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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1349853097' post='1831218'] Your wish is my suggestion ... [url="http://s1128.photobucket.com/albums/m496/h4ppyjack/Basses%20CURRENT/Fender%20Precision%201957%20CURRENT/"]http://s1128.photobu...1957%20CURRENT/[/url] [/quote] Very nice indeed!
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1349789529' post='1830536'] I didn't get a date stamp. [/quote] We need to see pics of the rest of that
  3. 27 and 28 for me. Interesting experiment!
  4. [quote name='Ashwood1985' timestamp='1349816736' post='1831029'] I see. I thought the 'pro lines' were Korean made? Or was that after a certain date? Any Warwick experts?? [/quote] The "pro series" is Korean made. "Proline" is a designation Warwick have put on certain models for a lot of years, including German models Edit - and this is a great price for a German made Warwick!
  5. [quote name='67 fender' timestamp='1349808969' post='1830883'] hi got a black musicman stingray give me a call 07701097811 [/quote] Dropped you a text!
  6. Here's a pic of the neck date stamp on my '64 Precision. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sim0n1964/8068359886/"][/url] Given my date of birth is 5 Nov 64, I had to go for it!
  7. I've had a few trade offers, but all for five strings so far! I should have said that I'm not really looking for a five string. The one possible exception would be a Stingray 5 as they're the only fiver I've ever really got on with.
  8. That's absolutely gorgeous. I'm currently up to four Precisions (and trying to sell one of those!) so really must resist BTW, being ultra-pedantic, the strap button on the back of the Precision headstock was introduced in 1960, and wasn't actually there for the maple board 50s Precisions. Still looks the part though!
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1349614595' post='1828263'] At first take I thought it was a Rick... [/quote] Which is why the Rockinbetters are somewhat dubious from the point of view of passing off and trade mark law. In reality, are they any different from the knock-off Chelsea shirts and Rolex watches you see being sold on Oxford Street?
  10. I think Rickenbacker are trying to take action. It certainly seems that's the case from John Hall's comments in this thread. https://www.rickenbacker.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15121&p=169063&hilit=rockinbetter#p169063 Actually, whatever your views on Ric chasing the second hand market (which is self-defeating IMO), the Rockinbetter copies do seem to be pushing the limits in terms of passing off. The headstock shape is identical, the TRC and name is clearly meant to make you think it's a Ric, and on the guitars they've even put the "R" logo on the trapeze tailpiece.
  11. [quote name='funky8884' timestamp='1349558193' post='1827824'] very nice, wish I had a spare Ric [/quote] Doesn't have to be a Ric - I'll consider all other options too, including trades up or down
  12. I'm looking to trade my 2011 American Deluxe Precision. It's the current P/J Deluxe model with active and passive options. In active there's a very useful three band eq. In passive you have a traditional passive tone roll off. The bass is in mint condition. I'm only selling because I have four Precisions, and fancy something different. I'm pretty open so far as trade options are concerned, and am happy to do deals with cash adjustments either way. I would be particularly interested in trades for:[list] [*]Stingray HH [*]an old (passive) Jazz [*]something Sandberg [*]road worn Jazz [*]Rickenbackers [*]Fender / Gretsch / Rickenbacker guitars [*]High end acoustic guitar [/list] But am open to other suggestions! These seem to retail new at around £1,400, and I would value it at £900 for trades given its condition. As I say, happy to consider trades with cash adjustments either way. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sim0n1964/8060177496/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sim0n1964/8060177767/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sim0n1964/8060177823/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sim0n1964/8060177496/"][/url]
  13. I think you're right to be wary. The bass was sold on here less than a week ago, apprently at double the price. He's even using the same pictures (see my link above). At the very least ask how long he has had the bass. If he claims to have had it more than a week, something fishy is going on!
  14. I thought those pictures looked familiar: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/187258-sold-fsft-music-man-stingray-hh/page__p__1813438__hl__stingray%20hh__fromsearch__1#entry1813438
  15. I'd not seen the thread, but I've had a listen and voted
  16. simon1964


    That's beautiful! Doesn't the four bolt neck make it more likely this is a '73? Lovely bass, whatever the date! I don't suppose you're intersted in any pat trades with cash your way?
  17. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1348172758' post='1810504'] I'm sure the machine heads don't come that close to the edge of the head stock on a real Fender [/quote] They do on my '73 Precision - which is original as far as I know!
  18. It's probably a genuine 70s P, but as Gareth says, hardly any of its original! It's certainly not a collectors item.
  19. There are lots of really nice guitar and music shops nearby as well - a bit like Denmark Street. Well worth a visit if you're in Paris!
  20. +1. The John East pre-amp is an excellent bit of kit.
  21. That's exactly what I'm after! Sadly I don't have an American Deluxe Jazz to trade. I do have a 2011 American Deluxe Precision if that's of any interest?!
  22. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1346752226' post='1792583'] Looking at past sales on here, i'd say it's about £150 too much [/quote] I'd say it was a good price. These are about £1200 new
  23. Wow! This has to be one of the best builds ever on Basschat
  24. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1344283567' post='1762309'] The only thing that really annoys me with multi pedals is when you want to just quickly adjust a sound, too many menus. [/quote] Have a look at the Boss ME50b. All adjustments can be made quickly using good old fashioned knobs rather than menus! It actually makes it perfect for live use, as it is simplicity itself to tweak settings manually. I'm using it exclusively live. It's much easier to carry round than my old pedal board, and takes up a lot less room on stage.
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