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Everything posted by sockdeluxe_mikey

  1. Price reduction bump :brow: now £450!
  2. Quick bump for the evening. Im travelling back from Kent (Rochester) tomorrow (thursday) at around 11am so if you are considering this cabinet give me a shout asap if you need it bought down to sussex or any areas inbetween!
  3. [quote name='algmusic' post='919810' date='Aug 9 2010, 04:55 PM']If you like the markbass sound, go with that.. I love markbass, but I like the balance of option of that vintage grit.. I have the programmable one, which I like, as on some gigs, I need more grit or more warmth or blend or straight DI I can sort it out in the sound check then switch sounds between songs, just with my foot. Also if you're going minus amp you are at the mercy of the sound engineer and their gear, which is a gamble (some great some awful), so try them both if you can.. . The EMO are the broadcaster's fav's very good.. but that's assuming you always have a good desk behind you.. [b]Just the down side of not having your monitoring (amp) is if you change your awful sound on stage, you might ruin the great sound FOH..[/b][/quote] I concur with being at the mercy of the soundman - my Lakland (bass I use 90% of the time live) has a really good preamp which has already helped me out when using loanded equipment on a gig so I then don't have to touch their amp (a plus for both you and them). Going direct in the fashion I'm thinking of in conjunction with the onboard preamp (3 band, really nice sounding and powerful) should hopefully be enough to avoid the not-too-serious EQ problems I might encounter without amps (or EQ on a D.I box possibly for that matter). I actually used to really like having footswitchable vintage overdrive sounds but I've actually learnt that isn't what I've been after which was a minorly expensive lesson to learn. The MarkBass filters however do allow me to apply what some of the other D.I boxes I've been looking at such as a low pass filtering (the VLE on the MarkBass amps/Super Booster) and as I already mentioned, the boost would work as preamp gain. I still can't decide however whether all I want is a passive D.I box by itself (a la Radial, EMO, MarkBass Super Pro DI(?) or any of the others) or have some more powerful (or one of the bass specific preamps such as the Aguilar Agro, one of the SansAmps etc.). Half of my desire to sort this out is so that I can avoid the sometimes awkward arrangements of being one of the first bands on in somewhere you a) either can't drive (or don't want to drive) to, and for this reason you can't take your amp and starts to get awkward when due to miscommunications you turn up at a venue and the band who end up bringing the equipment aren't aware they were supposed to lend it - or at the last minute decide not to! Then, I can just run my pedalbox through a D.I and that can all be avoided - and with very surprisingly good results sometimes, judging by what I've read about the experiences of some people who just gig on D.I all the time. What I highlighted in bold I also want to be very aware of and I am actually very respectful of this - I almost always err on getting the sound great out front and try and be very reasonable, unless the sound is completely unusable and mental on stage! Actually EskimoBassist, I have been looking on and off at the MXR M-80 - what has been your experiences of it? It actually looked really nice and appealed to me, but had a hard time working out what kinds of sounds it could do.
  4. [quote name='algmusic' post='919757' date='Aug 9 2010, 04:08 PM']Sansamp.. it can be powered via phathom power and on a rare occasion you don't have that it takes a 9v. Very few desk don't have PP. To be honest, a 9v power supply is pretty cheap these days, I think I pad £20 and that had lots of adaptors for many pedals and it'll fit in your gig bag. Also the sansamp will give a good range of tones that don't sound synthetic.. That said I do like the EMO..[/quote] Actually, what I meant was that I was hesitant at getting a D.I box that needed phantom power from the [b]desk[/b] etc. just in case the desk can't power it and it can't accept a wall power supply - I took delivery of a T-Rex Fuel Tank Chameleon last week so as long as an active D.I box can accept a power supply the Chameleon can take care of it although it does seem to sound like that most desks should supply 48V phantom power. My girlfriend has the programmable SansAmp but I need to give it a proper try out - I've not been a big fan of the SansAmp (although when she got hers I learnt how to use them a LOT more effectively, which may be a factor when I try it out again properly). The Super Booster by MarkBass looks really appealing because it has the two filters which I happen to already like (I have a MarkBass SA450 as a normal amp) and it has variable preamp gain. Doddy, those EMO's look good too! I have a Studiospares catalogue and they catch my eye quite a lot.
  5. I really have to bring the Rothwell Love Squeeze to the table as well. I have tried the EBS MultiComp properly and owned a dbx 163x, plus when shopping for other compressors I listened to quite a few different models extremely thoroughly inc. the T-Rex Compnova. I think one of the best ways to sum up the Love Squeeze is the ultimate compressor for the person that normally doesn't like compressors the only thing some people may not like is the fact that it's a bit too subtle for some players. I would actually really highly recommend giving the T-Rex Compnova a try as from what I've heard it sounds like it's a compressor really full of potential. The Diamond compressor actually sounds really nice as well! It's a shame they're not more widely available.
  6. Hi all, I have been assembling a sort of 'system' that would allow me to either go to a studio or a live gig without my amp and be able to (close enough at least) get a great sound that I can take around with me. I bought a Rothwell Love Squeeze about a month or two ago and that is perfect for one half of the job - natural subtle string-to-string eveness and room boominess, if needs be at worst a 'room fixer'. Now for the second half of the job I need a D.I that will obviously go directly into a desk, either live or in the studio. My situation is I don't know really whether I need a passive or active D.I - I do have two active basses (a Lakland 44-01 and an 18V Peavey Forum) and logic would dictate that a passive D.I would do the job, two which have caught my eye being the MarkBass Super Pro DI and the Radial JDI/Pro DI. If it turns out an active D.I would be best to get, then ideally I would like one that can source its power without the need of phantom power (such as the MarkBass Super Booster) because I wouldn't want to risk going to a gig and then not being able to source phantom power for the box. On the other hand, is phantom power from the desk actually a bankable option? I just don't want to turn up to a gig one day and be told I can't get phantom power! Thanks everybody, all help would be welcome
  7. Bump - I'm heading back from Kent today (where the cabinet is currently located) so now might be the time to put an offer in if you're around the Sussex area :ph34r: I've also made it more obvious in the original post that other arrangements can be organised within reason, which can be discussed over PM. Either way, any questions or offers then just drop me a line!
