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Everything posted by mashup

  1. [quote name='krazy_olie' post='1291200' date='Jul 3 2011, 05:23 PM']For absolute lightness and balance without going to viola and headless I would say Ibanez soundgear, specifically the lighweight sr500. I think it would suit your music. I'm surprised you don't think the aerodyne is much lighter than the l-2000 though, is it a USA or tribute? the USA ones are very heavy. I got a tribute (swamp ash) because the usa one (regular ash) was so heavy (had a used one on sale for not that much more). I found the aerodyne to be light when I tried one, so I am actually looking to buy one at the moment, so that I have a more lightweight bass in my armory. But weight isn't everything it's the balance too, the g&l and fender headstocks add a lot of perceived weight and put strain on your shoulders. Also have you got yourself a comfort strapp [url="http://www.comfortstrapp.com/products.htm"]http://www.comfortstrapp.com/products.htm[/url] . I've been using one for years and it helps so much. good luck![/quote] Hey, Thanks for the link to the comfort strap. I've just bought one . Cheers. The Ibanez SR name just keeps coming up - I will have to demo one. Yeah, my G & L L2000 is a USA model. It felt light at first but recently it's been hell! I think i just need a really light, really good bass, if there's one out there.
  2. [quote name='mcnach' post='1291141' date='Jul 3 2011, 04:22 PM']Tricky, as I have not played one myself. I held one, but unplugged once. I never had any interest because they don't look good to me... but I've seen them played, and sounded find from the audience's side. I'm sure they're not harder to modify than any other bass, when it comes to pickups/preamp, if you felt you don't like the originals. With regards to weight, I can't think of anything lighter than that. And they're not toys, they were used a lot. Can't find some good videos in youtube, but these may help: some trebly solo style: [url="http://youtu.be/4Rw_JlanqY0"]http://youtu.be/4Rw_JlanqY0[/url] some distorted RUSH: [url="http://youtu.be/gFFQwYMZ40U"]http://youtu.be/gFFQwYMZ40U[/url] some not great playing, but fat classic sound: [url="http://youtu.be/WPVDfI74ZWA"]http://youtu.be/WPVDfI74ZWA[/url] an idea of the basic sound, and some hilarious pictures [url="http://youtu.be/qqtmZHlgOz0"]http://youtu.be/qqtmZHlgOz0[/url] Message in a bottle on one of these basses. [url="http://youtu.be/QDneCaGFjRQ"]http://youtu.be/QDneCaGFjRQ[/url][/quote] Some very funny videos there! I especially like the Message in a bottle one - The guy forgets to play half way through the track and just stares into space - made me giggle. Thanks, they also gave me an idea of the tones on offer - Not too bad actually although im not fond of the look really -Quite ugly But,,,,They look very light & right now my shoulders killing me
  3. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1291092' date='Jul 3 2011, 03:45 PM']Probably not tbh But, it is light and it does have the tonal range. The Beatles kind of ruined it as a great lightweight bass that is fun to play. It's short scale too which all helps with the weight. I've played some Pink Floyd on it and got comments at the end along the lines of: What the heck do you think you're doing playing the Floyd on that piece of rubbish So what, I say![/quote] Yeah, i cant really see it fitting into my band tbh. Thanks though
  4. [quote name='Lenny B' post='1291111' date='Jul 3 2011, 04:01 PM']Fender Precision Lyte - great basses, pop up fairly regularly on here and Ebay.[/quote] Cheers for that. Ther's currently one on ebay right now. Really want to play the thing first though
  5. [quote name='crez5150' post='1291069' date='Jul 3 2011, 03:23 PM'][/quote] What bass is that?
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1291066' date='Jul 3 2011, 03:21 PM']I had an Aerodyne Jazz, which has P/J pickups, and it seemed a lot lighter to me than my regular Fenders. Worth checking out.[/quote] I used to own an Aerodyne. I sold it to get my G & L L2000. It was a nice, light bass but i feel that im going to have to get something even lighter, but with a better quality & range of tones.
