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Everything posted by gregsguitars

  1. I don't know about the inflation scenario but I do like old bass guitars....
  2. Keep her ...................and get a P bass!
  3. LOL.....
  4. The Vintage Guitar news and Views, articles to inform and to entertain by Greg's Guitars. Receiving your guitar or amp purchase. This installment of the vintage Guitar New and Views from Greg's vintage Guitars Atlanta will try to explain some of the important steps you should take after making a purchase and spending your hard earned money on a vintage ,rare,collectible guitar or amp. You have finally pulled the trigger and purchased that guitar or amp you have coveted and the item finally appears after being shipped to you.These steps may seem like to much to endure but after all you have made an investment and you need to insure your investment gets the crucial care in the unpacking process that it deserves.Many may or may not know the process of receiving that purchase from the shipping agent and the stpes you should take to insure a pleasant experience afterwords. Step 1: After your vintage ,rare or collectible guitar or amp arrives via the shipping transporter check the box for any apparent outside damage ,if damage is noticed photograph it. this will help in any claims process you may have to go through. Step 2:Feel the box, yes ,feel the box,variations in climate can effect the item in the box more than you may imagine.If the box is cool or warm to your touch then take the box inside your home, and yea place the box away from a direct heat or cooling source(a vent) preferably on your couch or set the box on your bed until the box is the same relative temperature as its surroundings. I know the anticipation is killing you but trust me letting your purchase "acclimate" will pay off. Step 3: after the box has adjusted to a comfortable level open the box, if damage was noted on the outside of the box ,then again photograph the open box and the packing inside. Step 4: Take your guitar or amp out of the box and note any damage to either the case the guitar is enclosed in or the amp itself, if damage is noted again photograph that damage to document it for the claims process. Step 5: If the item is an amp these steps are necessary: remove any packing material from the body or chassis of the amp, place the tubes (they should be out of the amp) into your amp, after replacing the tubes take a soft cloth and wipe the exterior of the tubes off removing any unseen oils or contaminants that may be on the glass exteriors of the tubes. Step 6: Insure all controls are set to zero or in the lowest settings available, plug your amp into the appropriate power supply (wall socket) ,check and observe for any noise,smoke or other unwanted scenarios if this happens unplug your amp immediately and inspect for loose tubes ,improper placement of tubes or damage to the chassis of the amp.Again if damage ,loose parts or otherwise the amp is not in working order,contact the shop yu purchased it from for additional instructions. Step 7: if everything is good to go ,plug your guitar into your amp and slowly turn up the controls to get the desired volume(s) and enjoy. Step 8: IF any damage was noted and you took photographs then contact the shop you made your purchase and follow their procedures for filing a shipping claim. Hopefully nothing like this takes place but it is good practice to document any damage in case a claim of damage must be filed and it will save you the hassle of explanation. Now if the item purchased was a guitar , either bass, acoustic or electric the following steps should be observed. Follow the above steps 1 through 3 . I can not stress enough the importance of letting your box reach a comfortable surrounding temperature before opening it up regardless of the anticipation level(s) you may be experiencing. Damage my incur if you tear into the box and yank the guitar out of the case if it has traveled from one extreme in climate to another. Step 4: If no damage was incurred during shipping , slowly bring you guitar up to pitch(tune),plug into your favorite amp and enjoy the fruits of your labor and love. I will say that most dealers are responsible owners that want you to be happy with any purchase, at least Greg's Guitars is one of those . We inspect and test every item before we box it up for shipping and as always the product you purchased is the product we have pictured and described properly on our website page(s). As always may all your days be memorable,all your friends stay true and all your riffs be killer, till next time Greg at Greg's Guitars.
  5. Also see our [url="https://www.facebook.com/GregsGuitars.net"]facebook page [/url] and our FB [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vintage-Guitar-News-and-Views/156584364492243"]articles.[/url]
  6. A new episode on Auction kings airs this February 28th, I believe at 9pm but check the listing for a "Bigsby Guitar". This will be a "spoiler" episode as what they think they have isn't what they really have. I have been pleased working with the cast and crew so far , hopefully the editing crew will do a good job on this episode showing why they don't have what they had hoped. Greg's guitars has no say so in the editing process so we will just have to wait and see if the 3 plus hours of taping grinds down to 2 or 3 minutes of good footage or not.
