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Everything posted by GazWills

  1. i know.... but needs must (thanks mostly to the scummy bike theives of bristol!) anyone???
  2. OK, first things first, this is a work in progress!!! Missing 1 pedal (and the board!!!), but i'm almost done, and I've been itching to post something in this thread for months! So a half-assed 'board' and shoddy camera phone pic will have to do for now! Pretty simple, subtle effects. TU-2 -> electronix crossdrive, -> fulltone bassdrive (running at 18v) -> maxon AD-9 pro -> electronix submarine. Just needing a nice little 2 stage phaser between the bassdrive and the AD-9. I was gonna go for a mojo hand nebula, but then found out MXR were re-issuing the phase 45 this summer, so I'm gonna have to wait for that! Getting a T-rex pedal board to sit this all on if I ever sell the jag I've got in the sale threads!!!
  3. updated, with pictures, and revised prices!
  4. cheers Clarky, was meaning to put pics up tonight... so here goes. Apologies for the so so quality at present, only have the camera on my phone right now. Oh, and the red things you can see are just the rubber hoops from grolsch bottle tops for cheapo strap locks...
  5. dropped like a stone.. BUMP!!!
  6. Folks, really reluctant sale, as I love my Jag. Not to labour the sob story, but had both my bikes nicked last weekend and insurance not nearly covering it, so selling my Jag. 2009 model, bought new about 4 months ago. White. Perfect condition, only left my flat for a proper setup and restring. Really nice bass, properly gutted having to sell it, but needs must. Still have a stingray!! Bought for £679, and nearly new, so looking for £500 excluding delivery. This is a total bargain if you're after a Jag! I'm based in Bristol... Gaz
  7. Hi - so there seem to have been quite a few threads with folks after fuzz pedals, and I thought i'd add another one to the mix! My ElectroniX Crossdrive finally got here from the States on Thursday, and after a good few hours on it, have to say it's absolutely awesome. Comes in a little MXR-sized case, with the brightest blue LED i've ever seen - lists for about $119, but with import duty etc etc and delivery, works out about £95 all in. It's not a gated fuzz, or a particularly high gain fuzz. Just a volume knob and a drive knob (which really seems to act more as a tone than a 'fuzz' control). Like I say, it's not that high gain, but just has this fantastic old-school fuzz sound, really really musical is the best way i can describe it - and it works just as well with my (active) stingray as my P bass, so a nice change for a fuzz pedal! No sound clips i'm afraid, as i don't have the technology!! But if you're after a nice little musical fuzz, worth a look i reckon. [url="http://musicelectronix.com"]ElectroniX Pedals[/url]
  8. [quote name='The Twickerman' post='742469' date='Feb 11 2010, 08:02 PM']I bought one of these to replace my Boss AW-2 on the strength of such claims. I never quite got into it though, as as auto-filters don't feature in my sound at the moment it sits in its box under the bed.[/quote] i had the MXR bass auto Q, to be honest I thought it was weak, very limited on options and the 'shimmer' effect a rather rubbush gimmick. i sold it and got a maxon AF-9. This was very very good, but have hardly used it as i'm just not playing that sort of music any more. funnily enough, have one for sale (boxed, PERFECT condition) in th effects for sale threads somewhere
  9. [quote name='Killstarz' post='742143' date='Feb 11 2010, 02:58 PM']as the title says. What is the difference between the bass octave and the bass octave deluxe?[/quote] i don't know (useless answer!!) - but if you decide to go with the older version, i have a mint condition boxed mxr bass octave on about page 3 of the effects for sale threads!!
  10. [quote name='fxpedal.co.uk' post='741885' date='Feb 11 2010, 11:48 AM']We have all the new MXR pedals on order so they'll be with us as soon as they start shipping. We'll set them up on our Dunlop demo board once they arrive if anyone's close to the shop and wants to try them out.[/quote] if it sounds like a proper phase 45 then no need to try, i'll have one!! do you have any idea of the price these are going to be going for, and if they're really a 'limited' run like the site says - i.e. will i have to pre-order?
  11. [quote name='Killstarz' post='741982' date='Feb 11 2010, 12:46 PM']oh, before i go out and splash the cash, will that be ok for all the pedals i mentioned above? cheers[/quote] i used to have a similar psu from maplins. should run your pedals fine, but in my experience noisy as hell, as not isolated. there's a reason it's cheap!
  12. [quote name='Killstarz' post='741809' date='Feb 11 2010, 10:48 AM']Sorry, yeah i should have mentioned. Gonna be running a smallish board with: Bass Big Muff MXR bass octave deluxe (or EBS Octabass) A yet undecided Envelope Filter Boss pedal tuner (Tu-2 i think it is) maybe 1 more eventually.[/quote] [url="http://t-rex-effects.com/Default.aspx?ID=2&ProductID=PROD117&VariantID="]T-Rex Feul Tank Junior[/url] this sounds perfect IMO. it's what i use, costs about £85, and gives you lots of options (9V, 18V and daisy chain)
  13. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='737897' date='Feb 7 2010, 10:19 AM']Go here: www.beavisaudio.com Read everything Get this: [url="http://www.beavisaudio.com/bboard/index.htm"]http://www.beavisaudio.com/bboard/index.htm[/url][/quote] i've also been looking at starting building some very basic pedals (fuzzes mostly) - and came across this site a while ago. Have you bought the beavis board yourself - is it as good (albeit a bit expensive) an idea as it seems from looking at the beavis website??