  7. [quote name='mcnach' post='1291048' date='Jul 3 2011, 02:55 PM']Well, single pickup has its limitations. But you get a good range from the tone control. The position of the pickup means it doesn't lack bass. It's very fat and round. But it has tons of treble too. A lot of it will come down to the strings you use. It comes with D'Addario round wounds, and they have a lot of high end. I was amazed at the slap tone this bass had. "Aeroplane" by the RHCP sounded really good on this bass. It doesn't have a typical P-bass sound, as it does not have the usual P-bass pickup, but it's not too far, and it can do very trebly modern sounds and very dull reggaeish at ease. As well as slap. I like it a lot. I just put D'Addario Chromes on mine and this made it punchier and fatter whilst keeping a good dose of treble. Very nice bass. Don't worry about the "50s" label. It can do many things. I'm just not sure it's significantly lighter to make enough of a difference. If you find one in a local shop, go and try it. Lovely bass.[/quote] I see that you have a couple of CV P basses. If you could only have 1, which would it be? & how do they vary tonally? Is the 50's more trebly & punchy? Im thinking that for the price i could sell my G & L L2000 for (regretably I could get a couple of cheaper (but decent), lighter basses that could between them cover alot of tonal ground.
  8. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1291040' date='Jul 3 2011, 02:44 PM']+1 on the Viola I sorted neck dive by tying the strap to the neck (like an acoustic) and having a wide strap. I can stand and play it for hours (until some big bloke throws me off the stage for being rubbish lol) and you get two pickups with a range of tones![/quote] Do you think that one of these would cover the genre of music i play? It looks really old school & all i can think of when i see one is The Beatles - Great band but that's really not the sound we play. Thanks for your input
  9. [quote name='mcnach' post='1291039' date='Jul 3 2011, 02:43 PM']If it's really that bad, I'd put health over bass tone/aesthetics everytime, and I'd consider something like a headless Steinberger... yes, very 80s and not the most beautiful, but small and light, and they do not sound half bad either. You have a lot of room for tone modification by choosing your favourite pickups or preamp etc.[/quote] Thanks for your input McNach. In terms of the Steinberger, i have been considering one. From your experience, are they decent sounding basses & can the pickups be upgraded as that is something that i would want to do from stock?
  10. [quote name='dc2009' post='1291010' date='Jul 3 2011, 02:18 PM']He said you need a P bass for police sounds, not for lightweightedness, I'd argue a P is one of the more heavy basses I've played, especially for a 4 string.[/quote] Yeah, i think Grand Wazoo suggested the Squier 50's P basss becuase (a) It is light & ( It may fit my style of music perfectly. It's definitely a great suggestion & i shall try one in the week, but definitely need more suggestions - Can never have too many!
  11. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1290933' date='Jul 3 2011, 12:34 PM']Yes I own both of them, and I gave you the weight from my own scale not from the manufacturers description. The Squier is indeed a lovely bass but it'll need an upgrade pickup because the original is a little bit on the weak side. (Yes it is lighther than the aerodyne, they are just slimmer in the edges but still hit the scale at 9+ lbs)[/quote] Thanks alot for your feedback Grand Wazoo - I really appreciate it. So if the 50's P is lighter than the Aerodyne & has a god sound to it, then it definitely sounds like a contender. What is the tonal variety like on the 50's P, Is it a versatile instrument? - I play contemporary stuff, no 50's music. & also, if i bought one, what would be the best aftermarket pickup that i could get for it? Thanks
  12. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1290879' date='Jul 3 2011, 11:40 AM']You need a P bass for Police sounds... and if you want a light one you could get yourself one of these they only weigh 8.12lbs [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=11040414260931"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars...=11040414260931[/url] or one of these weighs 7.15lbs so light you don't even know you've got it on your strap! [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_details.cfm?ID=1192&type=Bass"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/product_deta...2&type=Bass[/url] Guitar[/quote] Are these really light then? I was eyeing this bass up a few months ago. It's certainly lovely looking. What's the tone like on this bass? It's pretty cheap! I used to own a Fender Aerodyne, do you think that this P bass would be lighter? I dont know what the weight of my G & L L2000 is but it's actually not that much heavier than my old Aerodyne, which is a little worrying!
