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El Bajo

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About El Bajo

  • Birthday 26/02/1981

El Bajo's Achievements


Explorer (5/14)


Total Watts

  1. I'd never heard of him up until this post and had to google which band he's in. But I'd rather go and listen to what this guy has to say than go and watch a jazz virtuoso give a talk on bass solos of which is absolutley no use to me in the type of bands I play in. Barring Victor Wooten, the guys speaks a lot of sense about groove.
  2. Joan Osbourne - One of us. Bass lines fine, can even have a bit of fun withit but I feel like I'm playing in a worship band when we do this
  3. I'm not a beginner however if your looking to have a jam sometimes the Bull in Belmot hosts a jam night once a month so your welcome to come up and check it out! theres always a bass lying about
  4. Welcome to the forum! I live in Bolton too, perhaps see you around \m/ El bajo
  5. Nout do with the OP but its nice to see some people on here from my neck of the woods good luck finding a bassist!
  6. If you google Audacity and latency theres is a way of eliminating it, I've never tried it though. I gave up in the end, I'm saving for a portable recorder such as Boss BR800.
  7. Afternoon all. Yesterday My band Soldierfield released our first single for our EP 'Bury the Ones We Love'. We shot a video too! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FQkixidGR8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FQkixidGR8[/url] Please let me know what you think, any thoughts would be appreciated. Disclaimer: Its metal. Thanks
  8. I have 2 bands a full time time job and a 3 year old. Most of the time by the end of the day I'm pissed off and just want to flake out on the sofa so nah not much. Maybe about 3 hours a week if I'm lucky. Having said that I do have periods where I'm really inspired and can't put the thing down but then have weeks where I just can't be bothered.
  9. RBX JM2 isn't going anywhere, had it for 6 years and I still get 'excited' by it. The Warwick LX is a new addition after needing a 4 string and having a few false starts. I think part of the problem is it takes a while to really get to know a bass. Its all very well in the music shop where they plug you into a topend amp that makes even a turd sound great but take it into a band situation or a gig then you soon find out whether its the 'one'..
  10. Afternoon all, Hope you're having a nice Sunday. I have a Wawick and I'd like to give the body a nice rub down. The Warwicks own brand costs a £10, but is just ordinary Beeswax? If so can I not just take a trip to B & Q? If so does anybody know of any good brands to use? Thanks
  11. I gig through the Markbass 121 and its great. There have been times where I'm clipping when competing against 2 detuned guitars but I generally use it as a monitor and plug into the PA. Its possible to easily disonnect the Speaker in the combo and just use it as a head
  12. This is cool. I'm shamlessly going to steal hehe!
  13. Finger style belly area for comfort. Mainly for the 6 string. The 4 string I use for a metal band Pick style so its set around the groin area becasue the right arm feels more comfortable straighter...but the left hand suffers a bit. Good thing I only need 2 strings and thefirst 7 frets.
  14. Its always nice to hear a well executed funky lick but personally I'm not into the music at all. I like some metal rock songs where the bassist has but in a funky feel such as Incubus but thats about it. It seems that Funky jams in (insert key) vids on youtube are common and it gets old quick, as does jazz solos high on the neck with pedal notes (hide). I do tend to drift into it though when trying out basses in music shops...come one we've all been guitly of it at some point
  15. Don't worry toooo much about mistakes. If your timing is good and you know the progression more often than not that will be enough. Just lock in with the drummer and try and relax. Be friendly and get them to talk about themselves, their instruments, their goals and pay compliments where due...It will make you come across that you are genuinly interested in joining the band.
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