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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. [quote name='ziggenpuss' post='385370' date='Jan 19 2009, 08:41 PM']That would be Bruce Thomas ,I think.[/quote] You're right - recognised the name as soon as you posted thanks!
  2. [quote name='simon1964' post='385040' date='Jan 19 2009, 03:13 PM']Since my earlier post, I've done a deal on a Stingray. Given my "agreement" with Mrs 1964 (1 bass in = 1 bass out....), my $$ will be up for sale again as of tonight. If anyone wants one at £450 PM me![/quote] With apologies for the shameless plug - this is now up for sale here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38727"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38727[/url]
  3. Another that's just occured to me is the bass player for Elvis Costello early on in his career. Some great bass lines on tracks like Oliver's Army. No idea who he is though (and before someone says it - I did quickly google it!)
  4. [quote name='simon1964' post='354152' date='Dec 14 2008, 12:04 PM']Now withdrawn - BB was right, I like this to much to let it go![/quote] And now back up for sale with pics in the original post. I'm really not playing 5 string, and can't justify keeping this. Looking for £250.
  5. [quote name='Jase' post='385293' date='Jan 19 2009, 07:35 PM']The S1 switch thing again....if you want P bass, then buy a P bass. I don't think my S1 makes my Jazz sound like a P at all. I love both J and P basses....this of course is just my humble opinion, no offence intended whatsoever [/quote] I agree it doesn't really sound like a P. Mine used to sound like a fatter Jazz. Personally I really liked the sound, and I'm surprised Fender dropped the S1 on the Jazz (it was a waste of time on the Precision!)
  6. Definitely up for sale this time! I've just bought a Stingray, and Mrs 1964 has imposed a strict "1 bass in = 1 bass out" policy! This is about 18 months old (I bought it new from Sound Control in Birmingham). Its in very good condition - there is a tiny mark above the rear pickup from where I rest my thumb, but no other issues at all. Very versatile bass, and i know everyone says this, but I really will be sorry to see it go. I'm looking for £450 plus postage. [attachment=18855:guitars_016.JPG] [attachment=18856:guitars_017.JPG] [attachment=18854:guitars_022.JPG]
  7. [quote name='budget bassist' post='385183' date='Jan 19 2009, 05:37 PM']Oooh, you are a tease, i've been GASing for one! And i thought you didn't like your old stingray?[/quote] LOL! I never said I wasn't fickle! I've been missing it since I sold it to Nottswarwick last year - and have ended up buying one pretty much identical! Assuming the deal all goes through smoothly, I'll bring it to the Notts Bash!
  8. [quote name='grimbeaver' post='385044' date='Jan 19 2009, 03:16 PM']is it 4 string and what finish is it?[/quote] Its a 4 string in Nirvana black. PM me if you're interested and I'll send some pics?
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='384921' date='Jan 19 2009, 01:19 PM']Those who have mentioned £450 are in the right ballpark.[/quote] Since my earlier post, I've done a deal on a Stingray. Given my "agreement" with Mrs 1964 (1 bass in = 1 bass out....), my $$ will be up for sale again as of tonight. If anyone wants one at £450 PM me!
  10. I would look at the Ashdown James Lomenzo pedal. Very versatile, and because of the mid sweep thingy it has, you don't seem to lose low end as much as you do on some. Very good value - personally I prefer it to the OBD-3 (I've never used the Ibanez).
  11. [quote name='Kev' post='384778' date='Jan 19 2009, 11:07 AM']id be tempted to say less, about £450[/quote] I think that's about right, but I have to say I struggled to get any interest in mine when I had it up at that price. I withdrew it in the end, as it was too derpressing to sell at any lower than that! Its a buyers market for Warwicks at the moment.
  12. If its any consolation, my Dad still gigs once a month at the age of 74 - and is the youngest member of his band. One of them is a cool 91 years young! Bass Doc, obbm - you're still babies!
  13. [quote name='7string' post='384412' date='Jan 18 2009, 09:55 PM']I personally don't think that the USA basses are worth that kind of money. There's a lot of choice when you come near to the £1k barrier.[/quote] You have a point, although my old US Standard Jazz was a cracking bass. A lot of money for a passive Jazz though. Personally, I don't think the Mex Standards are worth £400 either, compared with what £400 will buy you from Ibanez, Yamaha etc. Edit - the Fender in my avatar is Japanese, and its fantastic!
  14. I was going to post that there are plenty of oldies on here, but then saw your first paying gig was the year I was born! Glad to welcome someone who makes me look young!
  15. XTC - English Settlement. Taking back to my student days in the 80s.....
  16. simon1964


