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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. The SR500 can't be beat in its price range IMO, so long as you like skinny necks. I used to have an ATK305, which was a fantastic bass for the money. Very close to the classic Stingray tone for a fraction of the price.
  2. That looks fantastic! I've never played one - how easy are the fanned frets to get used to?
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='994819' date='Oct 20 2010, 02:05 PM']There is one on their website which is what the post is referring to. Number 14. Whats that worth? Edit: here's the link [url="http://www.emeraldcityguitars.com/products/387-1951-precision-bass"]http://www.emeraldcityguitars.com/products...-precision-bass[/url][/quote] Yep - saw that one. I didn't dare ask how much they wanted for it!
  4. Thanks for all the comments! It does have a few scars to show for 46 years worth of playing, which don't actually show up on the pics, but it is in great for condition for its age (unlike me - I would fall into the heavy relic category ) [quote name='gary mac' post='994573' date='Oct 20 2010, 11:16 AM']Just checked out Emerald City Guitars, so wish I hadn't. All gassed up now.[/quote] They do have some amazing stuff on their website. 1951 Precision, serial number 14 appeal to anyone?!
  5. I've been looking for a 1964 Precision for a while. I recently saw this one being advertised in the States at a relatively sensible price, and decided to go for it. Not least because the neck is stamped 5 Nov 1964, which just happens to be my date of birth! (I know the 5 is the model number rather than the date, but still quite cool ). Its the original finish and hardware with the pots dating to December '64 with an L number neck plate. Its surprisingly light, very playable, and a fabulous thick vintage P tone. The pics are not great as I was using direct flash - the sunburst is actually nicely faded, and is worn without being completely ruined! I took a bit of a punt on this as I bought it from Emerald City Guitars in Seattle without trying it - if anyone is ever thinking of buying from them they are first rate. [attachment=61807:IMG_1546.JPG][attachment=61809:IMG_1578.JPG][attachment=61811:IMG_1545.JPG][attach ment=61816:IMG_1529.JPG]
  6. [quote name='Cyrene' post='993408' date='Oct 19 2010, 12:31 PM']Hi. Would a standard Fender bridge cover fit over the high mass Squier CV bridge or a Fender BadAss II? Cheers[/quote] It won't fit over a Badass. I think it might fit over the high mass bridge, but the positioning will be a bit further back than it would be with a Standard bridge
  7. [quote name='Beedster' post='993124' date='Oct 19 2010, 08:21 AM']True Simon, I think it only came up on the thread because mention of CBS in the listing had clearly confused the OP. The convention, ironically when you think about it, has been to use the term 'CBS' only when talking pre-CBS instruments! That's the first time I've seen it used in relation to a 70's instrument, but there's clearly no attempt to mislead as it's dated '74.[/quote] Fair point Chris. As you say, though, I don't think there's any intention to mislead here.
  8. [quote name='Beedster' post='993125' date='Oct 19 2010, 08:22 AM']By the way, talking of Old Precisions Simon....?[/quote] Watch this space
  9. [quote name='dood' post='992883' date='Oct 18 2010, 10:39 PM']Musicians are just running out of chords.... (includes Under The Bridge, funnily!) [/quote] Awesome!
  10. [quote name='steve-soar' post='992948' date='Oct 18 2010, 11:30 PM']However, it is a bit snide mentioning CBS in the description of the bass, when it is the one thing Fender buyers will look out for. Some may not realise the connection between pre and post CBS.[/quote] But, to be fair, this [b]is[/b] CBS era. CBS owned Fender from 1965 to the mid eighties so this is slap bang in the middle of CBS. By saying its CBS he's actually making it clear its not a more collectable / valuable pre-CBS.
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='992807' date='Oct 18 2010, 09:43 PM']Just spotted this Jazz on the Bass Direct site..im in love...im not in love with the price though...im no expert but whats the views on this price...im sure you have priced it well Mark.. what a bass...looks in great condition...when do the pre CBS basses date from? just interested... [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Fender_1974_Jazz.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp..._1974_Jazz.html[/url][/quote] CBS bought Fender in 1965, so this a decade too late for pre-CBS. Lovely looking bass all the same!
  12. PM'd on the Big Muff
  13. [quote name='gelfin' post='989816' date='Oct 15 2010, 11:35 PM']Maybe bass players listen to the overall sound because we are unselfish and want the song to speak for itself?[/quote] Agreed. Cliche time, but i think drummers and bassists listen to the song. Keyboard players tend to be trained to play solo, and listen to what they play, but nothing else. And guitarists are walking egos who only listen to the guitar solos (and are astonished that anyone else would listen to anything other than the guitar solos).
