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Everything posted by thebassman

  1. [quote name='fraff' post='874632' date='Jun 22 2010, 05:45 PM']Hello folks Someone's offered me a S/H Ampeg B410HLF cab for the princely sum of £200. Which sounds a bargain obviously. Downside is that the cab hasn't been used for a year and in the words of the seller "could probably do with a service before you gig it". Pictures of it show it in good shape cosmetically. Haven't seen or heard the thing yet but will do next week, so I wondered if anyone could offer any pointers on particular things to look out for, possible problems that the cab might have and maybe even a ballpark of how much related repairs might set me back? All advice gratefully received! Ian[/quote] not quite sure what you mean "needs a service". It's a speaker cab so it either works or it doesn't. I would plug it in and if it doesn't rattle or crackle and the speakers aren't blown then it's good to go.
  2. [quote name='Kraken' post='836100' date='May 13 2010, 12:57 PM']ok, I have an SVT 4 pro and a 610HLF and I currently run full range through the 610 HLF from one of the power amps in the SVT 4 PRO. I am wanting to run another cab from the other Power amp just for low frequencies. that is small enough to be used as a full range cab for smaller gigs. Ideally I'm looking for a 2x10 or 2x12 cab that can take the output of one of the power amps (500Watts ish RMS at 4 Ohms) that has a decent enough Low End response to take the Biamping. I realise this is quite an ask for such a little cab but figured if anyone would know, it'd be you people. let me know[/quote] why not get a 15 for the lows
  3. [quote name='Moos3h' post='832027' date='May 9 2010, 11:10 AM']Hi all, I know Boogie stuff gets quite a lot of love here, and saw this little lot when I visited the shop on Friday so thought I'd share the wealth. Seems very reasonably priced? Apologies if this isn't really the right subforum, but I didn't know where to put it! [url="http://www.coda-music.com/index.php?cPath=170&oscsid=48c56081885aca5c0968459c953a71e3"]http://www.coda-music.com/index.php?cPath=...968459c953a71e3[/url][/quote] I wish I had seen the venture head a few months ago. I bought a m6 carbine combo instead, although this is an awesome combo. I used it at an out door event last weekend, not through the pa, and it cut through really well.
  4. [quote name='thebassman' post='829918' date='May 6 2010, 06:54 PM']Thanks for the PM's guys, but i should have stated, no trades i need the cash. cheers thebassman[/quote] weekend bump
  5. Thanks for the PM's guys, but i should have stated, no trades i need the cash. cheers thebassman
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='823906' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:09 PM']Yep, and seriously unstable. I loved standing my two 2x10s end to end, but sh*t myself on a couple of occasions when I almost pulled the whole thing over. If you need 3x10 with a speaker at ear height stack a 2x10 vertically on a 1x10 or simply put your conventional 3x10 on another cab/beer crate. C[/quote] +1 on the unstable front, especially with an amp sat on top. you often get some clumsy Guitard on stage in a rush to tune his 3rd spare guitar.
  7. I have had valve amps for quite a few years (up untill now that is) and never had a sudden valve failure, although i always carried a spare pre and power valve with me and a couple of spare fuses. Valves don't tend to suddenly die without warning, in my experience. Lets face it any amp is going to break if it falls off your cab, valve or SS. If you are worried then you could get one of those micro amps which seem popular like the new TC or a genz benz ......... or maybe just carry a decent DI box like the MXR M80 bass di. cheers thebassman
  8. [quote name='bigevilman' post='819086' date='Apr 26 2010, 11:25 AM']Hey guys Last couple of gigs I've had excess crackles and noise from my amp, so its time for a replacement pre-amp tube me thinks. As I've never replaced a tube, or have any idea of the sound differences, have you guys got any recommendations? The manual says to use either a 7025 or a 12ax7, but again, whats the differences? Cheers Joe[/quote] Check out watford valves [url="http://www.watfordvalves.com/products.asp?search=12ax7&man=&page=2"]http://www.watfordvalves.com/products.asp?...man=&page=2[/url] They have a nice selection, anywhere from £8 each T.A.D. to NOS American philips or GE. There is also a 12AX7 test report download, which is quite an interesting read, if you are into that sort of thing. cheers thebassman
  9. [quote name='richrips' post='819001' date='Apr 26 2010, 10:30 AM']i have an lg 1000 and had the exact same problem. the lg's have weak pre-amps. simple fix is to put a pedal in the effects loop to boost the signal going in to the power amp. i put an aphex punch factory in and it is now super ultra loud. If you feel more adventurous, there are schematics to put a boost circuit into the preamp as well. I use the lg with 2 BFM Jack 12 cabs and it's very very loud and even with the aphex, it still cost less than £250. deal! hope that helps, any pedal with clean boost will do. Rich[/quote] get a 4ohm cab