  13. Thanks for your replies so far people. I forgot to mention that it needs to be a 4 string bass. That Dingwall looks lovely! Also, does anyone know where in the uk you can get Status bass guitars, they look interesting.
  14. Hi Basschatters, having really bad back & shoulder problems at the moment & am having to regretably consider selling my beloved G & L L2000 & move on to a lighter bass or 2! there wont be anything else out there as versatile as my L2000, but what lightweight bass (as light as possible) would be a good compromise in terms of versatility & pain minimization? Please recommend me as many as possible, from cheap to expensive. I want to know what my options are. Im gutted that im having to do this but my problem is just getting worse over time & i have some very important gigs coming up. It has gotten so bad that muscles in my upper shoulder/back have been spasming continually for the last 25 hours. I play Alternative Indie Rock - Think Police/U2/Coldplay so the bass needs to be able to produce the tones that are fitting to my style of play & genre Please help, Thanks
  15. [quote name='porterpr' post='1283436' date='Jun 26 2011, 10:19 PM']Hi would you consider some sort of a deal with a black rosewood board 1st December 1998 Stingray H, vv good condition E06010, I only have a soft bag, thanks Steve from Leeds.[/quote] Thanks for the offer, but I'm not really after a Stingray. Cheers
  16. Im looking to trade my USA G & L L2000 for a USA Precision or possibly something other depending on the offers. But am mainly looking for a USA Precision. I could get £800+ for my L2000 if i sold it, so im looking for a trade that would be worth a similar value if sold as used - so no offers of Squier P's or MIM P's or even USA standard P's come to think of it - Only special basses considered that will be worthy of the trade. [attachment=83497:G___L_L2000.jpg]
  17. mashup


    How long has this post been going on?
  18. [quote name='3below' post='1232489' date='May 15 2011, 09:47 PM']I have never weighed it... but I am 5'3" and it has never bothered me. I feel it is 'heavyish' - think it is a maple body but not sure. My Kramer is noticeably 'heavy' but the string clarity is something else. Before you get the wallet out, try someone else's bass with different strings - the biggest tone changer for me is roundwound, but I prefer flats. If string type is significant them Yamaha and Ibanez P/J types are real bargains at the moment. This [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134083&hl=ibanez"]Ibanez[/url] was £230 - gorgeous IMO - I have/had no connection with it. I bought a Hiscox case for £70 recently - with a Peavey Milestone Jazz type bass included. There are some real deals around at present. I will get the scales out and investigate.[/quote] Thanks 3below. Please dont get the scales out on my behalf......Someone is selling the CV 50's P on the forum. Im mega tempted. I think i want the vintage tone of single coils that my G & L L2000 doesn't quite do - very close though!
  19. [quote name='3below' post='1232458' date='May 15 2011, 09:15 PM']Might be difficult to find tones outside / beyond your G&L. I have had my 85 SB1 for over 20 years, for a one pickup PB style bass it is incredibly versatile. . I did not feel the need for a backup / second bass until GAS attack for the Kramer - had always wanted one when younger. Why not get another G&L (apart from cost) and try the 'opposite' strings flats / rounds. Reliability from my G&L - 100%, had it setup and then nothing, it just works and stays in tune. I would buy another early SB1 for roundwounds - if wife would not divorce me (and I could find one at sane money).[/quote] True. This is always another option.....Maybe im just getting a case of GAS right now. Im trawling the internet looking at Basses when i should just probably be playing! Just out of curiosity, is your G & L light in weight? I need a 2nd/backup bass regardless. Can the G & L L2000 really do it all? Should i just be looking at getting another, maybe a tribute? Or is there an inexpensive something out there that can fulfill additional tonal requirements?
