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Everything posted by pandathe3

  1. Hi, i'm starting to build my rack up for more live use and the first thing on my list is a compressor (This and a tuner). I'm currently using BOSS LMB-3 for my 'compression' which does the job, but i'm after something with a bit more control. But i'm having a hard time finding the right compressor for me. I'm still a bit unsure about compressors and i don't know what to 'look for' when choosing a rack compressor. I've seen that most compressors are dual mono/stereo, i understand why (Studio use and the like) but i'm only going too be using half of what I've got on stage and i think thats a bit wasteful. Can you run your signal through both mono compressors one after the other?? Are there any bass/mono specific compressors that are fairly cheap and worth what your paying for it?? Or, can some explain why it'd be better to have a dual compressor?? I've heard DBX make a great range of compressors at a good price. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/alesis_3630_compressor_limiter.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/alesis_3630_compressor_limiter.htm[/url] this has caught my eye becuase of price, size and weight.
  2. Hi all! I've decided to make my own 1x12 for practice and small gigs. This is the first time I've wanted to do something like this. For small cabs we all want the same goals: Small/Light/Portable, but is still able to put out some nice big sounding bass to cut past a drum kit without pushing it to far at all. My plan is as follows: 1x12 speaker (Not sure about tweeter) 8Ohms/400watts FR: will be decided along with speaker choice Ported Its going to be around '20 Inches wide x 18 Inches deep' for my rack to fit on top. The back panel only really needs to have a single speakon connector (Also a possible tweeter control) I've been researching and the Eminence lites look interesting. Especially the Kappas. I've heard alot of good things about Avatar also. I'm still unsure about the type of wood to use for my build. MDF? But, i think the biggest part i'm stuck on is the design of the porting to match the shape and size of my cabinet. There are alot of different porting variation (GenzBenz: Cross porting/Eden: Side porting/Tube porting) The one i am most interested however is side porting. Shall i have a tweeter?? I just want a push in the general direction. Cheers
  3. I'd leave it to! I'd be a mexi jazz and through it in that If you want to get a pre-EB sounding pre 'East pre-amps' are what you want.
  4. Well i think you'd better wait for the cab to arrive and see how the tweeter alters your sound. If you like it then place your mic nearer the tweeter, if not then dont.
  5. Well their costumer service sucks. i sent an email 4 days ago now regarding rackears and still nothing it says on the site between 24-48 hours .......
  6. As in the Nemesis gear?? Its top quality gear all the same, even at a cheaper price. They've also released some new compact cabinets the go with the small heads. The have 1x12" and 1x10". [url="http://www.eden-electronics.com/info/pr/pr_ex110_ex112.asp"]http://www.eden-electronics.com/info/pr/pr_ex110_ex112.asp[/url]
  7. I want to point out firstly that i own an Eden EN400 head, thus far i've had no problems at all and it satisfies all my needs. Ok, maybe a couple of problems: It was an Ex-Display unit and didn't come with rack ears (Which i desperately need - so if anyone has any going spare you'd be a GREAT GREAT help). Secondly i found the manual a bit less descriptive for my liking, especially about things that are specific to understanding Eden amps, like using the enhance/compressor/distortion. But after a few band practices and messing about i've found my ground with it. So, minor issues all the same!! In my quest for rack ears i went into my local shop, that WAS a supplier of Eden. I was told they'd had alot of complaints from the people that had purchased amps from them and the local Eden Rep was coming in to have a chat. I unfortunately wasn't able to go meet the guy, but since that day they now no longer supply Eden! Yet, i always hear so many great things about them, and i'm personally more happy and had no major issues. So, present and past Eden users, hows your time been using Eden amplification??
  8. Your getting/got a BOSS TU-2?? Daisy chain your power from that!!!! No need for spending any money, at all......
  9. Hi, i'm putting my 2x12" GB NEO cabinet up for trade. Its in very good condition, few scruffs on the corner pieces, but apart from that it is in perfect condition!! Heres the attachment (Head not included ) [attachment=42312:IMG_4809.JPG] The cabinet is 600watts @ 4Ohms. Here's some more info: [url="http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid=1436&sid=426&cid=96"]http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid...=426&cid=96[/url] I'm putting this up for trade only as i'm just going to buy gear with the money. So this is just making it easier for me. I'm looking to trade this cabinet for a few various things. I want a cabinet that is small and easy to travel with for small venues or practice, then when i need the power add another cabinet below. (E.G: 2 1x12's OR 2x10 and a 1x15) I'm also looking for an OLP/MM style bass. So if you can make trade offers based around these that'd be great for me (Cause i'll be more likely to accept!). (Just a hint: offer me a 2x10 eden nemisis cab and an OLP MM2 and you've just got yourself a 2x12 NEO cab ) So, just throw your offers out there! I live in Shrewsbury (West midlands) and currently DO NOT drive. But i'd be happy to organize a suitable agreement for travel. At a push i could maybe organize my own transport to meet halfway, but that means relying on others (You know what i mean). Anyways, thanks for looking.
  10. pandathe3


    Hi all! Well, my name is Nick Ellis, i'm 19 and live in a town called Shrewsbury (West Midlands). I've been playing bass for around 5 years now and loving every minute!! I'm in a band called "Yes, Captain!". Its a 3-piece rock/funk/progressive band with myself on bass, Thom Black on Vox/Guitar and Phil Moody on drums. Over the past 6months we've had about 3 drummers :/ but last night was our first band practice since Christmas and also first practice with Phil on drums and we had a real vibe going on! So everything looks set now I play a Fender Precision Bass Lyte (Tobacco-burst w/ MH!) into a range of pedals (Which i will discuss below), into my Eden EN400 head, and finally put out from my Genz-Benz Neo 2x12" cabinet. Basses: Well my P-Bass Lyte is really the only bass i play the neck plays so fast and its such a 'bright' bass its silly (It does lack a bit of low-end!) I'm currently building a jazz bass which will have a p-bass size neck (Just as something to take to college or for students to use). I've got a couple of encore basses lying around (one fretted one fretless) they play REALLY bad.... Oh, and i'm looking for an OLP to mod out and be my main gigging bass (The p-bass lyte sounds abit too thin :/) Amp's + Cabinets: My EN400 gives me everything i want and more! to get my tone i boost my Bass and Mids just a little, keep my treble flat and use the parametric EQ section to find the frequency to scoop out (Usually a few clicks below 400Hz) Job done!! I also own a HA3500, which is a really good amp, unfortunately i'm going to be selling it soon as i never use it anymore. I love my cabinet! A Genz-Benz Neo 2x12. Infact there isn't much too say: Its light and gives out a very good sound. The ONLY thing i'd want to do to this would be too chop it in half, cause sometimes a 2x12 for practice is TOO much. Also getting it wherever i'm heading is hard too. So i may be putting it up for trade on the site here very soon. Pedals: Not much to say. I've been concentrating on my bass more than anything really but heres how my signal goes: Bass-> BOSS LMB-3 -> EHX MOLE -> EHX LPB-1 -> Digitech bass envelope -> amp. My footswitch from the amp is thrown in there somewhere too I'll be replacing the digitech envelope filter with either a DOD-FX25 or a Q-tron at some point soon. I'm also GAS'n a BOSS OC-3 and an EBS Valve drive :P So, yerp. Thats about does it. CHEERS!! Oh, i suppose you want pictures?? Here you go
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