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Everything posted by ThomBassmonkey
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='1006271' date='Oct 30 2010, 01:34 PM']However to answer the OP. Can I ask what the point is of two (or more) different amp/cab combinations which you use for different sessions? If you reason it out then you'll end up rehearsing with one 'sound' and end up gigging with a different one! BTW this isn't a criticism as I've been down the route of having gear left at rehearsal rooms and another rig for gigs etc. but it doesn't make any sense when you reason it through.[/quote] Well at the moment I'm using a GK 2001RB-II (in a 4u rack with tuner) into a 410RBH cab (for practices, I'm expecting another to show up for large gigs, but that's not really relevant to this thread). What I'm seriously tempted by is a GK MB 500 into two Neo 112 cabs. There's a few reasons, firstly a backup head never hurt anyone. The MB heads are small enough that I could keep it in my gigging backpack and if anything ever did go wrong with my 2001 (unlikely, they're built like tanks but always a possibility) then I'd have a backup. Second reason is that the rack case holding my 2001 weighs more than some cabs on it's own and the 4x10 is like trying to lift a small rhino. It is my dream amp and if I could only have one, I wouldn't ever dream of swapping it, but for practices, a micro head and two lightweight cabs would do the job nicely but just be far easier to move about. It'd also give me more options for recording and small acoustic gigs where I won't need a huge rig. Also with the smaller cabs, even though they're slightly larger for two than one 410, because they can be moved independantly, it gives a little more flexibility on packing if it's a tight space in the car. On the other hand, I can't really afford it, but the GAS is taking me. I've got car insurance coming up, could use a new PC and I'd like another 5er instead of only having my 6 string if I need a back-up (would like some variation from my Warwick too just so I can change depending on mood). I was hoping most people would be replying saying "I only have one rig" but you guys aren't doing my bank any favours. Edit: Just looked up the specs. 2001RB-II is 42.5lbs, 410RBH is 96lbs. Compare that to the MB 500 at under 4lbs and the Neo 112s (though I'd need two) are 30lbs each. So my current practice rig (which I don't have the luxury of leaving at the rehearsal studio where we practice at least once a week) weighs over 140lbs (including rack and tuner)!!
I've just got the one atm, but seriously tempted to get a lightweight rig too for practices and small gigs. My current rig is my dream rig, it's just a royal PITA to lug a 1kw head and a 4x10 to practices, very tempting to get a micro head and 2 small cabs (maybe 2 neo 1x12s). Please just tell me I'm being stupid and I only need one amp.
I always thought that the 12" speakers gave a bit more mids than 10s or 15s (not specifically GK, but in general). Might be wrong though. If you really can't make up your mind, I'd pick on whether or not you plan to add an extension cab to it personally. I imagine any of them (with the exception of the 112) would be giggable without though.
The accordian player/singer from one of my bands was on that program on Thursday (iirc) last week, I think it'll be months before he lives it down. He played the "twiangle" and looked suitably miserable while he did it haha.
If I want to run 2 8ohm cabs through a 500watt head
ThomBassmonkey replied to RickIronWitch's topic in Amps and Cabs
I'd ignore wattage ratings altogether tbh. I couldn't turn up my old 480w head anywhere near fully before my 2 400w (so 800w total) cabs started distorting with my old rig and they'd only be recieving 240w each. Same now, not sure on the exact specs but my cab's rated wattage is higher than my amp's wattage and it distorts a long time before I'm at full volume. So long as you use your ears and make sure the resistance is right, you'll be fine. -
Has anyone ever done it? Not something I'm seriously contemplating doing at the moment (don't know anyone that'd be interested for a start, would be fun to try out though) but just wondering if people have done it (I assume there's someone somewhere that has), what kind of FX would be used etc? I'd assume synth and over-heavy compression would be needed, plus a good tremelo for stuff like dubstep. Anyone got any experiences or links to videos of it being done?
