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Everything posted by ThomBassmonkey

  1. Bump for my post in the wanted section which includes various other options for trades including an original 70s WEM guitar amp, a Carlsbro bass amp and some pedals: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90756"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90756[/url] Also prepared to look at Mex Jazzes, maybe Squier VMJs depending on condition and upgrades/added cash. Also looking at G&L tributes. But prepared to have a look at anything in trade.
  2. This has become something of a joke in my band. I've recently gone through a new rig and if I have both cabs I'll show them where the input volume and mute is, if I just have one with them or in reference to everything but the input volume, the line goes: Touch it and they'll find your head on a stick outside the venue later. Apparently it's quite believable when I say it, so no one's ever touched anything apart from the mute button haha.
  3. No idea who owned it, looks like a Mike Dirnt though.
  4. Whether or not you agree with him being the best bassist, the truth is that not many bassists are well known by non-musos, so of course the few that are are going to be head and shoulders ahead of the rest in votes. IMO Flea's a good bassist, but the best? Probably not.
  5. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='858462' date='Jun 5 2010, 09:13 PM']I'm not sure where I've been hiding but I haven't heard that technique called the tugbar before. I have used it myself & occasionally it works really well. Great clip too btw[/quote] The tug bar isn't the technique, it's the "thumb rest" that's under the strings instead of above them.
  6. Been umming and ahhing over selling this for a while because I've never seen another in the flesh, only a few online and none were in as good condition as this so it'd be impossible to replace but it's not getting used and I need the money/a bass. So here it is. This is an old amp, probably nearing 40 (edit: Maths failed me) years now so it has due wear and tear. At some point someone's put what I assume is supposed to be a headphones socket on the front, but I've never tried it. The switch seems to cut the volume a bit, only used it to test it out. Apart from the above modification it's all original, down to still having the original Mullard valves in. I don't know if the the speaker is the original 12", I've just seen a picture of one other that isn't quite the same but I don't know enough about speakers or this amp to be able to 100% verify. It does need a bit of TLC, the pots sometimes need a bit of a wiggle to get working right, but once you're playing, it's fine. It sounds beautiful, it's basically a very similar circuit to the original Fender and Marshall amps, beautiful warm clean and as you crank it it begins to bite sweetly until you get the typical overdriven sound typical of this kind of amp. The valves sound sweet and I'm sure this amp has spent most of it's life unused. Certainly the shop I bought it from had almost forgotten they even had it buried under a load of other stuff and I've only used it a handful of times in the 8 or so years I've been playing guitar. But because I'm a bassist primarily and a bedroom guitarist that plays some heavy rock style stuff, this amp just isn't getting the use it deserves. Ok, photos: From the front: From the back: Close up of the modification to the front: Mended tear in the front cloth, apart from this and the elasticity being gone, the front cloth is immaculate: A gouge in the side: Now for the good stuff! The plate on the back, inc serial number: Speaker: Valves: Close up of one of the Mullards, apart from being a bit dusty, they still look in good shape: The rest of it's guts: This is probably going on ebay next week for around the £375 mark, I'll take £300 from here though. I'd also be interested in trading for a jazz. If someone wants both this and my Maverick, I'd be happy to let them both go for a bit cheaper or trade for a good jazz. For reasons obvious for a 50 year old valve amp, this is collect only, I could deliver though for price of petrol within reason.
  7. Had another look around online and found some specs for it! 2 x piece centre joint basswood body Canadian Maple / Bubinga neck Double octave 24 fret AAA grade Indian Rosewood fingerboard Evolution roller controls S5 humbucking pick-ups 3 band EQ Bass, Mid, Treble There must be someone out there that doesn't mind the looks and can see such this for the wonderful playing and sounding bass it is.
  8. Bump again. Basically, if you can get on with the looks, this bass is near perfect. I'm open to offers, both trade and cash, but I'm still primarily looking for a jazz.
