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Everything posted by ThomBassmonkey

  1. Does anyone know what flightcase would fit my dunlop pick the best? I might be doing some gigs abroad in the summer and want to keep it safe. I've seen how the guys throw the baggage around at the airport. :
  2. I was always lead to believe that Fender 5s were Fender 4s with a wider neck and an extra string and thus weren't really designed with the extra string in mind maknig them very hit and miss.
  3. I'd always prioritise my head over my cabs. If your head gets DId, your cabs are just monitoring on stage while your head is what the crowd hears. Your head gives you the controls over your tone, if you don't have something you need then cabs aren't gonna give it. If you take your head and share someone else's cab, it doesn't matter what cabs you own. If you lend your head, having a more reliable and capable one means others are less likely to break it. Compared to that, good cabs are important if you're being mic'd up instead of DId and that's about it. My main head cost about £700 and cabs £450 each, the other rig I have the head was about £1300 and the cabs £850 each IIRC.
  4. Get the amp that's the best compromise between your preferred tone, volume and weight/size. I don't see why it matters what's "under the hood" so to speak. I mainly use a hybrid amp and love it, I also have a SS amp that I love. I've never even been tempted by an all-valve head. They're heavy and my two amps sound brilliant, I don't need a valve amp just because it has valves.
  5. I don't mind lending out my amp to other bands, there's 2 rules though: You don't touch anything unless I told you you can. We usually headline shows, last thing I need is someone messing with my amp settings after we've soundchecked and before we play. Even if we're not headlining, there's just no need. I've never heard a bass that didn't sound good through my amps with any EQing that I use (apart from one that wouldn't have sounded good through any amp). You ask me BEFORE the gig. The amount of times people show up to gigs and say "hey, that dude's got a stack, that's better than my crappy Ashdown combo, I'll use that instead" well....**** off. I didn't spend all this money on an amp so you could have free rental on it for your gig. Bands that want to borrow a bass amp because getting their's there is impractical or whatever, that's ok (though they still should be prepared to take their own if I wouldn't lend it out) but people that see it's a nice amp THEN ask to use it. Nope. We played with a band in York a while ago that turned up then asked if they could use my bass amp, luckily someone had a spare 15w Ashdown practice amp for them. They got banned from playing that venue again because they messed about with all their gear.
  6. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1329006266' post='1536066'] Would that be with the boost knob right up? If so I may have GK GAS again [/quote] The MB series have slightly different controls to the RBs. Each channel just has gain and master instead of the barrage of volumes their bigger amps have. The tone in that VR song would be pretty easy to get from my MB Fusion.
  7. Don't worry too much about wattages, that's not the most important thing for volume. You're better off asking about peoples' experiences. The cab is more important than the head generally for volume.
  8. Playability for me. I've only ever heard one bass sound bad through my amp and it was a dog of a bass anyway. Ultimately when we play we're hanging a plank of wood around our necks, lighter is better but a plank of wood is a plank of wood. As long as it's not like a lump of stone, it's ok.
  9. I use GK Neo212s and they're brilliant. One is enough for most gigs but they're light enough that I take both everywhere anyway. One of the guys that runs a night at a venue in Sheffield we sometimes play at almost fell over when he picked my cab up a few weeks back, he was expecting it to be much heavier than it was, so he stumbled back when he lifted it.
  10. Thought I'd bump this up with good news! The video's going to be played on Kerrang! Really exciting. It's apparently going to be put on the playlist, not stuck on some "new bands" section at X o'clock in the morning like we were expecting when we first heard about it. We also got on BBC Introducing on Saturday in Nottingham finally, something we've been trying to do a while. We're getting there!
