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El Bajo

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Everything posted by El Bajo

  1. Not a fan of level 42 but its a decent interview and even mentions bass which is rare for a Guitar site: [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/interviews/interviews/mark_king_an_album_is_a_fantastic_diary.html"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/interviews/...stic_diary.html[/url] Enjoy.
  2. Nice one! I always find that after a long period of not playing the fingers always remember what to do and it just requires a bit of tidying up on timing and speed. Like riding a bike. And I never knew any theory anyway so theres nothing to forget
  3. I've been looking at Vintage AV4+. Its their version of a jazz but with their own modifications making in very much its own bass. Also the Yamaha BB414, lovely and with J and P bass pick ups, finally a Squier Jazz Vitage Modified. Peaveys have a good rep tooparticlarly the Cirrus range, haven't had enough contact with Ibanez though.
  4. Having just succesfully got a gig in an covers band on Tuesday I know how it feels. Some good advice here already, just be yourself. You'll know within the first half hour if your right or not just by that 'magic' interaction that happens when you start playing. Be friendly during the breaks, talk about infleunces to the drummer, guitars to the lead, dont speak to the rythmn, just don't. At my audition they pretty much ignored me during the songs, business as usual then. Good luck
  5. How did you get repetative strain on your thumb?
  6. Tried D'Addarios, they came with the bass. They are alright, nice and smooth to play but I found that after the original brightness had gone theye where pretty non descript. got a couple packs of Ernie Balls for free, don't like them to much, similar to the D'Addarios but have last much longer than any strings I've had (been on for over a year and sound ok). The EB came as four pack so i needed a B and high C string, the local music shop had them in but only Rotosound. i must say I'm impressed with the B string, gives it a nice tone considering its so low. The C string is a bit trebly but sounds really nice when popped. Want to try Elixirs next
  7. Best of luck and try and distract your mind by keeping busy else you will run out of toilet paper
  8. [quote name='Shirezy' post='877128' date='Jun 25 2010, 09:17 AM']Hehe, Thursday's can be a little inconvient. I'm pretty lucky in that respect, Friday is a short day where I'm working. You'll have to get whipping that band into shape and get yourself out and about! I actually had a minor disaster with my Mark Bass head this year. I blew the power board! I blame the dodgy wiring in the practise room, other people may well blame me for being a pillock and not noticing my extension lead wasn't surge protected. Live and learn, normally when you have to pay for a repair bill...[/quote] Holy sh@t!!!!!!!! I've started to hear a few defects in Markbasses from users on various forums. I don't think they are common but when something does happen its usually pretty dire! I'd best check my lead in case the samething happens. Its not something one would expect or check especially with a high end company.
  9. [quote name='miguel_lez' post='875966' date='Jun 23 2010, 10:49 PM']Gracias ^_^ El puente de mi bajo? o te refieres a los pickups? de cual de ellos exactamente? jeje el del 6 cuerdas es el propio que traía. Un Tune somnus zi II de hace mas de 20 años Un saludo y muchas gracias por tu comentario [/quote] No sabia que bridge significa literalmente puente en espanol Es mejor si hablamos en Ingles aqui. You need to get some pics of that bass in Gear Porn, I want to take a closer look at that bass
  10. Thats a school day, ball and chain would never let me out! I've got a baby these days so band stuff is on a break for me,though I have joined a pub covers band to get some live experience, just waiting for them to get their ass in gear to start practicing. Yeah the Markbass has held up well, thanks for the advice on that one. Look forward to hearing the new music.
  11. Bienvenido hombre, espero que tengamos muchos discussiones interesantes sobre el bajo. He visitado tu sitio de Youtube, tocas el Slap como una machina cabron! Su bajo tiene un bridge interesante, que marca es?
  12. Hey Shirezy, we've met a veerrryyy long time ago in the Alma and spoken on BMC. Glad to see you've signed up. Gone till Winter seem to doing well, haven't seen you guys play yet but I here good things. Looking forward to many discussions around bass with you on the forum. Simon
  13. Man if i was offered 3 months holiday for playing live I would take it, but I've been in several failed bands so I never expect anything to last. The fact they told you by text is no surprise, most people like to avoid confrontation including me, especially if its to people I care about. If the bands good I reckon a band meeting with a pint is in order to try and get to some kind of understanding on the levels of commitment, and to let them know that your a little peeved of at the way they went about things.
