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Everything posted by thebassman

  1. Got any pics? I want to drool
  2. Saturday, just got up post gig, bump
  3. Hi I have owned quite bit of Mesa gear over the years. I used to run a Mesa 400+ through a 1516 cab, then a powerhouse 4x10. Both sounded great but were a bit difficult to move around, especially the 1516. I then moved to my current rig a Mesa M6 and powerhouse 2x12, 4ohm version with adjustable tweeter. I much prefer the sound of the 2x12. This rig is awesome, I use it from small pubs to large halls. I also used it last year for a few outdoor summer gigs with no pa support, it had no trouble cutting through and could be heard clearly all around the venue. I also use this cab with my Orange Terror when i want a bit more of a distorted sound, it's the best pairing i have tried with this head. cheers thebassman
  4. Sounds like a dodgy valve, have you tried swapping them out? Cheers Thebassman
  5. Hi GUI, personally, I think you need to find the right combination. What amp and bass are you using? I use a stingray 5 through a Mesa M6 or Orange Terror bass, into a Mesa 2x12 powerhouse, sounds great. I bought a BF compact and Midget T, the mesa M6 sounded lovely but the Orange Terror sounded horrible. All i'm saying is, what works for others might not be right for your set-up. You could email Alex at Barefaced with your current set-up, he's a top bloke and will give you some advice. The first thing he asked me was what bass and what amp. It's good If you can try before you buy, i know this is easier said than done. cheers thebassman
  6. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1360672200' post='1974237'] thanks for that. Additionally, the orange bulb light isn't working. It was intermittent at the gig on saturday and now nothing. Not best pleased, plus, Orange have yet to reply. [/quote] That's disappointing to hear, I always thought Orange had good customer service. Cheers Thebassman
  7. Might be a bit random, but I had the same problem with my Mesa and bass terror amps. As a coincidence I had just bought a new set of planet waves guitar cables. I kept getting short loud screeches. I changed back to my trusty old whirlwind cables and never heard the sound again. I never really got to the bottom of the problem and I have not had the problem since. I gave the leads to my guitarist and he never had a problem with them. Cheers Thebassman
  8. Trade pm's replied, nothing yet to temp me.
  9. Friday night pre-gig bump
  10. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1359984014' post='1962852'] Sounds like a plan! It might be that the rhythm guitarist is stomping on your frequency range, not the other way around. Try cutting some of the low frequencies on the guitar amp. [/quote] Yeah I could try. He's one of those annoying people that twiddled the knobs after every song, that's tone and volume. Cheers Thebassman
  11. Cheers for the replies guys. So in answer to my original question, the only way to not get lost in the mix is to change my EQ settings. I thought this was the case. This just means i cannot achieve the tone i was looking for. Perhaps i should just nobble the rhythum guitards amp. cheers thebassman
  12. Bigjohn and Lozz You are both probably right, it is definitely a tone thing and not a volume problem. I'm not sure that would work though. The 5 piece band is a covers band and we do a lot of songs with very prominent bass work. The songs wouldn't sound right with the bass being lost in all the low end frequencies. Cheers Thebassman
  13. I am currently getting a great overdriven sound from my combination of orange terror bass/ Mesa boogie 2x12/ stingray 5. I sounds great in my 3 piece band, real cutting overdrive sound. Its very driving and articulate. The tone seems to get a bit lost in the 5 piece band, this has an extra guitar in it. I'm sure this is the problem as we are competing in the same frequencies. I know it's not a volume problem. Any ideas how to get around this problem? Any suggestions of amps that might not get so lost? Cheers Thebassman
  14. Still available. Cheers Thebassman
  15. Mesa boogie powerhouse 2x12, sounds great with my M6 or Bass terror. Cheers Thebassman
  16. Treble and mid on about 11 o'clock, bass on 8 o'clock, gain on 2 o'clock then volume to suit. I like a nice punky, gritty tone. I have had the low gain valve swap done though. This is through a 2x12 cab. Cheers Thebassman
  17. Yeah, I've used one for about 2 years on a big cab, does its job well. Highly recommended. Cheers Thebassman
  18. Just bought a Mesa Boogie head case off Jim. Great communications and case in excellent condition, nice chap too. Cheers Thebassman
  19. Wanted one of these Cheers Thebassman
  20. Sunday night bump
  21. Bump with Mesa Boogie M6 link added for full spec. cheers thebassman
  22. Price drop bump Cheers Thebassman
  23. [quote name='Mark_Bass' timestamp='1357535324' post='1924098'] I've always wanted to try a m6, have a bump from me as I have neither the cash or the basses to trade ( unless you wanted an ampeg SVT pro 4) [/quote] Thanks for the offer, but I'm not really looking for another amp at the moment. Cheers Thebassman
  24. Bump with trade options. Cheers Thebassman
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