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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. [quote name='Beedster' post='580990' date='Aug 26 2009, 09:19 AM']As I think I said above, I'm definitely after a more McCartney tone than a Geddy or Squire (I'm not sure anyone wants to hear clanky fretless), although I'm aware that the classic McCartney Ric tone was likely recorded on a Jazz anyway! Chris[/quote] My ric is stock, but I have played one with Barts fitted. To me, the Barts sounded more generic. They lacked the growl/clank/top end of the stock Ric pickups. But that may well be more suited to a fretless? That having been said, you can certainly get fat sounds out of the stock pickups. Simply dial in the neck pickup and string it with flats. Classic thumpy McCartney sound.
  2. [quote name='Urban777' post='580060' date='Aug 25 2009, 12:13 PM']Hey, I'm sorting out the gear I want to get and for a long time now I've been switching between rig ideas, but I've just thought of something else. Can you mix two MAG 810 cabs with an Ashdown 600H? If anyone has any knowledge about this, or any advice than please comment :-)[/quote] I've no idea, but Ashdown's tech department are the most helpful of any company I've dealt with. I'd drop them an email.
  3. [quote name='cd_david' post='579956' date='Aug 25 2009, 10:44 AM']Nah wasnt me so by my calculations that ONLY leaves 6729 possibilites.[/quote] Not me - only 6728 to go..... Edit to correct my dodgy maths - I can't even do "take away 1"!
  4. [quote name='Sibob' post='579502' date='Aug 24 2009, 08:25 PM']Not sure this is right?! They list both MM 4's and 5's on the Fender.com website, and they're not in the habit of listing Japanese models So is this bass for sale US or Japanese? Si[/quote] The 4s are Japanese. Fender do export a handful of Japanese models to Europe. The ones they don't export tend to be those that would directly compete with US models - eg the reissues. The Jaguar is Japanese I think?
  5. [quote name='Tait' post='578273' date='Aug 23 2009, 03:50 PM'], but i was already wanting to play bass a bit because my dad (simon1964) plays bass as well as guitar (hence the joke earlier in the thread that simon1964 made me play bass, its kind of true),[/quote] I'm welling up
  6. For me, two tones which are at the opposite end of the musical spectrum. First, JJ Burnell's early Stranglers tone, eg Hanging Around, No More Heroes etc. Aggresive, gritty, and unique. Great example on the Stranglers cover of Walk on By: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqfqVDHNW6c&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqfqVDHNW6c...feature=related[/url] Secondly Nathan East on Clapton's Unplugged album. Tasteful, musical, and perfect for the genre.
  7. [quote name='craig222' post='577859' date='Aug 22 2009, 09:08 PM']Yeah I found one tab for it, but it's pretty basic... and sounds like there's summat missing? But I haven't got my ears well enough tuned into bass or know your tricks well enough to suss out what I'm missing. (I'm sure there's some effects going on there as well... maybe a little wah?)[/quote] I don't think there's any wah. It sounds like a fairly typical Mani bass tone, slightly overdriven crunchy tone, which fills out the sound.
  8. [quote name='Sazgo' post='578070' date='Aug 23 2009, 10:10 AM']On friday i had to replace the strings on a MM sub(assumed it had stock factory ones still on it) as the A and E were starting to rattle/buzz and deceided to try ernie ball slinky stainless steel ones. Ive only used nickel strings in the past and thats what i currently use on my other basses. I was quite shocked when i put them on the bass. I loved the tone before but now its completely lost it. The tinny acoustic sound coming from playing with a pick alone is quite overpowering without even going through the amp. To practice i have to turn the amp up very high and its still nothing like it was before. Anyone within 30 feet can clearly hear it. I pretty much only use a pick when i play this bass didnt try the fingerstyle tone. The tone of an open string or on the upper frets (1-3) is aweful, its so zingy and metallic. Its only when i play on frets 9+ that it loses that sound. Ive always been told to give strings a few days before they get their tone but ive never experienced this with nickels. Will this sound go away after sometime as right now i would rather put the old buzzy strings in until i can replace them for another set of nickels its become such a horrible bass to play.[/quote] stainless steel strings will sound brighter with more zing (and IMO rattle) than nickels. Presonally I find nickels far nicer to play then Steels. That having been said, the steels will lose some of the brightness, and some swear by the tone. It really depends what suits you. I've tried loads of steels and loads of brands. I always come back to Ernire Ball nickels.
  9. [quote name='craig222' post='576252' date='Aug 21 2009, 12:09 AM']I'm still very much at the start of my bass learning. I'd like to learn "made of stone" by the stone roses... but any tabs I've seen are pretty basic. Has anyone tabbed it out fully or can you guide me into playing a fuller / more rounded version. (sorry if this is in the wrong section!) Thank you Craig[/quote] I've not got it tabbed anywhere, but Made of Stone is one of my all time favourite tracks - fantastic choice of song to learn!
  10. [quote name='starman' post='575995' date='Aug 20 2009, 07:52 PM']JJ Burnel[/quote] Another vote for JJ. Specifically, his first two notes on Hanging Around. That was pretty much the point I decided to switch from guitar to bass!
