I am Andy, new to the site and the forum. I've been playing bass guitar since 1987, having previously been a six string guitarist since the age of six.
My bass playing started by accident, as it often does. I was living and working in Bahrain in the middle east and had messed around playing mostly acoustic stuff for some years out there. I had met a number of other musicians who played guitar (literally dozens of them, all varying standard), one keyboard player who was rather good, a drunken drummer and a singer who was half bahraini, half english who really had a wonderful voice, somewhat like that of Neil Finn from crowded House. We decided we wanted to form a band, but nobody played bass. I decided to go to the local music shop where I bought myself a P Bass copy and an Ibanez bass amp that wighed a ton. We rehearsed, got some bookings and were away. Initially I played entirely with a pick, it was only on my return to England that I started playing fingerstyle, and that really coincided with the beginning of my love affair with the bass.
Through much of the ninetees/noughties I played in a few bands here, three of which were excellent. One played a brew of African/reggae/old R&B, the next pop/rock (the vocals were divine), and the a ceilidh band which I enjoyed immensely.
In mid 1992 I bought a Charvel Jazz bass to which I retro fitted EMG P/J pickups a couple of years later. I left it with passive tone controls, and it remains much the same today. In between time I have owned and played 2 Japanese precisions, a rick 4003, an Alembic Orion, two Yamaha 5 strings, several others too. Due to dire financial circumstances in recent years, all but the Charvel have now gone. For amplification I use a fairly recently acquired PJB Briefcase and a 100watt Yorkville 15 combo which I use to beef up volume at gigs.
I am now of the opinion that a Squier P bass sounds every bit as good as a lakland, a california custom shop model etc etc, it's only us bass players who seem to find a difference and decide that the more expensive the better. Most amps do the job well and I defy anyone to really tell the difference between one 15inch combo and another. I hate horns...WHY???
I think slap bass sounds like a fart in a goldfish bowl..WHY???
A bass player should play bass, play it melodically, rhythmically and sparingly. Best mate should be the drummer, second best the vocalist!!!
That's all for now...I am expecting the hate mail to flow...