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Everything posted by simon1964

  1. Have to agree with the comments above about the quality of the Behringer rack tuner. I've owned some decent Behringer pedals, but the rack tuner was next to useless for bass. I sold it within a month and bought a Korg.
  2. [quote name='simwells' post='279831' date='Sep 8 2008, 05:17 PM']Where's selling it for £49?[/quote] I bought one at PMT in Birmingham a couple of months back at that price.
  3. PMT in Brum is excellent. First rate service.
  4. [quote name='deaver' post='279910' date='Sep 8 2008, 06:46 PM']Mysteriously no-one selling them cheap seems to have them in stock. As my old boss used to say - you can have anything we haven't got half price.[/quote] +1. GAK have them listed at what looks a great price, but when I tried to order one a few weeks back they had none in. I've not seen them in stock anywhere at anything like that price.
  5. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='278558' date='Sep 6 2008, 01:19 PM']They *might* be Roto nickels. I had some with silver silks but I can't remember what they were.[/quote] Just put some roto nickels on my Precision, and they have light blue silks. I've never seen white ones!
  6. Good price for a great piece of kit. Have a bump on me!
  7. [quote name='Sean.Robinson' post='264151' date='Aug 17 2008, 08:25 PM']great idea, are there any Shukers with dark tops so i can get ideas for my own , crotch walnut if anyone wants to go the extra mile [/quote] Mine will have a dark top when its finsihed! Asian Striped Ebony - which looks like this so far (if we're allowed to post unfinished Shukers!):
  8. [quote name='kevbass' post='272754' date='Aug 29 2008, 07:14 PM']That actually looks pretty good! Josh send it off to the warwick custom shop and get a quote on a build[/quote] Or speak to Jon Shuker and get one of these for half the price!
  9. That looks rather tasty! Although if my Thumb is anything to go by, it would be scarily heavy!!
  10. Very Nice! Stunning finish!
  11. Very nice - really like that colour!
  12. [quote name='BassManKev' post='253695' date='Aug 3 2008, 12:38 PM']the only none exposed pole piece pickup i can think of is the bart, which apparantly dont have the stingray growl[/quote] EMG do a MM pickup with non-exposed pole pieces. No idea what it sounds like though.
  13. We got two copies in my house! The one that I've paid for as a subscriber, and a free copy which was addressed to my son, who is also a member on here. Have they been sending free copies to Basschat members?
  14. [quote name='martthebass' post='253334' date='Aug 2 2008, 03:02 PM']Si, maybe my scales are off, but I think it weighed in the same as my Precision (8.5 lbs) - like you tho, it didn't feel immediately comfortable. It did pain me to sell this, regret it but it wasn't getting used.[/quote] It seems a bit heavier than my Precision, but not as heavy as my old Jazz. I've just used it at a rehearsal, and the sound was perfect. And wearing it a bit higher on the strap, I think I'm coming round to it. Ceratinly a different feel to most basses I've tried. Surprising, as my Corvette is as comfortable as any bass I've played. Perhaps I need to get the Warwick Custom Shop to do me an Ovangkol Corvette body with Thumb pickups and electronics - although I'm not sure I'll get that past Mrs 1964 at the moment!
  15. Well, somebody's got to post it in a thread called ''Paul Simonon pics''. Arguably the most iconic photo of the punk era, and its a bassist! Along with Bruce Foxton and JJ Burnell, Paul Simonon was one of the bassists who influenced me to pick up the bass 30 years ago. Much better player than people give him credit for.
  16. Interesting thread this. I traded my Jazz for a BO Thumb a couple of weeks ago (in fact, I think it might be martthebass's old one, which has come to me via another member). The tone is amazing. Knocks anything else I've owned for six. But I have to concede that its not as comfortable as other basses I own. Its not that its heavy, or particulalrly uncomfortable, but compared to my Corvette and Precision, it doesn't quite feel immediately right. That having been said, its a great neck and action, and it sounds phenomenal.
  17. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='250624' date='Jul 29 2008, 05:37 PM']The two original super-combo's were the SWR Super Redhead and the Eden Metro, and I suspect they are more than capable of holding their own against the sweeping statement that a rig would blow them away. They are both heavy as f*** though. Lightweight alternatives include the MarkBass and EBS NeoGorm of similar power.[/quote] +1 for the Markbass combos.
  18. Bonjour - Bienvenue a Basschat!
  19. [quote name='Matt_UK' post='249376' date='Jul 28 2008, 09:34 AM']Hi guys Just ordered a Streamer Stage I (as some of you may know!) and obviously it has the MEC P/J pup set up. I was thinking of maybe replacing them with EMG's or something of that ilk. It got me thinking; If something went wrong on your bass (electronics or hardware wise), or you just wanted a change for new - would you replace it like for like and maintain its originality or go for aftermarket parts from other manufacturers which may be more powerful/better made etc? Just a little question I was intrigued about ! Thanks Matt[/quote] I'd stick with the MECs. Both of my Warwicks have them as standard, and I love tone. I'm not sure EMGs would be any better.
  20. [quote name='incubass' post='248865' date='Jul 27 2008, 12:31 PM']Thanks for the compliments, ppl! I might be interested in straight out sale, depending on the price, since my first intention wasn't to sell, but who knows? [/quote] That has to be the nicest Warwick I've seen! I've just traded my Jazz for a Thumb, otherwise I would have been very tempted by this! Have a bump on me
  21. What a bargain! Reverb in Brum have some big discounts on Warwicks they're looking to clear. Good time to buy!
  22. That's stunning! Congratulations!
  23. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='248390' date='Jul 26 2008, 01:07 PM']I'd love one on the wall to put pens in or something.[/quote] That's an inspired idea! Maybe I won't sell mine on after all
  24. [quote name='Wayward-Wanderer' post='248347' date='Jul 26 2008, 11:56 AM']I guess i was talking about the pickup cover! thanks for the help. If they are an after market part then i definately gonna put the pickup guard and bridge guard on mine. I think they look Kickass![/quote] They are indeed pickup covers. Largely cosmetic, but Jazz and Precision basses came with them fitted as standard until the late 70s. Most people promptly removed them! Some of the Fender re-issues have them fitted. The picture you've posted is actually a Lakland (and a very nice one). Here's a link to a Fender 75 reissue with the pickup covers fitted. [url="http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0190302821"]http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0190302821[/url] They are available as an aftermarket product. Genuine Fender ones will have the large ''F'' on the Bridge cover. If you're interested, I happen to have an unused Fender Jazz set which I was think of putting up in the for sale section (as I no longer own a Jazz!). PM me if you're interested!
  25. Nice stuff. I love that Sandberg - I've never played a bad one. Next on the GAS list I think!
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