  11. James bought a Nordstrand pickup from me this week. Very easy deal, and a great guy to deal with! Thanks mate.
  12. That is simply stunning! But I'm not sure I can justify another striped ebony singlecut . You'll regret it if you sell it!!
  13. [quote name='Veils' post='573778' date='Aug 19 2009, 08:40 AM']Gotta love the striped ebony! It makes a beautiful top. Visually interesting yet not too overstated [/quote] Here it is finished. There's also a pic of it on Jon's homepage at the moment which is nice! [attachment=31204:Shuker_002.JPG] [attachment=31205:Shuker_016.JPG] There are some better pics on this thread: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39830&hl=shuker"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...0&hl=shuker[/url]
  14. [quote name='budget bassist' post='571282' date='Aug 17 2009, 01:45 AM']i might come if i can figure out a way to get there....[/quote] You're welcome to a lift, provided i can have a play on my old $$!
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='574810' date='Aug 19 2009, 10:01 PM']Would you have space for Sam?[/quote] Looks like I'm coming then! As well as bringing Luke and Sam I'll bring probably bring the Shuker, Stingray with John East pre-amp, and the Rickenbacker. I might squeeze either the Precision or the Thumb in as well. Looking forward to it
  16. [quote name='Tait' post='570174' date='Aug 15 2009, 07:48 PM']ahh this is easy! ibanez SR500. no doubt about it.[/quote] + another 1. SR500 meets all your specs and is amazing value for money. Lightweight body, thin neck, Bartolini pickups. If you like thin necks, they're the best buy out there under £500 IMO.
  17. [quote name='peted' post='570300' date='Aug 15 2009, 11:09 PM']For those that don't like the fat 'baseball bat' style neck which Warwicks have been sporting for quite a while now, it seems that they are changing the standard neck dimensions on their basses from this year onwards. I just got the latest Warwick Newsletter with the below: Therefore going from: to: [/quote] Bit of a shame IMO. I actually really like the fatter "U" shape. I suspect I'm in a minority though.
  18. [quote name='Raggy' post='556261' date='Jul 30 2009, 03:50 PM']I have the EBS Multidrive and the Ashdown LoMenzo, I actually prefer the Ashdown, didn't get on with the EBS as I lost all my mids when i kicked it in. The Ashdown seems to keep them.[/quote] +1. The Ashdown Lomenzo is excellent, and I agree you don't lose the mids and bottom end. Its also very versatile, and great value.
  19. [quote name='dostoyevsky' post='557742' date='Aug 1 2009, 12:58 PM']I'm not actually looking to buy at the moment but I would like to know which basses I would actually be able to play when I'm drooling over gear porn. One day I'd like to own a Musicman Stingray and a Rickenbacker 4003... what are the necks like on these and are they super heavy? What about other basses... which have the slimmest neck profiles?[/quote] My Stingray's neck isn't particularly slim. Very comfy though. As per previous posts, Rickenbacker necks are quite an unusual profile, but again very comfy IMO. The sliimest neck I've played by far is the Ibanez SR series. PErsonally, I find them too thin, but if you want a slim neck they're as slim as it gets.
  20. [quote name='harlowbassplayer' post='556744' date='Jul 31 2009, 01:56 AM']i think it perfectl;y straight cheer i have look at that [/quote] A Fender neck shouldn't actually be perfectly straight - there should be a slight relief in the neck (a very slight downward bow). If you want advice on how Fender set up their basses, they provide all the information here: [url="http://www.fender.co.uk/support/basses.php"]http://www.fender.co.uk/support/basses.php[/url]
  21. [quote name='tombboy' post='480706' date='May 6 2009, 10:04 AM']If anyone (or more than one) dies in a fire which is proven to have been caused by your faulty equipment then the families of the victims are sure as hell going to want more than £1m in compensation.[/quote] Ironically, if the victim dies, it would be quite rare for the family to get £1million. I defend personal injury claims for insurers - the big claims are those where relatively young people are left paralysed as a result of an accident. Those claims can be worth several millions, as the claim will cover, for example, the cost of carers for life, loss of earnings, adaptions to property etc. I'm acutely aware that dodgy equipment could easily cause that sort of injury, and personally think £1million cover is a bit light.
  22. [quote name='Chris2112' post='553265' date='Jul 27 2009, 10:01 PM']I'm pretty sure it was ovangkol, it has that distinctive open grain and sounded like ovangkol with that burpy midrange. I remember being puzzled that the neck and body woods were exactly the same, as I hadn't heard of any model like this - unless it's been some kind of custom order![/quote] Warwick have made ovangkol bodied $$ - here: [url="http://www.warwick.de/modules/custom_shop/NewsCustomShop.php?newsID=1050&modell=Corvette&page=5&cl=EN"]http://www.warwick.de/modules/custom_shop/...age=5&cl=EN[/url] Although that one appears to have been delivered to a customer in Greece rather than Preston!
  23. Stunning bass!
  24. That looks seriously nice! I'm going to have to do this course one day!
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