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Everything posted by thebassman

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1339761' date='Aug 14 2011, 04:52 PM']I don't think a shuttle sounds like what the op is after but how can the gain stage be confusing? Gain knob, pre amp volume knob and master volume knob like almost every other amp I have seen. Genz Streamliner sounds more like what the op needs to try, Have you seen the ed friedland clips? [/quote] I will do a search for those clips, cheers.
  2. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1339737' date='Aug 14 2011, 04:35 PM']+1 on te OTB. Consensus seems to be it's the best "all valve" a like than most in it's price range. The RH450 is also good but it's an amp you hbe to try out and compare with others to see if it's right for you. LittlemarkRocker I like, from Mark bass, although some say it's a little bit to hissy gain, not te full wool type people usually want. genz streamliner is supposedly good but not heard it myself. Also the Genz Benz shuttle is capable of tube overdrive but some would say it's difficult to work with, the gain stage is confusing and the EQ is a little limiting. Another popular choice is getting something like the LittleMark 2/3 then using a sansamp pedal for the tube like OD. You shouldn't have to change bass or cab to get what you are after. Although if you the opportunity to try stiff that's out there do it, also think about returns policy as something that's ace in store may not be for you in a real world situation(at gigs)[/quote] All seems to make sense. I would love to try out the Terror bass, i know people say it is a one trick pony, but it might just be what i'm looking for. I am a bit wary though, as i had a bad incident recently with an Orange AD200..... with my set up, it sounded really horrible. Just been on Bass direct, has anyone got or tried the Mark bass TTE 500, looks fantastic and it's not yellow Any more suggestions
  3. Hi basschatters I am considering an amp change, i am looking for a lightweight or valve state amp that sounds like a big valve amp. It would be nice if it has a good solid tone out of the box, without too much faffing around, and then have the ability to turn the valve distortion sound up and down. I have never had the opportunity to try out any of the modern amps like TC, Genz etc. I have had a few valve state amps like the Ampeg SVT 3 pro and now my Mesa M6. Although i like the sound of these, they can't do the natural distortion sound i am looking for. I am using a Stingray 5 and Mesa 2*12 cab and don't really want to change these. Any suggestions cheers thebassman
  4. Hi guys I have just got my hands on one of these. I have tried it out, going through lots of settings, although this was all at low(ish) volume in isolation. I must say it does some great valve tones, i think its a keeper. I do have two doubts in my mind though; 1/ I can't seem to get rid of the background hiss it seems to add, not keen on this. 2/ The volume jump between on and off position, i can't see how i could toggle it on/off between songs in a set. The jump in volume is massive. The only way i can cut the hiss and rain in the volume is to roll off the high/drive and level controls. This then seems to lose the whole character sound. Has anyone managed to overcome this? Is it different in a full band situation? Do i just need to leave it on all the time? I have tried this in the input stage of the amp and also the effects loop, doesn't really make a difference. I am using it with my signature set up. cheers thebassman
  5. [quote name='blind pilot' post='1329623' date='Aug 6 2011, 09:29 AM'][url="http://www.tech21nyc.com/support/manuals/sansamp/CharacSeries-OM.pdf"]http://www.tech21nyc.com/support/manuals/s...acSeries-OM.pdf[/url] Info is nicely hidden on Tech 21's site - but for both pedals, it recommends a minimum of 100mA per pedal and the TU-3 is 35mA. Your power supply is rated at 200 mA - so you are on the wrong side - will be safer to get a new PSU buddy![/quote] Thanks for the Tech 21 info, i spent ages looking for that. When i do a search online, some of the psa230es links say 200mA and some say 500mA. I have just bought one and on the box it says: Input AC 100-240 V 50-60 Hz 250mA / output DC 9V 0.5A (500 mA), this looks all good to me. Have a check on the plug label or box. cheers thebassman
