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  1. Wow!
  2. Do you know the weight please?
  3. Hi. Sorry to hear about your crisis. Do you know the weight please? Definitely considering the long drive to you. Cheers.
  4. Fantastic basses.
  5. I have an HXFX. This is something I've been thinking about trying / seeing if it's possible. I'll get back to you when I know.
  6. Do they come with the wireless harness, battery clip, etc.....?
  7. Fantastic basses.
  8. Hi, What's the weight please?
  9. Any dents on the back of the neck. Also, do you know the weight please?
  10. Do you know the weight of the V5 please?
  11. Bought a Hight Mass Bridge from David. Absolute pleasure to deal with, great comms. Highly recommend.
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