  14. Tricky, prbably be my Yamaha JM2. However becasue I'mon a desert island and need to survive I'll take my crappy P bass for fire wood and fishing line and leave the yammie at home safe and sound
  15. Really like Fleas tone ond Mars Voltas Deloused in the Comatorium
  16. Check out this J bass by Fender. obvioulsy a budget bass but I thought Squier was their budger line! Click on the pick to move around and zoom in. [url="http://www.littlewoods.com/jazz-bass-guitar/598255356.prd;jsessionid=B837A2DF3B160F748E4EF376FA8EE37D.fts014:-1?browseToken=%2fb%2f4803%2fs%2fbestsellers%2c0&prdToken=/p/prod1590287-sku2420552"]http://www.littlewoods.com/jazz-bass-guita...0287-sku2420552[/url] £219? Bargain
  17. Your already a much improved bassist just by joining up! Welcome.
  18. Nice one, but aren't you a bit nervous about the fact that you don't know he set list? Go get em tiger!
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' post='867244' date='Jun 14 2010, 06:05 PM']Whereas: 2) Look at the newer Yamaha John Myung signature model, based on the RBX basses. Whereas the first Myung bass looked like a cheaper version of what Yamaha were making for John Patitucci at the time, the RBX one just seemed to be something with his name slapped on it! It looked as though John had had no involvement with the design and had merely approved it to be his new signature model since it fit with Yamaha's product line at that price point. It was just an RBX bass with 6 strings and a MM humbucker at the bridge. Even John didn't play it on stage, I recall his having a cheeky singlecoil pickup at the bridge as well as the humbucker! And it still sounded crap![/quote] Thats not true. He still uses his Yamaha for songs that require the tone for it. As for the bridge pickup he used to switch between one with and one without. As far as I'm aware he did have alot to do with the design of the second RBX. Its pretty much a Music man influenced bass. He wanted an MM 6 string but they didn't do them. I've got it and its a great bass for £800 squid, very fast, good sound, very good neck and a powerful EQ, bit on the trebly side but thats easy remedied with upping the bass on the amp. Of course when Mm released the six string Bongo he went for it, why wouldn't he. Lets face it his sound has never been good, on their latest releases and live, he really needs to slip the sound guy a tenner or something.
  20. I've got a 6 string Yamaha signature bass. The reason I bought it was becasuse its a really good 6 string for the money plain and simple. He was approached by yamaha to help design a flagship bass for the rest of the RBX series to be designed upon. It hasn't got his name on it as he wanted to produce a bass that is the same bass an average Jo could purchase with out having to be a Dreamtheater fan. These kind of sig basses I like. I'm not into Mark Hoppus basses or Pete Wentz basses, they just seem like they are there to make money.
  21. [quote name='WalMan' post='862822' date='Jun 10 2010, 12:58 AM']Sorry missed this. I'll try & get my estimate up from the Mac this evening (it being 01:00 & I really should not be still logged in on a school night)[/quote] I managed to nail it the other night . The main run is still a bit of a leap of faith in terms of staying in time but I'll get there. Cheers
  22. Nice one! Hope it goes well and leads on to greater things!
  23. +1 for Amazing Slow Downer. Even the demo version is decent. It will play the first few songs of a CD or the first 3 minutes of a song. Buying the full version is'nt to expensive either (less than £50 I think) but the demo is good enough for me.
  24. I aim to get down the progression and any major riffs which is probably 95% of the tune. Inserting the odd fill and walk up won't do any harm and will probably improve the song in some situations. Some songs I learn I think why the hell didnt the original player whack in a tasty bass fill there! One thing I do see in cover bands is that drummers are the worst for playing the drum pattern there own way. Probably stems from the fact that many probably don't get to practice that often due to the impracticalities of the instrument, in that case it may be be necessary to change the bass line to match the drums. Sweet Child o Mine appeared on the forum a couple of weeks ago. Thats a good example of making/improvising the tune to make your own. A player could learn every note that Duff plays but I prefer to learn the original then tear up the sheet music and just play it. My memory usually keeps most of Duffs fills then I add a few of my own whenever it feels appropriate. it also means I don't have to worry about messing up the song and beating myself up about it due to being worried about the tiniest variations.
  25. Not my kinda of music but pretty good. Soudns and nice and tight, bass comes through well and the bass lines are good, definatly recordings to be proud of. Good singer too.
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