  11. One of my bands is doing a charity gig on Saturday at the Old Bell in Derby for Macmillan, it's a really good cause, driven home for me at the moment because my uncle got diagnosed with terminal cancer a couple of months ago. Here's the facebook spiel and page: [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/247562561974084/"]https://www.facebook...47562561974084/[/url] Lil Jim's Big Squeeze are hosting a charity gig for Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday 4th February at The Old Bell, Sadlergate, Derby. It's going to be a great night and we want to see all your faces down there to try and raise as money as we can! We will have live music courtesy of: Lil Jim's Big Squeeze / The Paul Evans Trio / The Reverands / Wrench (more acts tbc). All we ask is that you enjoy the night...and it's all for only £3, all of which is donated straight to Macmillan Cancer Support (and no-one else!) F**K CANCER - This Is Our Stand Saturday 4th February The Old Bell, Sadlergate, Derby Doors: 7pm Tickets: £3 Lil Jim's Big Squeeze Paul Evans Trio The Reverends If you can get down, it'd be appreciated and it's all for a good cause!
  12. hehe yep, tis sure a beauty.
  13. This is tentative, I love this bass and already think I'm stupid for even considering trading it. It needs a set up (something I'm gonna get done properly soon) then if I've had any serious offers, I'll decide then. I bought this from GingerFish a while back, I hope he doesn't mind me using his pictures. It's hardly been used since, it was used for the recording of my band's new album and a gig or two but I prefer the feel of my 'ray and with that already having been battered around I feel happier using that live. It's not in perfect condition, it has a chip on the end of the headstock (as most do), it also has another mark or two around the body (I'd have to check to remember exactly where they are, nothing major though). Though it's not in the video, you can hear it (straight into the desk) in this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhQn_RU5U60[/media] I don't really know what I'm looking for to be honest. I just fancy a change a bit and my ray seems perfect at the moment so though this is an amazing bass, I'm not seeing the need for it right now. There are a few criteria though: It MUST be Red/Black/White/Natural coloured and 5 or 6 strings. Ideally 2 pickups with a humbucker at the bridge. I'll happily consider something of a lower value with cash my way. I can't remember what I paid for this, I think it was around £900 so I'll be looking at basses with that kind of value for trade. I'm not looking to add any money myself though with the possible exception of if someone's looking to trade a Wal then I could chip in a bit.
  14. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1327919037' post='1518601'] we get a fair few.... this year has seen - Nick Clegg [/quote] I think if he came to a JWP gig, we'd never quite get around to playing. Me and the singer both have strong views about him and neither of us have ever quite learnt the art of restraint in that kind of situation.
  15. The bassist from Hepburn came to see my old band, I wouldn't have recognised her but she was a friend of a friend. JWP supported Tony Wright's side project recently just before Terrorvision reformed. I'm sure there's others too but I'm not one to be awed by someone being a celebrity so I have more important things to remmber. I have a friend that played on stage with the Chillis and has jammed with Mike Patton though which I'm rather jealous of.
  16. I've never been cut off in any of my bands I dunno how I'd react. I'd probably just pack up and move on, if the promoter/venue is an ass, I don't want to work with them anyway and there's no point earning a name for yourself by causing problems.
  17. I have IBS and often don't feel my best at gigs (I find after a couple of songs I get into the music and can ignore it, it's not usually too bad). There's been one or two though where I've felt awful, only one gig in 10 years where we had to cut the set short though; I was late on stage through being on the toilet and had to cut one song from the end of the set so I didn't soil myself on stage. I spent the whole gig leaning against the wall because I was feeling so faint. It's made even worse by having to use venue toilets which are often awful.
  18. I'm the same with my Musicmans. There's still some more basses I want to try, but I don't ever see me getting rid of my 'ray and I really do like the bongo (it needs a proper setup though so I'm not quite so in love with it at the moment). I had a Sandberg JJ5 and it was lovely, I could've lived with that if I hadn't had severe GAS.
