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Everything posted by ThomBassmonkey

  1. Where are you?
  2. [quote name='ianSB' post='888971' date='Jul 7 2010, 09:32 PM']thanks for saying that ! i now have ultimate GAS haha[/quote] If you want to go for the full stack, I'm (probably) selling my two 210RBH cabs (keeping the head). [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92597"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92597[/url] Those plus any of the GK heads will sound awesome.
  3. GKs are seriously good, but I would say that, I'm endorsed by them. Though I did turn down another endorsement before I got an offer from GK. You should look into them if you can find one.
  4. I'm interested in all this too, I'm after a jazz (been saying it a while now and had a few offers, still waiting for stuff to shift before I can afford it now) and it's mind boggling the amount of jazzes available from Fender alone. Now they've got the "MIM, assembled in the US" style basses and the "MIM with a few US parts" style basses, it's even more confusing. I still wonder if you had one of each price range bass (e.g. Squier CVJ, MIM Standard, US Standard) and stripped out all the electrics and hardware, then put on identical parts, how much the difference really would be. I expect certain things like finish and fret finish would still be slightly better on the more expensive models, but even with a fret dress the Squier would be a fraction of the price of the US.
  5. 222 bump! 2 hours 22 mins left on ebay, no bids yet. It's amazing, if this bass was a different shape, it would've gone ages ago, it's worth every penny of the asking price, not to mention it's rarity. Guess it shows how much looks do matter to bassists, regardless of what some people say when they post in "looks vs tone vs playability" type threads. Maybe I should jigsaw it into a p bass shape.
  6. I've got some serious gas for a Jazz, I don't know why, I love my Thumb and it sounds perfect in my band with my GK, but I still want that Jazz. My excuse is that a Thumb into a GK is a very distinctive sound and I was something with a more classic sound for potential session work. But oh dear. haha Anyway, nice purchase mate, glad you like it and I'm jealous.
  7. It depends on the bass and guitar in question. Les Paul basses are ugly as sin IMO, but the guitars look great. In general I prefer basses, I think that on guitar there's only a few designs that work, Les Paul, Tele, PRS, Jazz hollow, RG (there's a few others, but they're the main ones), on bass there's so much variation that all look great. Apart from the classics, there's the BTBs, SGs, Warwick styles etc etc etc. Single cuts can look a bit weird, but I think that's because they're so sparse looking, as has been said, guitars can look cluttered, so a bit of wood with no detail looks ok, on bass it's a bit block of wood that doesn't need to be there to balance the clutter. That being said though, I think they can look nice if they're tastefully done. Even the Thumb SC (which looks a bit like a bottlenosed dolphin) is growing on me.
  8. Index finger, I just use the two. A question for the 3 (or 4 even ) finger pluckers, do you not have problems with your middle finger being longer than the others and making notes uneven? I play with my bass at a bit of an angle so my index isn't that much further from the string, but my ring is miles away, if I played it with my hand more at a right angle, it's odd having my index and ring futher away. I'd love to be able to get it, for some reason, my right hand doesn't like fast groups of 3s (triplets or accents).
  9. [quote name='moonbass' post='888027' date='Jul 7 2010, 01:18 AM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McDgDlnDX0Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McDgDlnDX0Y[/url] Is this it? You have to wait until 2.51 for the chorus. A.[/quote] LEGEND!!!! haha, that's the one. Thanks mate
  10. I'm not sure when the original song was around but it has to be at least 80s with the synths, could've been any time up to modern though, I can't remember. The chart song was within the last month or so and did have full instrumentation. I *think* the original was the title song from the album too, and was on her greatest hits. There's also been various remixes of it. Gah, so annoying haha
  11. The song I'm thinking of was in the charts recently and the original song didn't have any instruments apart from "vocals".
  12. There was a song recently that was sampled for some chart song. The original song was (I believe) a woman singing into synth then playing the synth which was dictating the notes her vocals were played as. It's a really simple song and beautiful, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was and it's driving me nuts trying to remember hehe. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
  13. Does it have an FX loop? FX loops are between the pre and power stage so if you take the FX loop out and plug it to the return on another amp, it should be fine. I assume it'd work going straight in to the input too, but someone more qualified than me should tell you for certain.
