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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='507551' date='Jun 7 2009, 03:33 PM']You people who play these monstrosities; what where you thinking? Burn it and buy a Squier Precision.[/quote] sorry, not swapping mine for a Squier - or anything else for that matter!
  2. That's very nice - I'm a fan of ebony with a maple board!
  3. [quote name='bubinga5' post='505943' date='Jun 4 2009, 11:14 PM']A Corvette was the bass i used to drool over when i first started playing..So im thinking about maybe purchasing one.. My Q is, what tone can i expect compared to say a Jazz or a Stingray5.....I have never played a Warwick before....Which is the best Corvette model, i always liked the FNA Jazzman...Are they weighty? Do all Warwicks sound similar, What can i pick up a Double Buck or FNA for these days? Thanks for any comments...[/quote] I sold my Corvette $$ for £450 - and wish i still had it! They're very, very versatile basses. To me the "stock" sound is like a Jazz on steroids, but with more growl. But you can also get some good traditional Precision tones. The only issue if you're used to a Jazz might be the neck profile. Personally, I love Warwick necks, but lots don't. They are heavier than you would expect for a small body - but mine was lighter than my old US Jazz.
  4. [quote name='silddx' post='505818' date='Jun 4 2009, 08:42 PM']Was going to say the same. The Assassin will know. Got to be worth £150 - £250? May go for less though. At least the postage costs won't figure for you.[/quote] If it were mine, I'd be disappointed if it only went for £250. These are really nice basses, and seem to be getting quite collectable. I would have thought around £400 - possibly more on a good day?
  5. [quote name='mike257' post='505649' date='Jun 4 2009, 05:58 PM']Like it says on the tin. I've got my Sandberg strung up with flats, and it sounds the absolute business, but I'd occasionally fancy the extra bit of bite of rounds on a couple of songs. I'm planning on employing my uber-modded Squire P (BadAss/Wizards etc), but the active Sandberg kicks out a much higher level. I'd like to be able to switch between them without having to screw around with my amp to compensate, particularly as I'm usually DI'd straight from the bass for gigs. Anybody got any suggestions for solving this dilemma? Preferably ones that don't break the bank, I've just moved house [/quote] EBS Micro bass will do the job. And they're brilliant bits of kit.
  6. [quote name='ahpook' post='504901' date='Jun 3 2009, 06:05 PM']ebs microbass great headphone amp as well as everything else it does. not cheap mind, but you'll only ever buy it once ![/quote] +1. I've just picked up one of these, and they are a fantastic piece of kit! Korg Pandora is a good bet too. I think the current version has both bass and guitar amp modelling which is a bonus if you occassionally dabble in six strings
  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='504119' date='Jun 2 2009, 07:30 PM']Based on Jon's home page I think its fair to assume this is a signature model [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/[/url][/quote] Agreed - this page clearly says that it is a signature model: [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm[/url] As to the merits of Simon Rix as a signature artist, whatever any of us think of the Kaisers, they're one of the biggest UK acts of the last few years, and any luthier would be daft not to take up such a high profile endorsement.
  8. [quote name='Machines' post='503564' date='Jun 2 2009, 09:52 AM']That must be Shuker's first big name then ? By that I don't mean someone successful, but a big name in music at the moment rather than a few years ago .[/quote] I'm not telling JJ he's not a big name any more! Some good stuff in the updated gallery - my singlecut has made it on there which is nice!!
  9. Blimey - that's a good price! I'm tempted, and I've already got a BO Thumb! Have a bump on me
  10. I use the Jeff Berlin with the Traveller 2x10. As Beedster says, they don't stack exactly - the Combo is quite a bit deeper, and the 2x10 is wider. But I use the combo stacked on top of the 2x10, and it seems perfectly solid - it just overlaps and doesn't look right! I've been gigging it like that for a year or so with no mishaps! They sound great together, by the way.
  11. [quote name='Bassassin' post='495317' date='May 22 2009, 04:21 PM']I'd say it's real - the "row of holes" routing disappeared sometime in the 80s, and these days Rickenbacker even use those evil computerised CNC machines to crank out 500 of these in half an hour, just like Matsumoku used to in the early 70s! J.[/quote] I'd say real. He sells a lot of Rics and always seems to have good feedback. Not sure I'd pay that much for it in that condition though!