    [quote name='7string' post='384370' date='Jan 18 2009, 09:15 PM']Ok, if it was 1 and only 1 bass, it has to be "Jezebel" my Sei Offset Flamboyant 7 string. It's an amazing instrument to play and I wanted to place an order for 12 years or so. This is the first bass I pick up when I go to play regardless of the song that I'm playing to or trying to learn. P.S. I also wouldn't sell my James Tyler or Jackson 'Kip' Winger' bass or this which is nearly complete.... [/quote] That is simply stunning!
  17. As I've posted on here before, I think Colin Moulding of XTC is very underated. Great band, really well crafted songs, and some impressive bass playing.
  18. Having watched that, I sort of understand "how", but still don't understand "why". IMO!
  19. simon1964


    [quote name='4000' post='384006' date='Jan 18 2009, 02:32 PM']My '72 Ric 4001 with all the goodies; I bought it in a sale in 1993 for £490. I'd played it a year before (when it was £680) and completely fell in love with it. I couldn't afford it at the time, so went away convinced it would never be mine, but pleased at least that I'd actually found "the one". A year later I'd been saving up for a new amp, turned up at the same shop again, and there it was on the wall, reduced to sell. As luck would have it I'd also taken my 76 4001 along to try some amps so was able to do a direct comparison (the 72 blew it out of the water). I couldn't pay for it fast enough. It was obviously meant to be mine! This is a pic of me playing it the year I got it..... ...and here's me playing it a couple of years ago... [/quote] You haven't changed a bit! Lovely bass - I keep having GAS for a Ric
  20. simon1964


    Got to be my battered CIJ 70s reissue Precision. I've added EMGs and a Badass, and it sounds great. Not the most expensive or the poshest bass I own, but it fits like a glove. The one I most regret selling is my Stingray- that should have been a lifer!
  21. [quote name='bassmansky' post='383505' date='Jan 17 2009, 07:23 PM']tryed both out a few weeks ago ,close call between the two i would say.you are more likely to get a good price for a highway pbass if you decide to sell it later on than you would the squier.thats one thing in the highways favour!both good basses imo.but the highway £220 better????[/quote] +1. The Highway 1 will retain its value better, but you're really paying for the MIA, and the F word on the headstock. Still very good basses mind, and a good price for a MIA Fender. Have you considered one of the Japanese re-issues? I've got a CIJ 70s reissue, and its as good as any MIA Fender I've played. You could probably pick one of the 60s or 70s reissues up on here used for not much more than the Squier.
  22. [quote name='budget bassist' post='383662' date='Jan 18 2009, 12:07 AM']I think that anyone should be allowed to come, really. Basschat is a community where anyone can join, yeah it would be nice to have a hello before someone we don't know pops in, but like i say, there may be someone who's interested in starting up who may want to come along and see what's what, but i think it's a bit harsh to just say no, though for the sake of argument, i'll establish a few ground rules. [b]1.[/b] Any none basschatter should accompanied by a basschatter, and let us know if you're going to be bringing someone, though excluding people isn't what we want, obvously we don't want every tom dick and harry coming along. [b]2.[/b] Don't bring too many non-bass chatters, this space is paid for by basschat i suppose and it is a basschat event, but i'll leave it up to you as to what constitutes "too many", just be sensible. [b]3.[/b] If you do bring someone, make sure you know them at least, we all respect our gear and we expect everyone else to act accordingly. I think that sounds fair, lets keep the hostility to a minimum, yeah?[/quote] +1. All looks very sensible to me.
  23. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='372262' date='Jan 6 2009, 06:12 PM']Anyone used this? just bought one and cannot figure out how to record the on board drums? There is a user tutorial DVD available, anyone got one? Cheers - please help am desperate ! Andy[/quote] I've got the BR1600. So far I've been using an external drum machine - I've not really had a go with the internal drums, so again, if anyone has the tutorial I'll be very interested!
  24. [quote name='Hamster' post='382914' date='Jan 16 2009, 11:37 PM']Come clean Stuart - I just know you have this in the pipeline. I'll buy one now! [/quote] That's a good shout! His playing on Clapton Unplugged is outstanding.
  25. [quote name='Kev' post='382864' date='Jan 16 2009, 10:37 PM']the family reserve models just arn't stingrays to me, they're not supposed to look like that in my opinion, of course[/quote] Got to agree. Nice as it is, just doesn't look like a Stingray!
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