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1329328' date='Aug 5 2011, 10:26 PM']If you can make it to Sheffield, Umph on here is my go to guy (and I'm in Bristol).[/quote] Mike hill in Milton Keynes serviced my Mesa 400+, he's a top bloke. [url="http://www.mikehillservices.com/about-mhs-1-w.asp"]http://www.mikehillservices.com/about-mhs-1-w.asp[/url]
  7. [quote name='thebassman' post='1329062' date='Aug 5 2011, 06:24 PM']Thanks for the info, I will take at look. Cheers Thebassman[/quote] This is proving more tricky than I thought. I have checked the manual, on the ideal and the Tech 21 website. I can't see it mentioned anywhere. Anyone had any better luck than me? Cheers Thebassman
  8. [quote name='Ed_S' post='1328990' date='Aug 5 2011, 05:27 PM']From a voltage and polarity standpoint I'm pretty sure you'll be ok - my Boss supply powers my Sansamp BDDI fine. I'd just check the tech specs first to be sure you're not trying to pull too much current in total.[/quote] Thanks for the info, I will take at look. Cheers Thebassman
  9. I have got a Boss tu3 and Psa 230es. Does anyone know if it's safe to run Rech 21 pedals of the daisy chain? I have the bass xxl and vt bass. They seem the same size input socket. Cheers Thebassman
  10. [quote name='thebassman' post='1322581' date='Jul 31 2011, 10:33 PM']The vt sounds cool, I already have the xxl.[/quote] Just bought a tech 21 vt bass. I will let you know how I get on. Cheers Thebassman
  11. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1323390' date='Aug 1 2011, 06:52 PM']the VT bass is a great pedal, and adds huge character to a (relatively) clean amp like my genz. works great with my sterling 4 and ibby 5. also have a look at the darkglass b3k. more expensive, but also more versatile and capable of sounding more aggressive, if you like that type of thing. sorry. this is the 3rd thread i've recommended this pedal in, i promise i don't work for them, but i am totally besotted with mine. edit. btw.. what style of bass tone are you after (youtube examples etc..) ?[/quote] Not sure exactly what tone I am after. I just want to add a bit of warmth and the natural presence/ delay that valve amps give you. My current Mesa M6 is fantastic but can sound a bit hard and sterile at times. I have a tech 21 bass xxl for any crazy distortion sounds. Cheers Thebassman
  12. Hi guys Ok so I use a Mesa boogie M6 carbine and boogie 2x12, my bass is a stingray 5. I love this set up, loads of power and tone. I am looking to add a bit of valve grit to it, not mad distortion my bass xxl does that in spades. Anyone got any ideas for pedal recommendations, I've been reading up on the Tech 21 range of character pedals, mainly the VT bass. Perhaps I need to change my amp? Any ideas/ experiences would be welcome Cheers Thebassman
  13. [quote name='dan670844' post='1322998' date='Aug 1 2011, 12:48 PM']Dude just get a Sansamp !!!![/quote] Which model are we talking? The Tech 21 VT bass sounds promising. I have read some great reviews and am very tempted. Why are they so damn expensive? cheers thebassman
  14. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='1323352' date='Aug 1 2011, 06:22 PM']One thing to remember is that the AD200 is not flat with the knobs at noon - sounds best to me with treble at 10 o'clock, mids at 12, and bass at 2 o'clock.[/quote] Believe me i wanted to like this amp, i have been gassing over one for years. I spent a good half hour os so going through various gain/ volume/ tone settings. Even the guy who's amp it was said it sounded horrible through my cab. Don't get me wrong, i am not trolling this amp. The sound the guy got from his ad200/ orange 4*10 and his ricky totally blew me away. I just don't really want to start swapping amps and cabs about, can't really afford to at the moment. cheers thebassman
  15. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' post='1322105' date='Jul 31 2011, 01:00 PM']+1 for the berhinger. Cant go wrong at that price point, even if you dont like it. I settled on the VT bass, and it interacts really rell with the XXL for my tastes. I have the VT on all the time, then use the XXl for all out filth.[/quote] The vt sounds cool, I already have the xxl.