  10. [quote name='mrhectic' post='818098' date='Apr 25 2010, 03:05 PM']I've been thinking of getting a new rig together. well, a new cab. Im thinking of buying a 4x10 bass cab. I want a cab that quite bassy but also has clarity.not just a complete rubbling mess. i currently have 2 12 inch cabs. but i feel it doesnt quite cut through the mix to great when im playing at gigs. It sounds great off stage, but i cant really hear myself to much. would a 410 be better? im thinking between a orange obc 410 or a mesa powerhouse 410.... Im going to go into my local music shop to try out the orange this week , but unfortunetly they dont have any mesa's there. So i wont be able to compare. what would you say would be the best option. I play finger style/rock. any help appriciated [/quote] I would go for the Mesa, I owned one for about 5 years and it is tight, loud and clear. I sold it to richardd on here, hecwas selling it again. What head are you using? You need to drive it with a powerful head, I used a 400+
  11. [quote name='Hamster' post='809094' date='Apr 17 2010, 12:56 AM']With that budget, a Mesa 400+ and a Barefaced Big Baby with a Big Baby sub. With a Stingray that rig will sound awesome.[/quote] +1 on the Mesa 400+. I used one with a stingray5 and a powerhouse 4x10 for about 5 years, the sound was awesome. I have now downgraded to a Mesa m6 carbine and I do miss the wall of sound.
  12. [quote name='molan' post='805501' date='Apr 13 2010, 10:49 PM']An amp I have sitting at home has all the controls more or less in the same position day in day out & I've noticed a couple of pots getting a little scratchy if I do actually bother to move them. Is there any simple way to clean these up so that they are once again crackle free?[/quote] deoxit 5 (contact cleaner)
  13. [quote name='alhbass' post='805426' date='Apr 13 2010, 09:56 PM']Hello.. I use a MB LMK amp. Love it. But I have a question about the effects loop, which I haven't used much in the past. I've found an effect I'd like to use occasionally - EHX Bass Balls (I have the Nano version). And I like it in the loop, rather than in the line between instrument and amp, as the effect is then a bit more subtle. A lot more subtle in fact. But - the problem I'm having with it is that the pedal doesn't have an output level control, and there's a huge diiference in it's output between on and bypass. Consequently I can't switch the effect in and out within a song when playing live, without simultaneously adjusting the input gain on the amp - which is of course basically impossible. Anyone have any helpful suggestions? Would be glad to hear them if so.... Cheers.[/quote] has the amp got an effects loop level control. I know my boogie 400+ had this and it made it easy to adjust the relative volumesl.
  14. [quote name='TheButler' post='804700' date='Apr 13 2010, 11:29 AM']Hey folks, Right, so whats the best way to re-cover a cab? Where can you buy the tolex? Any online guides how to do it? Or, just get someone that knows what they're doing to do it? Cheers Jamie[/quote] I bought everything from these guys [url="http://www.tubeampdoctor.com/"]http://www.tubeampdoctor.com/[/url]
  15. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='802655' date='Apr 11 2010, 02:50 PM']Yup thats the second time we have played there hopefully will again soon.[/quote] this amp brings back some good memories, I had the ampeg flight case. The sound was great, but got a bit lost in the mix. I would reccomend a 4 ohm cab for the full 450 watts. I only had a 4x10 8 ohm.
  16. Just get a nice big 8x10 and a transit van.
  17. Oh my god, I want this bass. I will have to check my funds. Have the wings or neck taken a knock or been repaired? Cheers thebassman
  18. [quote name='Alien' post='792810' date='Apr 1 2010, 12:55 AM']OK, here goes... Class A - Can't think of many bass amps that run in class A, other than small amps with one-transistor power stages, such as the Peavey Microbass. Valve wise, it tends to be restricted to small guitar amps (under 10 watts or so). Think Fender Champ, Vox AC4, Epiphone Valve Jr. Class B - Not commonly used for instrument amps because they need to be perfectly set up to minimise crossover distortion. Can't think of any off the top of my head. Class AB - Here's the richest vein of amps. Most bass amps fall into this class. Hartke, Peavey, Trace Elliot, G-K etc. Class AB valve amps include the Ampeg SVT, Trace V8 and the Mesa Boogie 400+. Class D - Most of the new breed of super lightweight amps are class D. Markbass, Ashdown Superfly, Genz Benz Shuttle and the like. Class H - The only class H bass amp I can think of is the Marshall 7200/7400 Dynamic Bass range. Hope this helps A[/quote] How about the valve state amps or trans class as they call them, like Ampeg svt3 pro, mesa boogie walkabout/ carbine etc??