I'd try something like a Boss ME50-B, they're around fairly cheap 2nd hand and it'll have all the FX you need on there, plus you can save patches for different songs. If you like the FX but the pedal's not really cutting it, at least after having all the options available, you'll know which FX to persue and which you're not bothered about.
The one issue I've had with GK amps, why are the FX loop and tuner ins and outs on the front? For the artist range, apart from the 2001RB-II. The VU meter on Ashdowns, it doesn't actually do anything useful. In fact anything to do with Ashdowns, never heard one I like. Parametric EQ. I'm a firm believer in that if you don't like the sound of the amp flat, you should find a new amp. EQ can be useful for minor tweaks, but parametric is just an excuse for every bassist that's clueless to make a smiley face and pretend they know what they're doing. Excess lights, it just makes it harder to see at a glance what your settings are in a dark environment. I sometimes use my DTR-100 on "strobe" mode for the flashyness if I'm messing about, but I can still see my amp clearly. Amp modelling. I can see the point or guitar (kinda, I still don't like it and don't think it's justifyable unless you're playing lots of different styles of music) but on bass, a good amp should be able to do everything from bassy dub sounds to tinny korn-a-like. On-board FX that don't have the full range of peramiters or a footswitch. As people have said in this thread already, a compression is no use if you can only set the ratio. Same goes for other FX.
If you like the GK sound and neo speakers, I don't think you can really go wrong.
The majority of "signature" instruments are designed with cost in mind so that people who want are inspired by certain players can pick up similar instruments. I doubt many international artists like those mentioned in this thread are playing sub £1,000 instruments (as many of their signature basses are.) Let's face it, there's probably no serious musicians that will buy a bass solely on the merits of the person who's name is printed on the headstock. If the bass is a good instrument too (as some signature basses are) then people will pick up on that, but they'll gain little or no benefit from having the user's name on the headstock anyway, the only real market where a player's name on the headstock would make a massive difference would be the cheaper price range. So selling replicas of famous musician's instruments wouldn't bring much profit unless they really were worth that kind of money.
I'm tempted to get one of the MB heads as a backup to my 2001RB. I've never heard a bad word said about them, or the MB cabs (there's been some controversy on another forum about why they're so cheap, but everyone in that thread agreed that they were good cabs for the money).
[quote name='Johnston' post='999760' date='Oct 25 2010, 10:20 AM']Washburn XB600[/quote] Aren't they called XB106? Or are they different models? I've used a BTB406 for years and it's never let me down, that'd be my suggestion. If you want a really cheap one, look for Brices (from Rondo music, same brand as the SX range IIRC), I got a HXB406 from them and it was a great instrument for the money. I've sold it on now but I never had any complaints abou tit.
Bongo 5 Dingwall Jazz 5 of some description.
Gallien Krueger 700RB-II and 2x210RBH stack.
ThomBassmonkey replied to ThomBassmonkey's topic in Amps and Cabs For Sale
Where to go for Gallien Krueger in the UK?
