first off has anyone got or owned one of these?
I am thinking about getting one, but as usual in this country you have to "buy before you try"
I play in a 5 piece covers band, mainly large pubs playing a mixture of rock/ indie/ cheese. Bands like Elvis costello, blink 182, elbow etc.
I also play in a 3 piece originals band playing Muse/ Nirvana style songs, lots of distortion, volume and loads of space for bass improv. We play small/mid clubs and venues.
At the moment i use my MB 400+/ Powerhouse 4x10, which sounds awesome, but i am getting old and lazy.
Will this amp cut it?
I know it is stated as 300 watt solid state power through 2x12 against my 400 watt all valve through a 4x10.
Any experienced views would much appreciated.