  14. [quote name='Kongo' post='886786' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:37 PM']The question I ask is...which do you prefere? Your GK or the gear ur getting from company X through Endorsement? If you like your GK more, then you may be sacrificing your tone and what you know just to be endorsed. Likewise, if you also love what the company with endorsement is offering then why not. I jus can't believe my drummer got endorsed by Shine drums!!! He's gettin a £2.5K kit for £950!!! And all he's doing is trading in his old Tama Rockstar...that's STILL a lot off considering... I ain't looking for basses or amps...I jus want strings!!! [/quote] Well as I said in my last post on this thread, I've got an endorsement offer from GK now, so I'll take the endorsement and keep my gear. Or upgrade my gear, but keep the GK Artist series theme so it's just the same but bigger. I'll email Warwick once the GK deal's final and see if they want to offer me an instrument endorsement, but I'm happy with my GK for an amp. Our drummer just got an endorsement by SJC, he's getting a custom made snare to his exact specs for not a lot of money. We're quite lucky too in that I work at a small shop that "endorses" us, so anything they can get, the band can have at cost, which includes all the little bits, plus some bigger stuff too (musicman and G&L basses for example).
  15. Well I'm glad that I decided to talk to GK before accepting the Warwick deal, it's still having the details worked out, but there's a definite offer on the table from them too (which I'm very excited about). Thanks for the advice guys, it helped keep me a little level headed when a year ago I wasn't even in a band, now I'm having endorsement offers waved under my nose. Ah, crazy days hehe.
  16. JWP's single launch was on Friday, one of our songs chorus ends with the line "ave a banana", so we had inflatable bananas at the show. Couldn't actually see the crowd for a good part of that song with all the bananas floating about. Between laughing and having bananas thrown at us, it was incredibly hard to play (we all made a mess of it at some point or other) but it was a BRILLIANT gig, everyone (band and crowd) were blown away by the atmosphere and how much fun it was. Hopefully we have some live videos coming out from it.
  17. [quote name='goblin' post='885926' date='Jul 4 2010, 11:00 PM']If you look hard enough it'll happen though! Paid £350 for a german fretless Corvette, and £500 for another german active Corvette with J East tweaks. Just keep your eyes peeled [/quote] £400ish is fairly normal for a STD4 Ash Corvette, Warwick shot themselves in the foot when they suddenly heaved up the price. The prices of the new basses are selling cheap to compete with the prices of the old basses before the price hike. Now their basses sell for around 1/3rd of their new price, they're losing out because the price difference is so massive compared to companies like Fender, say, who only have a smaller knockdown on price. Firstly there's the fact you can get a similar bass for so much cheaper and secondly if you buy a Warwick you're going to take a huge hit to the wallet if you want to sell it on.
  18. If you have £500 to spend, you're going to struggle to find either (I was thinking about one a couple of months back and they were going for around the £700 mark). Your chances are much higher with a corvette though.
  19. Just because someone has no idea about gear, doesn't mean they're no good at teaching. Though if I were you, I'd let him know (politely so you keep his custom) that his talents probably lay elsewhere. The shop I teach at's main competitor is crap, their priority is to sell a guitar rather than help people. Not long ago we had a 9 year old child that wanted to start learning, he didn't know what kind of guitar he wanted to learn, their advice was to buy a full sized spanish. So he did, then took it upstairs for the free lesson with them and straight away the guitar teacher told them that they'd made a bad choice (when they just followed the advice of the shop). They never went back, came to us for lessons after but the kid didn't keep up the lessons. Not a surprise when he was struggling with the guitar.
  20. You could take the out from the pre and put it into the FX return of the amp, that'd let you just use the power stage of the TE. Not sure why you'd want two preamps in the chain though, if you were gonna use two, I'd use the sansamp before the TE or you'll be putting a power amp level through the sansamp, which I doubt would do it any good.
  21. Being honest, without some kind of demo (even if it's just someone with a video camera at a gig then put on youtube) you will struggle to get gigs. Apologies if there is something on the site, but I couldn't see anything.
  22. On eBay type bump: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAVERICK-DAVE-PYBUS-X-5-5-STRING-ELECTRIC-BASS-/320556972404?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4aa2af3974"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MAVERICK-DAVE-PYBUS-...=item4aa2af3974[/url]
  23. If someone offered me £300 for this, I wouldn't say no (though that's as low as I'd go now). I'm prepared to look at offers for any bass now, 4 or 5 string. Would still prefer a jazz, but I'll take a peek at anything that might interest me. C'mon, this is a fantastic bass, I understand that it's an odd shape, but it really is a good instrument.
  24. What I find is that if someone wants to learn to play an instrument, generally they'll learn guitar (even IMO, bass and drums aren't much fun to play on their own, guitar can be though) or piano or something similar. If they want to take music a bit more seriously and maybe join a band, they'll look at bass and drums. End result is that loads of people started off casually then decided they want to join a band, so there's hundreds of guitarists. The people who actually started out with the idea of wanting to be in a band are much less, or there's lots of guitarists that now play bass and just haven't transferred their musical ability well so are pretty shoddy bassists.
  25. This is back up for sale due to being let down by a buyer. Anyone interested can come give it a go (just off J25 on the M1. I'll deliver for petrol. Still looking for a nice Jazz too in a trade. Knocking down the price to £325 now
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