  9. [quote name='dlloyd' post='857051' date='Jun 4 2010, 11:58 AM']The Japanese ones are excellent, and are essentially non-export CIJ Fenders with a different decal (may be some hardware differences). I have no knowledge of Chinese Tokais.[/quote] It wouldn't surprise me if they actually ARE non-export Fenders with a different decal. Tokai make various guitars for various big manufacturers, including Fender Telecasters.
  10. I have a jap Tokai Love Rock (Les Paul) and it's a fantastic instrument. Plays far above and beyond the price tag, I'd compare it to a Gibson for roughly half the price (mine was even less because it was a B stock and I got it at trade).
  11. I've broken 2. One was at a gig many years ago, the E string just died middle of the song on my 6er. Of course it was the first gig in 2 years I hadn't taken a spare to, so I had to ask if I could borrow someone else's bass. Luckily someone had a 5er so I borrowed that, tuned it a tone down then had to transpose all my high C work on the fly hehe. I hit a couple of bum notes, but it all worked. I still don't always have a spare bass with me. I usually have strings though. The other was a couple of weeks ago when I was trying out a bass for a private trade, I assume the string was shot though because I was just tuning it and it went.
  12. Maple, always looks better IMO. I've never owned a maple fretboarded instrument though...
  13. Another beautiful jazz bass, c'mon someone, buy my Maverick!
  14. I find it odd when people don't put up pictures, not even putting up what the basses are is simply awesome. hehe
  15. If you can save up a little longer and get £400, you'll have so much choice you'll go mad. £400 opens up Warwicks, G&L, Fender MIM Vs, SBMM Ray35s would probably be around that price (not seen any yet 2nd hand but I expect some will show up sooner or later) loads of other stuff too.
  16. Depends what kind of metal it is. What bands do you sound like? To be honest, while you're learning, you're probably best off just following the guitars. If you watch where their index finger on their fretting hand is, then just play that note on your bass until you feel more confident. Once you're happy with a song, you can try putting in a few linking notes (so if you go from the 5th fret to the 2nd fret on the 3rd string, you might want to try the 3rd and 4th frets to see if either note fits in between them) but one of the beauties of bass is that it's so simple to initially pick up.
  17. If I can sell my Maverick, I'll be after this.
  18. I've recently sorted myself out with a Warwick and Gallien set up that sounds amazing. Can't really imagine that I'll need anything else for my own stuff for a while. I'm gassing badly for a Jazz though which will hopefully be sorted soon, then I'll be using that for the bits of session work I do (and hopefully get more) and the Warwick for my originals band. Of course that's not to say I'll never gas again, I fancy a SBMM Ray35 and various other stuff. None of it's really needed though.
  19. I like the zingy sound but with a lot of fat low end. Gigged my full new setup for the first time tonight. Warwick Thumb 5 BO on 3/4 "neck" pickup, 1/4 bridge with vol on full and pulled out (passive). Gallien 700RB-II with everything flat but presence notched up a couple and the tweeters notched down a couple. 2 210RBH cabs. Sounded almost perfect. Still need to get used to the Warwick though for those fine tweaks.
  20. Ok, a few people seem interested in buying and the people with the jazzes I'm after don't seem interested in trades. I had a price in mind, but since these are so rare, it's hard to value it. I'm gonna put up a price of £400 since the jazzes I'm so taken with all seem around that price and that seems about right for this. I'm not in any rush to sell this, it's a lovely bass and I don't have any cash to add to get a jazz for a while. It's just not being used at the moment so it seems to be a shame having it sat around unused, but if that's the way it is, that's the way it is.
