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Everything posted by spaceboy

  1. spaceboy


    Why is there so many Pino CS changing owners? Everybody claims it’s a killer and still they sell it.
  2. Think The Bassplayer in Van Morrisson played this bass tonight in Gothenburg!
  3. New album out now!
  4. I will post more pics but I'm not open it up or take the neck off, sorry but I don't want to mess with it since everything working as it should(don't fix it...)and the neckplate is the one that it had when I bought it. There seems be little interest in playability and sounds:) So, the neck is one of the best I played, a perfect blend of jazz a precision and wish a could have that on all my basses. Neck is straight and no frets sticking out. It is more midrange then other rays I had, but it still have that familiar stingray sound:) For a ray it not the heaviest at 4,2kg. There's a nice touch on the dot marks on the side, it slightly immersion(?).
  5. [quote name='flower8' timestamp='1509868799' post='3402127'] Nice bass. Are the pickup and preamp original? Do you have the original neck plate? Some other non original components? Finish is original? Thanks [/quote] Got this frome japan/ischibasi some years ago and they dated the pots 1982 and stated it was original,and frome what I can tell it is, and Ischibashi is very reliable. During this time Leo wasent pleased with Musicman and started G&L, and as what I know Gruver Jackson built them 1982-1984. If that got to do with that it dosent say Musicman on the plate i dont, but if its a big consern Il try to find out.
  6. Serienr is BO25083
  7. [quote name='totorbass' timestamp='1508398586' post='3391867'] Nice. Had it been re-fretted? [/quote]Not what I can tell, the fretts are very good. If, it have it must have been done by the pro of pro.
  8. Excellent pre eb 1982 played but not abused. Weight 4,2kg, non original hardcase. I'm located in Sweden but will ship on buyers exenpence. Feel free to ask if I missed anything. £1600. https://postimg.org/image/lt0amqtr7/ https://postimg.org/image/pvuuryz77/ https://postimg.org/image/wnl9uto6r/ https://postimg.org/image/req8wy5rn/ https://postimg.org/image/fri78u4lv/
  9. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LdQNFb8kAI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=_LdQNFb8kAI[/url] and live in spain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YQ2b9YeLvg
  10. My Carl Martin 200 watt amp and TKS 215 900W.
  11. Bassplayer available for touring/recording in 2018, committed and on time, no drugs. Dont read that good but good ears and easy learner. play most style but no jazz or funk(but funky). Some samples of what I done. Please email if interested. Thanks/Krister The Black Marbles [url="https://open.spotify.com/album/4kNqaQEaVTXqYJpXvJSRZU"]https://open.spotify...aVTXqYJpXvJSRZU[/url] [url="https://youtu.be/G-QGHD4pwJ8"]https://youtu.be/G-QGHD4pwJ8[/url] [url="https://youtu.be/0YQ2b9YeLvg"]https://youtu.be/0YQ2b9YeLvg[/url] [url="https://open.spotify.com/track/6MNEPVszz2es8iL9ttODuW"]https://open.spotify...zz2es8iL9ttODuW[/url] The 2120s [url="https://youtu.be/SJod_Mx3arw"]https://youtu.be/SJod_Mx3arw[/url] [url="https://youtu.be/Yegkcr4GiE4"]https://youtu.be/Yegkcr4GiE4[/url] [url="https://open.spotify.com/track/41UFQnoJS452DFcmpQlrN7"]https://open.spotify...JS452DFcmpQlrN7[/url] Love On Drugs [url="https://open.spotify.com/track/3CDKFitIhuUqhOZHKLz7aY"]https://open.spotify...IhuUqhOZHKLz7aY[/url] [url="https://open.spotify.com/track/4tJFKhv52MvyJ2Nd2VlIOu"]https://open.spotify...52MvyJ2Nd2VlIOu[/url] Oh Wellington [url="https://open.spotify.com/search/results/oh%20wellington"]https://open.spotify...oh%20wellington[/url] My own stuff https://open.spotify.com/artist/6NQQzyjRqr9PRmjDHc8eVd
  12. TPJ is topnotch👍
  13. [quote name='bkitchii' timestamp='1455922262' post='2983772'] A gated fuzz, complete with suboctave switch for adding some serious low end The pedals in great condition & comes with the original box Can you ship to Sweden? £80 posted in the UK, sale only no trades [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ0rdNlghn4[/media] [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LvYIbVVsqU[/media] [attachment=212791:DSC02992.JPG][attachment=212792:DSC02993.JPG] [/quote]
  14. Hi, I'm the bassplayer in Swedish 70's rock band The Black Marbles, we played at Hard Rock Hell festival last year in Wales and got a nice rewiev in Classic rock this month. HRH was the last gig on the tour and it was awesome to be there. We toured on the debute album 'Made In Concrete' and we are working on the follow up, out late summer(fingers crossed). If you like what you see/hear, vote on us trying to get a gig in Barcelon. If this is not okej to post please delete this topic. Heres a link; [url="http://www.hardrockrising.com/#/4697?artist_id=2430779&voting_token=8e61d5105fdd47e970fdfbbbb7a73023"]http://www.hardrockr...0fdfbbbb7a73023[/url] [url="http://www.theblackmarbles.com/"]http://www.theblackmarbles.com/[/url] Thanx/K
  15. [quote name='davedave' timestamp='1407847159' post='2524568'] That is stunning mate. I've always loved burgundy mist too. [/quote] Thanx, I'm droping to £1400, thats a very good deal for a bass like this:)
  16. [quote name='spaceboy' timestamp='1406829513' post='2515148'] Selling a Fano PX Alt De Facto in Bergundy Mist and nice bindning on the neck, Fano hardcase. Wieght 3,7 kg. Light destressing. Bass is in Gothenburg/Sweden shipping aprox £75, My first post and not shure to get pictures un the ad? I have good feedbacks on ebay. Please mail for further info or pics. Info: http://www.fanoguitars.com/models/alt-de-facto-px4/#specs http://s24.photobucket.com/user/Spaceboy65/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps47b36896.jpg.htmlhttp%3A/s24.photobucket.com/user/Spaceboy65/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsfa589634.jpg.htmlhttp%3A/s24.photobucket.com/user/Spaceboy65/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsb0abffd0.jpg.html [/quote] New price £1500!
  17. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1406830088' post='2515153'] Upload pics to photobucket and put a link to the folder here. Easiest way! [/quote] Thanx, I think it will work now.
  18. Sold!!!!!! Selling a Fano PX Alt De Facto in Bergundy Mist and nice bindning on the neck, Fano hardcase. Wieght 3,7 kg. Light destressing. Bass is in Gothenburg/Sweden shipping aprox £75, My first post and not shure to get pictures un the ad? I have good feedbacks on ebay. Please mail for further info or pics. Info: http://www.fanoguitars.com/models/alt-de-facto-px4/#specs http://s24.photobucket.com/user/Spaceboy65/media/Mobile Uploads/image_zps47b36896.jpg.htmlhttp%3A/s24.photobucket.com/user/Spaceboy65/media/Mobile Uploads/image_zpsfa589634.jpg.htmlhttp%3A/s24.photobucket.com/user/Spaceboy65/media/Mobile Uploads/image_zpsb0abffd0.jpg.html New price €1400!
  19. Castagne, u got mail:)
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