  19. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='792229' date='Mar 31 2010, 05:56 PM']It looks legendary.. I want it [/quote] so what amp head did you go for? +1 on the 10's or 12's cab option. I always used a 4x10 until recently, loved the attack you get. I have just changed to a 2x12, this is a good compromise as you get more bottom end than 10's but still get lots of trebley goodness. Cheers thebassman
  20. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='791787' date='Mar 31 2010, 12:43 PM']Not on the radar much these days, but worth a look, is the Peavey mark111 or iv series. A bit on the heavy side, but flexible on tone. Usually not too expensive either. T[/quote] +1 on the Peavey and Eden suggestions. I played through the Ashdown and Trace combo models mentioned above recently at gigs and although both were loud enough the tone was not nice. I play in an originals and covers band doing Muse, Foo's and QOTSA and the amps were not able to get the right tone at all. I don't think a single 15" can produce the right mids and highs. I would look out for a 2x10 or 2x12 option. Make sure you try before you buy, preferably in a band situation. good luck thebassman
  21. [quote name='JTUK' post='791574' date='Mar 31 2010, 09:44 AM']I had a 4x15 Marshall cab eons ago... 50watts per speaker, thankfully it was on casters. it was angled as well so someone must had thought to have it as the top half of a stack..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] casters!!! I would want wheels and a tow hook.
  22. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='789924' date='Mar 29 2010, 08:55 PM']See above for budget, I play in a hard rock bank similar to deftones early smashing pumpkinsish stuff, but in general I love Tim from Audioslave's tone as well as Chris from Muse. I've played with the Ashdown MAGs before at rehearsals in the past and loved them so think I'm pretty set on one of those unless someone can come up with a better alternative [/quote] You might have a bit of a problem here, budget and transport wise. Tim from Audioslave uses 3 x SVT 2 pro/ ampeg 8x10 and Mesa amps, chris from Muse uses a variation of Marshall stacks i.e. loads of all valve tone. None of the amps mentioned come anywhere near those sort of specs. Of the Ashdown, Behringer, Laney and Trace gear models mentioned all are budget amps. Some of them may be loud enough but the tone is flat and horrible. You are either gonna have to accept the lack of tone or start saving your pennies. The only time i got anywhere near Chris Wolstenholmes tone was using my Mesa 400+/ Mesa powerhouse 4x10 and a Tech 21 Bass xxl distortion pedal. This little set up will set you back about £2500. good luck on your search thebassman
  23. [quote name='jjl5590' post='789383' date='Mar 29 2010, 01:56 PM']behringer are not a good make, i would never buy anything from them[/quote] I bought a few of their effects pedals a few years back, all i can say is what a load of rubbish. They only cost about £20 new, so i guess you get what you pay for. You will probably be better off waiting untill a good second hand amp comes up on here for sale. cheers thebassman
  24. [quote name='bassmachine2112' post='787689' date='Mar 27 2010, 10:15 AM']hiho,I use the mb450 head which I believe is the same amp and it is massively loud even with one cab which kicks out 300 watt or the full 450 with two.I never need to run more than 4 on the master-do you have the gain turned down ?. I did have a problem with mine but I changed the pre amp valve which was cracked and problem solved. As for ashdown nice tone but no real volume in my experience. Volume should not be a problem with this baby,mind you another cab ,maybe a 2x10 will give you the herbs you need but I would suspect that there might be a problem with the unit. hope this helps.[/quote] I found the opposite with an ashdown mag 1x15 combo 300 watt. Bags of volume but very flat tone.
  25. [quote name='lowfer' post='786907' date='Mar 26 2010, 01:27 PM']sweet bass, best of luck with the sale[/quote] hi pablo what a fantastic bass, if only it had 5 strings. I am still considering it. Good luck with the sale.
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