ThomBassmonkey replied to Tradfusion's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='gelfin' post='995346' date='Oct 20 2010, 09:39 PM']The shops in Wales may be listed as GK dealers but they either have no stock or only limited stock. I live in Wales but buy direct from Polar audio the importers.[/quote] That's probably the case (seems to be even with the bigger dealers in the UK), but I'm just going off what someone at Polar told me. -
This is one of the events we hold at the Old Bell in Derby every couple of months called JWP's Big Ol' Bash, this one's the Big Ol' Bonfire Bash! Here's the stuff put together for the facebook event ( [url="http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=159556217405616"]http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=159556217405616[/url] ), links to our facebook etc are in my sig: The James Warner Prophecies return to the Old Bell Hotel in Derby with a spectacular show ahead! This will be one awesome night, and the band may even play their new single which is still un-heard to many, and might not be played again live until the time of it's release next year. So be there to be one of the first to hear it! This is also planned to be one of their biggest SHOWS so far, so don't miss it! We also have some ve...ry special guest friends as main support, THE ROCKET DOLLS. The band have been gaining some really exciting media attention from different angles at the moment, including scuzz! The Rocket Dolls are an awesome Rock/Metal live act, and as they finish their UK tour right here with JWP in Derby, Let's show em' how good our Big Bash can be! [url="http://www.myspace.com/therocketdollsmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/therocketdollsmusic[/url] The opening band for this night of rock is the brilliant REBEL TERRITORY, who throughout the summer have celebrated great festival success, having supported artists such as The Kooks. The band are now busy doing gigs all over the UK, with their individual Brit Rock sound. [url="http://www.myspace.com/rebelterritory"]http://www.myspace.com/rebelterritory[/url] So as you see ladies and gentleman, this is a night NOT TO BE MISSED!! JWP might have a few surprises in store too, so tell everyone you know, and on Saturday 6th NOVEMBER, get yourself down to the BIG OL' BONFIRE BASH!! ENTRY: FREE DOORS: 7.30 AGE: 18 +
I went out without my earplugs tonight
ThomBassmonkey replied to Delberthot's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='TimR' post='993256' date='Oct 19 2010, 10:33 AM']Be careful here. Less damage? It's time AND volume related. Where did you get your hearing range checked? Check my post on the ear plug sticky here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=533&view=findpost&p=958996"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=958996[/url] and the Deafness Reasearch page on Tinnitus hre: [url="http://www.deafnessresearch.org.uk/1925/about-tinnitus/what-is-tinnitus.html"]http://www.deafnessresearch.org.uk/1925/ab...s-tinnitus.html[/url][/quote] A car hitting you at 50 mph will do less damage than a car hitting you at 80. I didn't say it would do no damage or wasn't anything to worry about, but if a guitarist and a drummer both practiced on their own at band practice levels without ear protection, the guitarist would come off worse. I haven't had my hearing range checked properly, but from tests online (can't remember the specific ones now) if the volume is loud enough on the higher frequencies, I can hear it. -
I went out without my earplugs tonight
ThomBassmonkey replied to Delberthot's topic in General Discussion
I just want to point out an error a few people are making. The worst damage you can do to your ears is constant noise. A drummer rim shotting a snare, though it may hurt more than a guitarist playing loudly, it'll do less damage because it's not constant. I have pretty bad tinnitus, when I was a kid I used to go to big gigs and would stand right in front of PA speakers, never wore earplugs. I'm paying for it now (at 25). I ALWAYS try and take earplugs. Very rarely I forget them. I do have full hearing range and for stuff like mixing, I can still do an alright job. I do find it harder hearing high-pitched noises though, though that's more because it mingles with the tinnitus than because it's not there. -
Dingwall Afterburner £280 BIN
ThomBassmonkey replied to warwickhunt's topic in eBay - Weird and Wonderful
Interesting for anyone that's looking into fanned fret basses but doesn't fancy the investment even a 2nd hand Dingwall would need. I'm curious myself, but I don't even have the money for that at the moment haha. -
I hate auctions like that. I hope people spend the time to do a little research as you could buy the bass for under £145 and the amp for under £85 new. I always wonder if it's ignorance on behalf of the seller or if they're actually aiming to rip someone off.
Where to go for Gallien Krueger in the UK?
ThomBassmonkey replied to Tradfusion's topic in Amps and Cabs
Not sure how I'd be offended mate. but no, I'm not. All the manuals for the GK stuff are online. Check here: [url="http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_manuals.html"]http://www.gallien-krueger.com/products_manuals.html[/url] -
I don't think that video's serious at all. Not a great add for bass lessons though, I'd want to see how a teacher could sit in a groove etc. On the subject of mingling techniques, I do two hand tapping on bass (though it's not fast, it just sits nicely IMO) as part of one of my band's songs. As long as it's tasteful and has a groove (as everything on bass should IMO) I don't see any problem with it.
Probably worth having a word with him? If he's a prat and a social retard, last thing you want is for him to turn up at a posh gig and make a fool of the band.