  16. [quote name='Sandmann' post='1320059' date='Jul 29 2011, 08:54 AM']i have a stack of glockenklang cabinets (quadro and duo) and of orange cabinets (obc410 and 115) aswell. the orange sounds completly different with these. with the glock cabinets is sounds very hifi, lots of fat bass and crisp highs, almost like a solid state amp, whereas with the orange cabinets there is also very much bottom but also lots of mids and gritt. much less top end. i like both and can´t say which i like more. the orange cabinets suit perfect for rock´n roll but are somewhat limited, especially if you play a passive bass since the eq on the orange top is somewhat limited. it´s a bit like a one-trick-pony, but what a trick! if i need a versatile sound for cover music i go with the glockenklang cabinets. i´d try it with the mesa cabinet of yours, maybe it´s the golden middle.[/quote] Thought I would share my experience. Being the impatient guy I am, I went to audition an Orange ad200 yesterday evening. I took my Mesa 2x12 and stingray 5, I was like a kid in a sweetshop. I plugged in turned up the volume and was completely devastated, this combination was the worst sound I think I have ever heard. I messed around with the gain, volume and tone controls trying to dial in a nice sound, but failed miserably. I was so pi**ed off. I did try the ad200 with the guys obc410 and that sounded better, but still not what I was looking for really, and I don't want to change my amp and cab, the 4*10 was like moving a house. Just another note, the guy had a Ricky blue boy and that sounded awesome through his orange setup, but still a bit ropey through my 2*12. So the moral of this story is, not all high gear works together, make sure you try before you buy. I am now looking for a pedal to add a bit of valve colour to my sound. Thanks for all your comments Thebassman
  17. Hi guys Ok so I use a Mesa boogie M6 carbine and boogie 2x12, my bass is a stingray 5. I love this set up, loads of power and tone. I am looking to add a bit of valve grit to it, not mad distortion my bass xxl does that in spades. Anyone got any ideas for pedal recommendations, I've been thinking of either the Sansamp or mxr m80. I just don't want to spend a few hundred quid on experimenting. Perhaps I need to change my amp? Any ideas/ experiences would be welcome Cheers Thebassman
  18. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1321223' date='Jul 30 2011, 12:19 PM']Here's a link to my Ampeg 6x10 - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148178&st=0&p=1319901&#entry1319901"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;#entry1319901[/url] Someone did PM last night saying they wanted it, but they haven't got back to me yet.... So if they do confirm, it may be going soon.[/quote] Thanks for the link, doesn't look much like an Orange AD200 though. Nice looking Matamp setup. cheers thebassman
  19. [quote name='obbm' post='1321131' date='Jul 30 2011, 10:24 AM']AD200B has connections for: 1 x 8-ohm speaker - labeelled 8-ohm or 2 x 8-ohm speakers - these are confusingly labelled 4-ohms because 2 x 8-ohm cabs = 4-ohms.[/quote] That does make more sense. I guess it's true what they say "don't believe everything you read on the Internet" I got the info from a page on some guys website. So is it possible to connect 2 * 4 ohm cabs, either directly or using a different cable set up? Cheers Thebassman
  20. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1321119' date='Jul 30 2011, 09:56 AM']Buy mine![/quote] Have you got a link or some details, I am definately in the Market for one.
  21. [quote name='nomis' post='1320656' date='Jul 29 2011, 05:02 PM']buy mine![/quote] I have been looking at your ad, I thought it was trade only. I think you the other end of the world from me also. Looks like a nice one though.
  22. [quote name='jonthebass' post='1320385' date='Jul 29 2011, 01:05 PM']A pair of Barefaced Bass Compact cabs will sort you right out! I run my Mesa Boogie 400+ through a pair and it all sounds as good as it should [/quote] I don't think you can do this on a AD200, it has a single 8ohm output and then 2 4ohm outputs. Unless the compacts can be run in serial. I used to own a Boogie 400+ and the speaker combinations we endless. I might email Alex and see whet he says about running this with a S12T, he told me my bassman 135 wasn't loud enough to power it. I know the AD200 has an extra 65 watts, but is still fairly low power compared to the new lightweight amps. cheers thebassman
  23. [quote name='Pow_22' post='1320036' date='Jul 29 2011, 08:20 AM']A fender bassman 135 head? Been after one of them badboys for a while. Ive got the matching 2x15 cab[/quote] Probably not matching anymore. I had this amp rebuilt a year back, mainly nos caps, resistors etc. Even replaced the old point to point wax boards. I had it re-covered in Marshall red tolex, looks awesome and always raises a few eyebrows at the Fender bash.
  24. Hi guys I am really wanting an Orange AD200, they seem a reasonable price, especially 2nd hand. What is the best cab pairing for one of these. I am not too worried about weight/size, although a single cab 4x10 is the most i would want to carry about. How would the 2x12 cabs fair, I remember from Alex's previous threads he said you need a lot of power to drive the 2x12T, i guess 200 watts wouldn't cut it. I have a Fender bassman 135 and although the tone is excellent, it can get lost in the mix, especially on the louder stuff, think Foo fighters, QOTSA etc. I play a lot of large pub gigs and a few out door summer events, no pa support. At the moment my Mesa M6 paired with a Mesa 2x12 more than copes. Any ideas, user experiences would be good. cheers thebassman
  25. [quote name='nomis' post='1318112' date='Jul 27 2011, 11:58 AM']its SO loud! never had a problem with it getting lost in a mix! and your right, its sounds best dirty![/quote] Somebody please buy this...... I can't stop gassing over it.
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