  8. Bump and a price drop to [b]£560 O.N.O[/b]! Just drop me a line if you have any more questions
  9. [quote name='solofunkyjazz' post='917068' date='Aug 6 2010, 03:38 PM']Practically brand new, just a few weeks old. I want to get something else instead though, possibly the Aguilar TLC. This is what the guy from talkbass has to say about this. [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/rothwell.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/rothwell.shtml[/url] It comes complete with all original packaging and a new boss 9v power supply. £100 posted.[/quote] Have a bump on me - I LOVE this pedal and the Ovnilabs review is very accurate. For a lot of people this is the ultimate in subtle style compressors that has a lot to offer.
  10. Bump and a price drop! I am still going to Kent this weekend! If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to ask
  11. Latest bump! I'm going to Kent this weekend, so if anybody is interested in this cabinet in the Sussex area then get in touch as I can bring it down with me when I come back!
  12. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='898413' date='Jul 18 2010, 09:55 PM']You've got to love the name, I do anyway. Anyone tried one ? How do they compare with the EBS Dynacomp and the Aguilar TLC ?[/quote] I was the one who posted on your Talkbass thread I'm just looking forward to seeing how this pedal does with 18 volts - that will be a spectacle! EDIT: andyjingram, here is the short post I did for 6stringbassist on Talkbass: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=676593"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=676593[/url] Great pedal.
  13. [quote name='silddx' post='899057' date='Jul 19 2010, 03:42 PM']To Cotsan and Security .. I have a pair of chrome ones without the screws. You can have them for £7 posted. I also have a complete set of black ones £10 posted. PM me if you want either of them.[/quote] Ballbags. I just ordered two sets of these yesterday - I would have had your set off you instantly.
  14. Cheers danbowskill it's a bloomin' great price at the moment, and I'm honestly really amazed that somebody hasn't gone for it yet. I will consider ANY offers on this - I really don't use this to enough of its potential!
  15. [b]£85[/b]? Am getting close to the end of the line on this one
  16. [b]£90?[/b] And [b]possible[/b] trades.
  17. Can't believe this hasn't gone yet - I am starting to really need to move this one quite badly now, so I will accept [b]£95[/b] which still includes the 12V centre positive adapter (Boss style adapters do *not* work with this i.e centre negative) and postage. Any questions, then just let me know
  18. Right, I need a quick sale on this one - [b]£100[/b], which is a really great all-inclusive price! Any questions, then please do not hesitate to ask
  19. I bought one after owning a Marcus Miller 4 string Jazz Bass for most of my bass playing life and enduring a complete love/hate relationship with it, and from what I've seen it kicks it squarely in the nuts. I tired myself out trying different basses for under £600-700 in GAK and the Lakland just stood out for me in terms of build quality, playability and sound. It was just an 'obvious' choice! Believe it or not, there is a seriously handy little trick that you try out if you have the stock electronics - I *love* how the pickups sound and for me they have just the right balance to them, BUT if you want to achieve a more vintage (dare I say Fender style) style of sound that sits in the mix a different way, roll off a slight amount (and I really do mean a bit of a hair, 5-10%) off the volume pot and most of the more modern high end bleeds off (past probably around 5-6Khz or something like that) - instant tone variation! That way, it's possible to achieve a remarkably good 'Jazz Bass-a-like' on ALL of the different pick up positions. I also added a scratchplate to mine - black on rosewood tends to need breaking up a little visually
  20. Further price drop ahoy! [b]£105[/b] which STILL includes the 12V adapter AND postage!
  21. Bump and a price drop :brow: [b]£115[/b] posted and with 12V adapter! At time of writing, this would cost in the range of £170 with power adapter and postage brand new which makes this a very good buy in my opinion.
  22. Hi all! I have for sale here a special pedal - it's a DHA VT-1 EQ Custom painted in a black over standard 'massacre' red and white paint job. As you may know already, it is a valve preamp/distortion based around a single 12AX7 which needless to say has a lovely sound to it. In combination with the three band EQ, this can range from being a really nice low gain bassy sound (absolutely killer with a neck pickup) to complete mid based screaming distortion mayhem and (my favourite) on-the-edge valve amp style sound that can prove extremely convincing and potent with a solid state amp and all these points in between. As mentioned, it has a three band EQ with a variable 'Q' mid shift point and it also a few switches at the top of the pedal - 'Bright' and 'Boost' are fairly self explanatory and are both very useful (there is absolutely INSANE amounts of level available from the boost section of this pedal! There are no problems getting clean tones from this pedal at any gain level in combination with the boost section), and there is a 'Colour' switch that when enabled compresses the signal a little and enables even more distortion at higher gain settings - believe it or not, resulting in some amazing fuzz tone! Finally, there is a dedicated headphone port - I hope to cause no offense to Dave Hall, but ironically it is pretty noisy with headphones *but* through things like PC speakers and the like it works beautifully. In conjunction with the Line In it makes for a great praciting station and I have done this many times. It goes without saying that this pedal is also brilliant via a D.I and I have recorded this with a really big variety of different sounds which I managed to nail every single time. If anybody has any other questions about this pedal then please do not hesitate to ask - it can either be posted recorded delivery or it can be picked up from my home near Brighton, West Sussex. Thanks for reading
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