  14. [quote name='TimR' post='989770' date='Oct 15 2010, 10:48 PM']I sometimes get the feeling that the bass player is the only one who listenes to the whole band. Everyone else seems to listen for cues but doesn't listen to how their contribution is fitting in.[/quote] +1. Although our guitarist seems to interpret listening to the whole band as meaning everyone else listening to him.
  15. [quote name='mep' post='985005' date='Oct 11 2010, 10:54 PM']Musicman Stingray, job done.[/quote] Stingray for me too
  16. [quote name='ainsley walker' post='988079' date='Oct 14 2010, 02:31 PM']Anyone have any experience with either/both? It seems to me that the 50b is a lot more user friendly with everything displayed clearly with dials/knobs. and is nicely laid out.[/quote] This is definitely my experience of the ME-50b. The fact that you can use it in manual stomp box mode, and tweak manually on the hoof, is a huge bonus when playing live. In fact I only use it in that mode, and hardly ever bother with presets. All very straightforward and intuitive. My only gripe is that if you do use presets, there is a slight time lag in switching between patches. Not long, but enough to be noticeable if you are changing patches mid-song. That may well apply to the ME-20b.
  17. Funny thing about this thread is how self-contradictory it becomes. I grew up listening to the Clash, The Stranglers, The Jam, Buzzcocks etc. Instinctively I fall into the category which says that was proper punk, and the modern stuff isn't. But then I realise that makes me sound like an old reactionary who thinks modern music isn't as good as the stuff I listened to when I was young. Which is hardly a punk attitude. I think I'm just old and confused.....
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' post='986580' date='Oct 13 2010, 08:21 AM']Not in original condition. It's missing some parts and has had others replaced. Also there's no close-up photo of the back of the neck/headstock which is the usual place for serious damage on a Gibson bass.[/quote] I would also want to know where the battery for the active EMG is - possibly some routing under the pick guard?
  19. [quote name='webby' post='985657' date='Oct 12 2010, 01:08 PM']Why exactly? The slimmer neck? Thanks[/quote] My advice would be to spend time trying jazz and precision necks. A lot of people find Jazz necks more comfortable and easier to play, but a lot don't. I prefer Precision necks. Jazz necks feel cramped to me with the narrower string spacing near the nut. Neither is inherently easier to play - its just what you find most comfortable.
  20. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='976261' date='Oct 3 2010, 06:35 PM']I always wanted one of those. Good price too.[/quote] +1. Excellent price.
  21. [quote name='FLoydElgar' post='975779' date='Oct 3 2010, 10:27 AM']So in a way its like having a made in usa just from Japan? Quality wise, speaking! Thanks for the info![/quote] All the MIJ / CIJ Fenders I've played have been excellent quality - whether export or non-export. The non-export simply means that Fender Japan can only sell them new in Japan. They are not officially exported to the US or Europe, meaning they're harder to come by. They tend to be desirable reissues, or slightly unusual takes on the Jazz and Precision format. A cynic might suspect that Fender are worried they wouldn't sell as many US models if the non-export CIJ models were freely available in Europe and the US... There are places who import used examples, but they do tend to attract a bit of a premium.
  22. [quote name='pieterv' post='963496' date='Sep 21 2010, 04:32 PM']What do you think? What about the decal on the headstock? When did they switch to the bigger logo? Thanks, Pieter[/quote] I think it was '64, although couldn't swear to it. I've seen Precisions which have been touted as '64s with both Spaghetti logo and the transition logo like this. I think this is the right logo for a '66
  23. [quote name='evilLordJuju' post='964823' date='Sep 22 2010, 07:40 PM']Yes, it is a [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/LesPaulTriumph.php"]Les Paul Triumph bass[/url]. Fantastic basses...[/quote] One on ebay at the moment. Looks very nice, but I've no idea what its worth? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260666563375"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=260666563375[/url]
  24. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='963225' date='Sep 21 2010, 12:51 PM']Me.[/quote] and me
  25. +1 to mcnach's posts. I fitted the three band to my Stingray and it really is a fantastic bit of kit. As to battery life, I run mine on a 9 volt battery. Its been my main gigging bass for the last year, and I can only remember changing the battery a couple of times. Even then it wasn't because the battery had died - I just changed it as a precaution. I certainly haven't noticed that it gets through batteries any quicker than the stock pre. John East's customer support is first rate, by the way - when I've bought his stuff he's emailed me back by return with any technical queries.
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