  21. [quote name='dlloyd' post='852536' date='May 31 2010, 12:50 PM']The way to answer this is to try them out for yourself in the shop without an amplifier, and pay attention to how they feel and sound. Then consider whether it's worth spending £230 on a bass (Squier VMJ), then throwing £40 for a new bridge, £75 for tuners, £20 on pots and shielding, £100 on pickups (costs of Fender replacement parts). I'd consider a used CIJ Fender.[/quote] I am considering a used CIJ Fender (in fact I PM'd a couple of people this morning about it on this forum) but none are especially close to me, so I'm keeping my options open about VMJ/MIM/MIA. To be honest, I've not played many jazzes so I could play the best jazz in the world and not realise it because I'd still be comparing it to Ibanez/Warwick/whoever else, so just looking for a rough guide. I'll be able to tell when I play one whether I like it or not.
  22. I've been wondering about this too, I fancy a jazz and I'm wondering mainly between the MIM and VMJ. Just wondering, if the VMJ, MIM and MIA jazzes all had the same electrics and hardware, how would they compare? Because the difference to me is that once you've bought a VMJ and put in the upgrades you can with parts that're better than a MIA (subjective, but having your own choice of pups/bridge etc) it'd still be a fair bit less. Is the wood in the body and neck so much better? I think realistically I'm not going to be buying a MIA any time soon but it means either a VMJ as a project bass with a few upgrades off the bat or a MIM that I'll have to use stock for a while before I can afford to do anything to it.
  23. Thanks for the advice, I have a relatively quick ear (I teach guitar and bass to beginners/intermediates and often have to learn a song on the spot to teach when they bring them in, usually nothing too complex though, though it's usually chord inversions that trip me up, not bass lines) so I feel confident about that and working from chord charts. In my bass playing "career" I've played everything from pop to metal to RnB to 70s rock, so I'm happy playing any style too. Can also do fingerstyle and plectrum without any problems (I need to properly learn slap though). Sounds like the thing to do is try and get my name around a bit then and meanwhile get some lessons in for sight reading (and I should do slap and brush up on as many styles as possible). Thanks for the advice again.
  24. I got this last week from rmshaw and although it feels and sounds nice, the looks just don't fit in with what I'm doing at the moment and since I have two other basses that sound, feel and look great (one of which will be my main bass and I want to keep my 6er just in case and for sentimental reasons), this isn't going to get used. These are very rare, I've not been able to find much info about them online, but what little I've found suggests there were only 20 made. The volume and pickup are the well known Maverick style in-body rollers, it also has a 3 band EQ with the usual style nobs. This is the Cradle of Filth signature bass, but I managed to put that picture out of my head pretty quickly, though if you're into that kind of thing, enjoy. Soundwise, it sounds quite compressed, it's nicely clear and punchy. It even managed to make a MAG300 (apologies to MAG users, I'm not an Ashdown fan) sound good when I gigged it on Sunday. I've not had any problems with it being neck heavy, I imagine it could be but it's fine with a good leather strap. Action's medium and the neck's fairly slim, as you'd expect from this style of bass. Ok, pics: Full thing: Body: Headstock (chip on the horn): Back of the body: Back of the headstock: Back of the neck: Small scratches on the back of the neck: Controls: Mark on the fretboard (purely aesthetic): Few marks on the back of the body (some of this is dirt catching the flash, the marks don't show up very well with the naked eye): I'd say the condition's 7.5/10 (about 5/10 if you include the muck hehe, it just needs a quick wipe down), there's nothing that affects the playing, the small chip on the headstock is the only noticable thing when you're playing and it's a pointy bass that has real issues fitting into a bag, so it doesn't surprise me to see it there. There's also a slight knock on the back of the headstock in the same place, but it's impossible to photo because it's so slight. The scratches on the back of the neck look like it's been leant against things and slid around a bit, when I'm playing I don't notice them at all but I can feel them if I'm concentrating when I run my finger over them. I'm looking for a trade for a Jazz style bass. I'm open to offers on other basses but I want a fairly "standard" looking and sounding bass with 2 pickups, so a Jazz is preferable. 4 or 5 strings. I might be prepared to part with this for cash for the right offer if I don't get any trade offers I'm interested in, but for the moment this is purely up for trade so I'm not going to put up a price yet.
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