  19. As others have pointed out, the 212MBE and the NEO212 are very similar cabs, I can use my MB Fusion and one NEO212 at gigs, I prefer using two cabs for the height and a bit extra power, but I've never been let down by only using one. Personally I think the NEO cabs are really good value, the MBEs with their lower price and similar build (although lower quality) are maybe even better if you get a good one. If anyone can't find anywhere that stocks the NEO, RBH, RB or MB Fusion stuff and is thinking about buying, gimme a shout if you're going to be around the Notts/Derby area or if my band's gigging anywhere near you (there's a list on the "Tour" page of our site in my sig) and I'm sure we can work something out so you can give my gear a whirl (obviously time allowing, if it's at a gig). Ah well spotted MM20, I didn't see that.
  20. I think the problems with the MBE range are maybe a bit overplayed. People rarely speak up if they're satisfied with gear compared to if they're having problems. The MBEs aren't perfect but they are VERY cheap for what you get and if you do have a fault it can be sent back and replaced. Eude, there's no reason you should use a GK head with the cabs unless you like the sound of them. In saying that, I love the tone of the GK heads so I would personally take a look at them. Bearing in mind they're designed with the same idea in mind, it'd be good to take a look anyway because they're going to work together. MM20, I know what you mean, they do look good quality. I don't see the recessed logo though, where are you looking? If they're moving to the US with production and they're obviously going to be made to a better standard, I assume the price will rise. I'll have to send an email to my contact at Polar at some point and ask.
  21. Unless it's getting in the way, I'd just leave it (unless it looks ready to snap of course). My 'ray has a bent machine head after a rock and roll ending to a gig (that demolished the insides and needed to be repaired anyway, I didn't bother with the machine head though) and it's been fine apart from feeling a bit odd.
  22. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1327271335' post='1508778']GK Fusion 550 (but worry that this might be a little underpowered). [/quote] That's really not something you need to worry about. GKs are known for punching above their weight when it comes to power. The Fusion 550 is still a very weighty beast though, you might want to try the MB Fusion, it's got a similar sound in mind but approaches it slightly differently and it weighs sod all as well as being tiny.
  23. My band does some charity events. Make sure you always find out and research the charity, we've been approached by people that actually aren't a charity before or they have a reputation for money disappearing afterwards, that kinda thing. I don't feel bad for turning down charities to be honest. Yes, we could help and it might make a small bit of difference, but we do do charity gigs and we do make a difference for some people. We can't realistically do it for everyone and just because one chartity approaches us, it doesn't mean that the people they're trying to help deserve or need our help more than the people on the recieving end of other charities. I'm with the others, ask to get paid and then if you feel like the night's not gone very well and the charity would be losing money or if you're just feeling generous, give them the money back as a donation. Make sure that they know it's you giving them money out of your own pocket so if you're in the same situation again, they don't expect the money.
  24. If a bass doesn't sound right flat to me, it'll go back on the shelf. EQs are alright for in the studio and tweaking to suit the room but there's so much choice for gear, it seems a bit pointless settling for something that doesn't give you what you want when it's flat (and IMO most natural sounding). The only reason I could see me needing all these options was if I was in various bands that all needed a totally different sound and I only had the one bass. So far though my basses have been used flat for all kinds of things from folk to metal and between my Bongo and Ray, they've done the job fine with only minimum tweaks.
  25. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1327319518' post='1509140'] Hats off to anyone who gets a tone they like out of an Ashdown ABM . I seem to have tried several in music shops and rehearsal rooms over the years and never got on with any of them. I was particularly interested in Ashdown when they first started as I'd used and liked Trace gear and the company was set up by ex Trace people. Lots of pros use them so I guess I've been unlucky but I haven't found an Ashdown I liked yet. But then plenty of people can't stand Trace stuff so it's horses for courses as usual. [/quote] I'm the same, I've used a LOT of Ashdowns (MAGs and ABMs) in my time and I've never once been happy with the tone I've had. I'm happy with my setup too, loving the MM into GK thing, both basses and both amps are stunning pieces of kit and they all work together to give me a lovely gritty fat sound.
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