  14. i got a T-Rex PSU recently - has 5 isolated 9V supplies, and you can use the supplied lead to double up 2 for an 18v supply (awesome if you have a bassdrive!). can also daisy chain for lower powered pedals.. totally depends what your needs are though, i only need to power about 5 pedals, so the little T-Rex is prfect for me (VERY small footprint on the board too).. think it's about £85. Their bigger power supplies are over £100 though.
  15. [quote name='umph' post='739062' date='Feb 8 2010, 04:17 PM']loving your band - my own flag[/quote] cool - cheers dude! oh, and phase 45 re-issue not out until July - boo!
  16. in case anybody is interested, an update!!! paid the charges today, totalled about £27. Considering this covers import VAT and handling charges etc, not too bad (as works out at £13.50 per pedal) - still annoying, but could have been more if the seller didn't mark down the value a bit. I have a tip that some of you may not know... if you order through USPS, your pedals will be sent by parcelforce. As soon as the USPS tracking updates with 'attempted delivery' - it means the pedal is through customs and with the local parcelforce depot. instead of waiting a day or two for the letter from parcelforce telling you about the charges, you can use the USPS tracker number on the parcelforce site, find the depot and pay for the changes there and then. So my pedals are being delivered tomorrow, as i called the depot about 20 mins after they got the pedals from customs. if i waited for the letter i wouldn't be able to get them until early next week. only saves a day or two, but i ordered these weeks ago, so 2 days less waiting = good!!!
  17. Just been looking on the Dunlop website, and it looks like they’re going to be taking my pocket money for the rest of the year!! The way huge aqua-puss must be due out soon. Also – quite excited about this – MXR’s custom shop are re-issuing the phase 45. I’ve been after one of these for aaages, they go for stupid money on e-bay, but it’s the only phaser I’ve user used I really like! Hope it’s not too expensive – words like ‘custom shop’ and ‘original 1975 components’ on the website sadly doesn’t sound like ‘affordable’ to me though!
  18. [quote name='krispn' post='732147' date='Feb 1 2010, 08:10 PM']hi Gaz I've never heard of these guys before but they lookand sound quite good. Be interested to hear how you find them once you have play tested them Do come back on and post some reviews Cheers k[/quote] no probs, will do. hopefully have them in the next week or two. I got onto ElectroniX myself through bassfuzz.com..
  19. So I've got a few pedals I'm not really using in either of my bands, and really need the cash right now so I'm happy for them to go to a nice pedal board somewhere! I've [u]included[/u] an estimate of £7.50 for special delivery postage ineach price, as I don't think insurance on first class is that great, but all open to discussion. I'v not posted pedals before, so assume this is about the right mark. Phase 90 [b]SOLD[/b] MXR Bass Octave [b]SOLD[/b] George Dennis Chorus Flanger – really nice sounding pedal, not that common (I’ve never seen anyone use one). Chorus is fantastic, flanger is nice, but subtle. No box or instructions. £55 (inc. postage). Any questions, let me know. Not particularly looking for trades thanks. Pictures below (sorry, crappy camera phone): Gaz
  20. [quote name='gnasher1993' post='729563' date='Jan 30 2010, 12:10 PM']It's definitely been hit and miss with me. No pattern at all. Sometimes the expensive ones have gone through without charge but the most expensive pedal I ever bought got caught up at customs and I ended up playing £46.40 . Good luck! [/quote] well, just got an email from the seller, and he said he put the lowest 'believable' value for the pedals on the paperwork, so hopefully won't be much more than £15 or so if i do get hit... just a pain some of the coolest looking effect pedals don't seem to be stocked anywhere in the UK. There are two Malekko dealers, and neither seem to have the 616 delay
  21. [quote name='alexharvay' post='728764' date='Jan 29 2010, 02:44 PM']I think it can be a bit hit and miss.[/quote] fingers crossed then!!
  22. hi folks, new to the forums, so sorry if this is posted in the wrong place!! i recently ordered a couple of pedals from ElectroniX in Houston, which have now been built and were shipped yesterday, via USPS Priority Mail. I've seen a couple of ElectroniX pedals on the pedalboards thread, so somebody has ordered from them before!! I've never ordered from the States before, and wondered if anybody had pedals imported before, and knew if i may get stung for import VAT or other sneaky charges!! Value of the 2 pedals, plus postage, was about 260 dollars if that makes a difference. cheers Gaz
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='725343' date='Jan 26 2010, 04:10 PM']and I, a VT Bass.[/quote] and I, still awaiting my ElectroniX Submarine...
  24. GazWills


    [quote name='ieuanmacey' post='725102' date='Jan 26 2010, 01:31 PM']Hi Gaz, twice in a month after about 15 years! Welcome aboard mate[/quote] hey mate - small world i guess you playing with cedar rose again soon? the louie is only round the corner from me! oh, and just saw the deep impact in your footer. you monkey!! dead jealous!
  25. GazWills


    cheers Joe - we only played well because the soundman did such a good job though
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