial Bassbone - 1 Radial bishot io - 1 Rocktron Cyborg Reverb - 1 Sansamp Bddi - 5 SFX Micro Fuzz - 1 SFX S&M - 1 Subdecay Noise Box - 1 TC Electronics PolyTune - 2 TC Electronics Nova Modulator - 1 Tech 21 VT Bass - 2 Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe - 3 Toadworks Mr Squishy - 1 Tonefactor 442 Red Filter - 1 Way huge swollen pickle - 1 Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth - 3 Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth (clone) - 1 Z.Vex Mastotron - 1 Z.Vex Wah Probe - 1
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1015042' date='Nov 7 2010, 10:02 AM']The Xotic Bass BB Preamp sounds pretty similar, but with more low end on tap thanks to the EQ and a much smaller footprint![/quote] great - that sounds exactly what i'm after, a bit smaller and a bit bassier! bet there's nowhere to try one out in the SW!!
  11. hey, i've been using my old fulltone bassdrive a lot recently in comp-cut mode (i've got the old version where you have to pull the volume pot up to do this)... does anybody know of any other bost / drive pedals that have a similar sort of sound. i don't know very much about boost pedals, but imagine this mode on the bassdrive is a sort of clean boost mode??? thanks
  12. [quote name='harvey1-8' post='1011411' date='Nov 3 2010, 09:55 PM']I've had both in the past, if I remember correctly they're both a gain boost (don't quote me on that). Try one if you can, I'm after a Fulltone again at some point (should never had sold mine). If you get one and it's not what you're after then they always sell well.[/quote] i've not tried the newer bassdrives, mine is from circa 2003 (no switches, and you pull the volume control up to remove the compression). in the comp-cut mode, the second footswitch is purely a volume boost, but in the standard setting (with compression), the second boost footswitch just adds more gain and dirt... i don't like how they sound through solid state amps, mine always a bit too tubescreamer-ey / fizzy for me, but through a valve amp it sounds awesome.
  13. [quote name='jakesbass' post='999072' date='Oct 24 2010, 05:40 PM']Hi Gaz, I PM'd you on friday.... Any answers? Jake[/quote] Hey Jake, wasn't near the internet over the weekend so only picked up your message this afternoon - replied just now though. cheers
  14. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='997748' date='Oct 23 2010, 05:21 AM']I hope I didn't come off as challenging the price I bought one in 1985 and it was my main bass for about 8 years.[/quote] Not at all. Plus i now know likely age too, was guessing mid-80's
  15. [quote name='Vibrating G String' post='996615' date='Oct 22 2010, 06:09 AM']By 1985 Tokai was using a new shape in the US on the headstock with a flattened end in response to legal demands from Fender. All the Fender style basses Tokai brought to NAMM in 1985 had this headstock and much of the booth stock was sold to Freedom Guitars on Sunset in Hollywood. Tokai went back to the original headstock for the guitars they eventually made for Fender.[/quote] yeah, that's what i read on the web, think it was the tokai registory? not trying to bump up price by claiming this bass is something it's not - just not much info on the net on tokai's of this age that i can find.
  16. [quote name='noelk27' post='996517' date='Oct 21 2010, 11:27 PM']- Nope. - Nope. Fender took issue with Tokai approximating the Fender logo, commonly referred to as the spaghetti logo, not any other feature or characteristic of the Tokai instruments. There's nothing remotely "lawsuit" about the bass you're selling.[/quote] jeez, just trying to sell the thing, i don't claim to be a world expert on tokai's!
  17. [quote name='karlfer' post='953304' date='Sep 12 2010, 07:01 AM']Hello Gaz Wills, sure this has gone, but I sent you a PM last week. If you still have it could you PM me please. Cheers, Karl.[/quote] hey Karl, sorry, been on my hols for a few weeks and somehow missed your message, just replied to you. Not after trades any more as really need the cash...
  18. very jealous of the phaes 45 - i couldn't wait for this to come out in the end (or afford the stupid ebay prices for an original) so got a maxon PT999 earlier this year, which although 4 stage is a pretty similar sound to the 45 IMO (waaay subtler than the phase 90, and lovely and vibe-esque at high speeds).... your 45 does look ace though, any volume drop noticable when you kick it on?
  19. you didn't identify the type of bulbs used to light up the board either... just lazy!!
  20. [quote name='EskimoBassist' post='957196' date='Sep 15 2010, 01:53 PM']L-R Catalinbread SFT, Catalinbread Super Chili Picoso, Subdecay Super Nova Drive (Old Yellow edition?), Sonic Research ST-200 Turbo Tuner, Line 6 X2 (XDS95) Wireless Receiver. And all powered by a Diago Powerstation. Can't make out the cables, though I think that would probably be one step too far in the board identifying game.[/quote] ta - just wasn't sure on the box next to the tuner..
  21. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='955421' date='Sep 13 2010, 09:29 PM']Ok now no getting mega jealous Day Shot (Band board on the right, session board on the left) Getting Darker Shot Night Shot [/quote] couple of nice boards there - though to be honest if i turned up for a gig with a pedal board that glowed in the dark like that i'd have the piss ripped out of me for ever more!! what's sat on the PT mini over to the right, can't quite make it out..
  22. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='948306' date='Sep 7 2010, 02:04 PM']Here's a possible option - if you have a Boss TU-2 tuner pedal - both of those outputs work at the same time, and apparently with no signal degradation. This sounds highly suspect, except that it was shown to me by Joylan Thomas on a session he was engineering alongside Ken Thomas producing. Ken Thomas was heavily involved in a lot of the early Sigur Ros records, and more recently the last Moby record. I don't say this to name drop but rather that if it was good enough sonically for them in a studio then I'll take it!!![/quote] yeah, i've used my TU-2 for this and never noticed any signal probs.
  23. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='944619' date='Sep 3 2010, 03:21 PM'][color="#FF0000"][size=4][i][b]Q.: What do Tech 21 SansAmp VT Bass and David Beckham have in common?[/b][/i][/size][/color] [color="#FF0000"][size=4][i][b]A.: They both come in a.... posh box! [/b][/i][/size][/color] [/quote] i love getting pedals delivered to the office
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='944576' date='Sep 3 2010, 02:28 PM']Surely you mean 'I'll make you one.'?[/quote] i actually took the amp in for a big overhaul/service this week, so fingers crossed will be back and fighting fit soon. i was more curious i guess if there are any amps out there that are based on the bassman circuit, just, i dunno, a bit new and improved?!?!?
  25. hey dude, i'm after an OC-2 - i moved on that MXR octaver i swapped with you for the MXR filter a while back and am hankering for an octaver again for synth fun i'll most likely be walking up gloucester road some time over the next week so could stop by with the £$£$£$
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