  7. [url="http://blog.gregsguitars.net"]New article up[/url] .The Vintage Guitar News and Views.
  8. Wishing all a safe and joyous holiday season from Greg's Guitars.
  9. Got the body, gonna install wall clock in the pup cavites and hang it with the back of the body as the clock face .....pics to come....
  10. Thanks , my grandson likes it and it was a fun recycle project, I don't recomend you breaking guitars to build them though, luckily this was from a parts box I have.
  11. Old broken Ricky neck, old lamp parts , a little imagination and my grandson now has a desk lamp he thinks is cool . [IMG]http://i987.photobucket.com/albums/ae358/gregsguitars/EthansLamp003.jpg[/IMG]
  12. Could have been a Squire branded body as well, I have seen many Squires laminated that way...
  13. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1337758123' post='1664862'] Sorry to be picky, but If its a genuine Tuxedo, it shouldn't have black binding and the fingerboard should be white with black dots. These were a limited run of 120 basses. I'm assuming it's really a white with black trim - lots of people refer to this (incorrectly) as a Tuxedo. What was the other one you got in? [/quote] Your correct, my bad, it is a white 4001 (turned yellowish) with the black binding and black pickguard, the other one is a mid 70's players grade 4001 in jetglo.
  14. Yes it is, I am still going through it, we got two in today, this one is a "Tuxedo' with the black binding....interested?
  15. Anyone have an idea to the meanings of the writing ? Ricky 4001 bass ,1974 model.
  16. Most of my basser bros play through Ampeg heads and atleast 4 x 12 or 4 x 15 cabs...
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1337379436' post='1659244'] Unfortunatly its just the way it goes. I find that very good pictures help on a sale thread 10 fold. [/quote] I tend to agree ,it is just part of the business, I do try to treat everyone as though they are a million dollar client and just take the good with the bad..
  18. Our[url="http://blog.gregsguitars.net"] summer article[/url] on the Fender Precision Bass is posted for your reading pleasure, Thanks.
  19. Greg's guitars would like to thank all of our clients and all the people that have browsed through our gear this year. We have experienced a number of firsts in 2011, Premier Guitar Magazine featured several of our vintage guitars "full spread" in their magazine, Tonequest magazine paid us a surprise visit and interview. Auction Kings filmed several episodes with us and we were contacted by several Nationally known recording stars to represent them and their instruments. All in all it has been a banner year and we look forward to continued growth with several new projects as 2012 rolls in. We look forward to serving your needs in 2012 and we hope all of you have a safe ,prosperous and wonderful new year. Consignment services are available,We are always buying guitars complete collections or just 1 guitar. 770-337-9679 Happy New Years.... we are also exchanging links as well as banner ads, contact [email protected]
  20. Get a full disclosure, good pictures ,ask questions about anything ,check the dealer online in a search for related content and yes duties or taxes, don't ask a dealer to place an errant value as that is traceable if customs asks to see the sales transaction and fraudulent..
  21. Insurance through the carriers is a little more expensive than the hassle of finding a cheaper shipping insurance agent on your own, I sell guitars and gear worldwide, I always insure had a problem only on 1 shipment in thr past 12 years, luckily I did have it fully vested ( 1953 Martin 000-28 Brazilian model) UPS did not trash it , but it did sustain damage in shipping, I was paid fully for repairs, the de-evealuation and shipping fee's. Tis better to have and not need than to need and not have is my motto...
  22. So far so good, bought,traded and sold tons of gear ,met a lot of great business to business contacts and look forward to doing more in 2012.
  23. Just tell them its been fun, but your looking for something else to do and wish them the best of luck, never say anything bad about them to other people and stay friends.
  24. Roland street cube. cube 15,line6 pod,any old silvertone or Kay tube amp.
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