  20. [quote name='SignsOfDelirium_bassist' post='1232157' date='May 15 2011, 04:42 PM']Just a thought, but considering you want tones that the G&L can't give you, and you like reggae/dub...Why not try out that squier P with the 'bucker right up against the neck? [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0326902500"]http://www.squierguitars.com/products/sear...rtno=0326902500[/url] I've not tried one so I can't say if they're any good or not, but my VMJazz is a damn nice bass (Especially with all the upgrades, but it was great before them aswel!). Plus, the look the muts nuts...[/quote] Really? Do you think that this could provide suitable, additional tones outside of my G & L's sound spectrum? I must say i do like the look of it & if it's as light as the CV 50's P then it definitely ticks 2 boxes. If the tones are great, that may well be job done!! Is this an active bass then, because of the Hummer? Im really after a passive pickup setup. Thanks for your input
  21. [quote name='gjones' post='1232081' date='May 15 2011, 03:15 PM']I've recently played both. The Classic Vibe Jazz is the real deal if you like a 60's Jazz tone and is really well made. The VMJ 70's Jazz with the block inlays is the funkiest looking/sounding thing since James Brown (the pickups are great). It has a satiny varnish on the neck if you like that kind of thing. Personally I'd go for the VMJ because it is full of character and will give you a different sound from your present G&L. It's also a bit cheaper and there's some nice looking ones on basschat at the moment at decent prices.[/quote] I've just been checking out that VM Jazz online & it has recieved rave reviews. I listened to some clips & it has a detailed & bright sound - Very nice. I really like it. The only thing against it for me is the weight - with it weighing in at 9 - 9.5lbs which is too heavy for me. I like light basses. My USA G & L L2000 weighs less than my old Aerodyne - which was light! I havn't weighed my L2000 yet but i doubt it's any more than 7lbs, which i presume is unusually light for this bass (or not? - it is my first so hard to know from experience) Also, I forgot to mention that i play predominantly with a pick. I dont slap - nor have i any interest in ever slapping really. Thanks for your feedback & pointers so far
  22. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='1231444' date='May 14 2011, 10:12 PM']I played about 5 CV's and VMJ's to get a feel for them when I wanted a fretless (which had to be a VMJ). I bought it, and wasn't disappointed and only sold it on as I wanted a 5 string. However, finally getting to the point of the post, the CV's all felt/played much better than the VMJ's. To complement a G&L though, you'll probably want to upgrade pick-ups.[/quote] Thanks for the quick response mate. Funnily enough i once had the VMJ Fretless. I bought it on ebay, lent it to a friend, then needed the money & sold it on - all before really putting it through it's paces, but i could tell it was a nice little bass for the money. Anyway....Which of the CV's did you play? Is there 1 or 2 (or all 3) in particular that stood out? I've also been eying up the VMJ Jaguar because of the P/J piockup combo but those CV's sure look good
  23. [size=3]So. I have a USA G & L L2000 which i love to bits. It can dial in a range of wonderful tones as you may well know from experience, or not . I am currrently in the market for a backup bass guitar that will provide additional tonal options to my already extensive G & L sound palette. I want a passive bass & i dont really want to spend too much. I have heard great things about the Squier Vintage Modified & Classic Vibe series bass guitars & so i am looking into getting a model in their lineup. It is all about tone - that is all im interested in really, however, i do really love the look of the CV 50's P bass cosmetically, but, again, looks are secondary to tone. So what bass guitars in their lineup do you think i should look at? I've heard that some people think the necks & the pickups are better on the VMJ's & then there are some people that think that the CV's are the only "cheap" basses that really sound like proper axes. I am eager to hear from any owner/players of any squier models who could share their expereinces of their instruments with me. Please dont be shy. Just to repeat though - This bass will be my backup bass & will offer tonal options that the amazingly versatile G & L L200 cant. What do you think? Oh yeah, It's probably quite important to mention that i play mainly Alternative Rock/Pop/Country/Blues/Reggae/Dub - These are the sonic landscapes that i habitat Thanks[/size]
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