  12. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='488623' date='May 15 2009, 10:43 AM']Nice job and the advert displays candour and honesty not always evident in ebay ads nowaday![/quote] That was exactly what I thought when I read it! Lovely looking bass - there's something really cool about a fretless maple board. Would be very tempted if I was in the market for another fretless!
  13. Very nice - that burst looks great with the maple board
  14. I prefer nickels. I've never found a set of steels I like the feel or sound of. I have used Elixirs - to me they sounded more like nickel thans steels. Nice strings, but expensive. After trying loads of brands, I've got Ernie Ball nickels on all my basses now.
  15. simon1964

    SX rat!

    Looks just like a P should!
  16. I can't listen to any of the links (I'm at work), but my band plays this with the riff starting on Fsharp - and whenever I rehearse to the single version it sounds in tune to me! And the tab looks like the way I play it as well!
  17. Can't believe I'm the first to say it, but: Shuker! You won't get any better for £1,500 IMO.
  18. Yep - that's the new Sterling by Musicman range, not a "proper" Made in US Musicman. I think that price is about right for a new one The seller is, I think, Cookes Band Instruments in Norwich. If its the same Cookes, they're a good reputable store, and have been around for years. They tend to have some nice stock whenever I'm down there.
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='487188' date='May 13 2009, 07:38 PM']Interesting question arose on another thread about the Sandberg / Delano P pup .. They have the E&A side nearer the bridge and teh D&G side nearer the neck - ie the other way round from most Fenders (though some Fender's are that way round too.. ) Any ideas why?[/quote] The Warwick Streamer is the same (4 string version). I think the idea is that it will give a "bassier" sound to the G and D, and a tighter sound to the E and A (by placing the pickup nearer the bridge). I suspect its marginal though to be honest.
  20. [quote name='rjb' post='485604' date='May 12 2009, 09:05 AM']Err, I guess mine isn't hard to figure out. I like them for the same reasons that others hate them - thick neck profile, natural woods, rounded shape and, of course, the low-midrange growl.[/quote] +1 to Warwick. The tone from my BO Thumb is just perfect IMO. The look and neck profile do make them the ultimate marmite bass, though. Fender, so long as its a Precision! They may be a one trick pony, but they seem to fit in any mix.
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='485726' date='May 12 2009, 10:50 AM']I've got a new project on the go and the question has come up about the bridge pickup. The neck pup is a p-type but what to stick at the bridge? The obvious answer is a J-type but what would a MM type or double J or second P type give me in terms of sonic options? This will probably be active/passive switchable with a Sadowsky VTC setup. Any guidance? TIA[/quote] I've got one of these in the bridge position of my Shuker. Edit - sorry, that link's not working. If you copy and paste the whole address it should take you to the Delano MM hybrid (not the Jazz pickups) [url="http://www.delano.de/products.html?&cH...x_smtdelano_pi1"]http://www.delano.de/products.html?&cH...x_smtdelano_pi1[/url][/url][cat]=1&tx_smtdelano_pi1[series]=8&tx_smtdelano_pi1[strings]=5&tx_smtdelano_pi1[system]=9 Very nice Stingray tone in active mode (prefer it to my real 'ray to be honest!), and an equally nice Jazz tone in passive mode. Very flexible, and they look rather cool too!
  22. I bought one of these a few weeks back, and fitted a fretless neck. They're amazing value, and really look the part too.
  23. [quote name='wizbat' post='438083' date='Mar 18 2009, 11:21 AM']I,m absolutly chuffed to bits to say that the twins are finished!!, and that today I woke up an endorsee of shuker basses.[/quote] Very nice - saw these in Jon's workshop when I was up there a few weeks back. Absolutely stunning!
  24. [quote name='wizbat' post='484163' date='May 10 2009, 08:57 AM']Did those rics have a headstock like my avatar perchance? ;-)[/quote] That'll be the ones! Just seen your pics over on the Rickenbuggery thread - stunning!
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