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El Bajo

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Everything posted by El Bajo

  1. Difficult one. For amanda the band would have to be beefed up and topless, preferably with a child singer that sings opera and is an orphan (for the sad story) Simon would be loking at complete pop music so dancy kind of beats, or maybe a cover of a Les miserables song complete with dance troop from the local estate that have had a hard time (again sob story) Piers would need something quaint and English with a rap (Remember DJ talent). So maybe some tweed and a 6 year old ballerina with no 2 front teeth. Sound like a winner
  2. care to share. I'm in the same boat, I think I've got it but would like to make sure
  3. I find just giving them a damn good rub down with a cloth works, can't be bothered with cooking, why the hell would I be bothered with boiling strings
  4. Do they do them in white? Acidic sweat? Is he some kid of creature from Alien?
  5. [quote name='baz' post='853563' date='Jun 1 2010, 01:51 PM']Ok, here’s the situation. I was asked to play bass in a heavy metal band a few months ago by a friend who knew I had started learning guitar and knew I loved the music, I went along to practice, brought a bass guitar, signed up to bass chat and practice when I can and I love it. We have been doing some covers but the other guys are more experienced than me and want to do our own stuff, they have the guitar parts down and want me to add bass to it, as you can imagine it seems a very daunting thing for me to do as I’m extremely new to this but up for the challenge. Now you know the background is there any place to start, tips, books or just any advice would be hugely grateful.[/quote] Welcome to the forum. I would just play root notes, ask the guitarist to point them out or even write them down on a tab. From there experiment with some notes/frets leading up to the next chord or some fills. It might be best to have a look at some of your favorite bands music (try Ultimate-guitar.com) and have bash at a few songs to get some ideas. Also listen to the drummer, as in ask for advice. Basicly don't be afraid to look stupid in front of your band mates by asking for their ideas. I've been playing for years but I still ask the guys what they think I should do if I can't come up with anything. Also buy some bass books. Rage Against the machine self titled is a great place to start in my opinion. Some people have posted learn the fret board and intervals, thats all very well in time but I got the impression that you need bass lines NOW, so just keep it simple and get your timing right.
  6. [quote name='malbass' post='850151' date='May 28 2010, 10:31 AM']Been playing bass for twenty years now though not playing in a band at the moment, mainly due to my ten month old son taking up most of my spare time.[/quote] Welcome I'm in the same boat with an 11 month old but have just picked up the bass again and applied for some covers bands for a bit of extra cash, as you know nappies, baby food and childcare are a drain!
  7. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='850861' date='May 29 2010, 02:49 AM']Manoeuvrability. I don't have a signature tone per se but I like to think I do have a signature way of playing. Tone is easily shaped and enhanced if required but if the notes aren't there it won't work.[/quote] +1 A good amp and a bit of EQ, decent set of strings and a couple of pedals you can get a decent tone regardless to what the instrument sounds dry. A crap bass can sound good through a decent amp. If you get rid of the Jazz then you will be exclusive to the Ray and your hands will adapt. If you miss the Jazz neck then just get a Squier. Having said all that, is the Ray that bad? Theres nothing worse than fighting with the bass.
  8. Hey buddy, wecome to the forum. Get some pics of your gear up so we can droooooool! Simon
  9. Me and my mate wante to start a band with out ever picking up and instrument. We went to sign up for lessons with the school music teacher, I was supposed to play guitar but at the last minute he changed his mind and asked for guitar lessons so I took up bass, but not in a grudgingly way, I actually didn't know to much about bass in those days. haven't looked back since. Can strum some chords but I prefer bass. Guitars a bit easy
  10. As Jack Bruce said on a recent documentry that severly down played the bass role in a band. Bassist make everyone else sound good. I see my role as the back bone of the band, to be the glue between the beat and the melody, to look for progressions that need emphasising or backing of a little to allow the melody to come through, to make the crowds midriff sway to the groove ,to fetch cups of tea while everybody else sets up. Of course putting a cheeky fill in here and there to spaice thing sup a bit is totally acceptable.
  11. El Bajo


    Welcome Was it more of a seminar rather than a performance?
  12. Bit the bullet and applied for a band who wnat to talk to me. Now that I know Paranoid what can go wrong. I can finally get out of my bedroom and actually gig after 10 years of doing nothing.
  13. [quote name='SteveK' post='847715' date='May 25 2010, 05:25 PM']Too true. But, in the 40 years since its release, I would have thought more recent tunes would've bumped it off yer pub bands set list years ago. You'll be telling me next "Hey Joe" and "Sunshine of your love" are[i][b] still [/b][/i]played in pubs up and down the country. [/quote] Just to confirm, "Hey Joe" and "Sunshine of your love" are still played in pubs up and down the country.
  14. No idea, just arming myself with the most amount of easy classic rock as my memory can deal with so tat I can get out there and play. Next up Alright Now (groan).
  15. ooooohhhhh, I'm well known for having to have jokes explained to me. Quite funny... heehee
  16. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='847345' date='May 25 2010, 11:44 AM']We just THINK that because you're frowning all the time.[/quote] Huh?
  17. Cheers guys, at least I may not be going insane.
  18. Tryna get some covers down so I can join a pub band. learned Paranoid in no time at all but when I play to the CD it sounds of. I've tuned up and everything but its as though either I or they are slightly sharp. is that right or do I need to check my intonation?
  19. I may print of your essay and hand it out to the band Fortunatly I'm left alone to do what I want in the band but its the down time when we break for a brew that I get the silly questions such as: 'Why don't you play slap bass?' becasue this is a prog metal band, it just wouldn't sit well. 'Why don't you do and tapping?' Because I have to compete with a too loud guitarist, keys and an overactive drummer, I'm barely keeping you all from sounding like a mess. 'Why do you play 6 string?' becasue it looks cool and so that you can't make any 'bass is only 4 strings therefore its easy' comments. Silly beggers
  20. RIP Paul Gray. Such a shame when something like this happens to someone so young and a family man to boot. Bass wise, you have to be decent to keep up with Slipknot and still put on the performance like he did at every show. he will be missed from the line up, I doubt no one else would be able to put in some much energy and drama as he did.
  21. Impressive how you managed to balance the blackout on your nose while playing Bu dum tish! Actually this isnt a drummers forum, whats the bass equivelent? Boom Boom?
  22. I'd suck ass. But I'd love to be that flexible. I was to wrapped up in punk and rock when I was younger and its effected my playing now in terms of being adaptive to different styles. I'm trying to change the way I play though as my tastes have changed and I've become more open minded.
  23. Agree with all of the above. I really liked Sing the Sorrow and his tone is to die for. be interested to know if it comes across live.
  24. If it was me, I'm not actually doing anything seeing as my band has gone on hiatus so I would do the recordings with the permission I can use them as a demo for any vacancy that I may go for. Baring in mind I would probably over play and rip all over it just so that a) Its a demo of my playing ability b ) put it in the new bass players pipe and watch him tryna smoke it. Seriouly though I'd do it for the experinece and the demo and becasue the violinist is hot (is she hot?)
  25. Black or red for me. And what is a Boltener doing so far south, usually we don't venture pass Manchester, theres no need we have verything we could possibly want here
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