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Everything posted by ThomBassmonkey

  1. It's a lot easier to get a good sound out of a bass that plays well and sounds bad than to get a bass that sounds amazing and plays like a dog to play better. Of course, you'll still get to a point where it can't be improved any more, but the gamble is how good will it be at that limit.
  2. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='815753' date='Apr 23 2010, 08:41 AM']However I am developing GAS for a Thumb 5[/quote] Do it! They've suffered price-wise under Warwick's problems, so they can be got for good prices. But then, I might be biased too.
  3. [quote name='chardbass' post='814385' date='Apr 21 2010, 10:13 PM']My favourite reply is the "if this had one more/less string I'd have it off you in a second..etc" Is that like saying to a first date "if you didn't have such a big nose I'd be paying for your meal"? [/quote] I disagree with that. I only play 5/6 string basses and there's certain instruments that I really want that come up every so often, but the 4 string versions are useless to me because I wouldn't be able to play enough material on it to make it worth having. Plus if I saw someone post on a thread selling a 4 string bass saying that they'd have bought it if it had more strings and I was thinking about selling the 5 string version, I could then IM them, so it actually serves a purpose too. I assume most people search through the for sale section to look at prices before they buy or sell so there's a good chance any posts like that will be seen. I'd also assume a seller would rather someone posted "I wish that bass suited my needs because it's brilliant" than just let the thread die. At least there's a valid reason for not buying the bass, unlike all the replies people post saying "ooh, that's a wonderful bass, someone's going to grab a bargain" or whatever variants there are.
  4. The tour I did in January with my band saw me playing an Ibanez BTB406QM through a Carlsbro Bassline 150. My set up 3 months later is a Warwick Thumb BO5 through a Gallien-Krueger 700RB-II into a 210RBH. Also traded my old backup Brice for a Mockingbird in that time.
  5. Though a rehearsal room would be ok, like I said in the other thread, a pub would be better. Being stuck in a smallish soundproofed (and therfore hot and smelly) room isn't as appealing as sitting in a pub with a pint or two and having the gear spread out so a few people can be trying various things at once without clashing too much.
  6. Don't forget a thumb too. Picked one up on Sunday, very unique sounding basses, but it sounds great to my ears.
  7. A few of mine have names from an ex. My Washburn XB100 is Eric, my 6 string is Bertha, an old guitar was Chip. I forget the rest, I just call them "my 6 string" "my Les Paul" "my Warwick" etc.
  8. Bought a 5 string off a basschattter over the weekend that was tuned E-C, had a play with it for day before I bought some new strings and it was fun, but I like to keep it low and try not to interfere with the guitarists too much. I have a 6 string too if I'm ever inclined to play with that high C though, so I don't need to worry about it anyway.
  9. Gratitude goes a long way but I'm not bothered about the feedback thing. I've recently done a couple of deals on here, no one's left feedback for me and I've not done for them (if they want me to, feel free to pm me) but I don't know anyone on here and I don't have any reason to believe that Y is more trustworthy because X says so when I don't know either of them in the slightest. Face to face deals is the only way I'd deal with people I don't know, preferably at the seller's house too so if there's a problem, the buyer has some kind of reassurance that the seller can't just disappear.
  10. There was talk of a Nottingham one, not sure what's happening though.
  11. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='812118' date='Apr 20 2010, 01:00 AM']I'd charge extra to pack something like that. Plus probably should get better damage cover.[/quote] And maybe public liability in case a postal worker loses an eye.
  12. The engineer will have a lot of control over the EQ in the mixing stage. If it's an engineer you trust, just wait and see how the end mix is. Sometimes after everything's been compressed and mastered, everything sounds a lot bassier anyway. If it's an engineer you don't know very well, ask him about it. He should be prepared to explain what he's doing. It's possible he just has different tastes to you in bass tone, so if possible, take in a CD of what you want to sound like, it should give him a better idea of what to aim for.
  13. Well, thanks to Jmanfunk, I came home with this t'other day: Just re-string it B-G after spending hours driving around being messed about by shops (he had it E-C) and it sounds great, very clear sounding and very distinctive. Can't wait to crank it up a bit at practice tomorrow! Thanks for all the help, a lot of good advice in this thread.
  14. A dying battery can do odd things to a bass. My Ibanez has been quieter before when the battery's died. Most recently it was distorting. Very odd, but the battery change fixed it straight away.
  15. I've gigged for almost 10 years with a 150w 1x15, now I'm using a 320w 2x10 and it's probably not even as loud as the 1x15. If you're using a good PA, you don't even need an amp. There's really no set rules, just listen and see what your ears tell you.
  16. [quote name='Tait' post='807215' date='Apr 15 2010, 03:03 PM']fuzz and the guitar and drum centre are two to check out. the one in victoria centre is ok, but nothing special really.[/quote] Is Fuzz the one in Hockley just up from Millennium music? Last time I went to the G&DC, it was closed up for building work or something.
  17. Is there ever a point you don't feel you need lessons? I've never really had them (I think about 5 total and both teachers were awful so I didn't learn anything) and really want to start them to improve my playing. I've been playing 10 years though and am capable so I keep being told that I don't "need" lessons, which I agree with, but I think that I could be a lot better if I had structure to practice to instead of just noodling on my own with no real aim. The only thing stopping me is because I'm fairly capable, I want a high level teacher, and that's expensive (and I've had a severe GAS attack recently, so no money for a while). Anyone else ever feel that despite their playing being as good as it needs to be for what they play, they still want lessons to improve beyond their needs?
  18. I have bits like that. I don't tend to learn other peoples' songs though, so I just have problems learning my own basslines. Recently I made up an exercise for myself that uses various hand positions, arpeggios and a swing feel. I made the mistake of playing it in band practice and now it's ended up in a song. I'm getting to grips with it, but it's not an easy thing to play (which is specifically why I wrote it), especially a variation (typically where the rest of the band decided they should pause and I should play on my own).
  19. Millennium has about 4 basses at any time, plus a couple of Ashdown and TC amps. There's another one in hockley that stocks Gibsons and Fenders mainly, Fox's (or whatever it's called now) in the Victoria Centre has a pretty standard range of a few Fenders and a couple of Ibanez. Music Inn is the best of the bunch IMO, a decent range of basses and guitars and friendly people. If you're around Long Eaton, you could come to GIGS but we're only a tiny shop and don't have much stock.
  20. I'd say pop 'em too. I've always popped blisters I've had on my fingers if I have to play. If he has a long gig, might be worth wrapping some of that tape around his fingers. I forget what it's called, but it's for bandages and stuff. It might help lessen the rubbing a bit. Just obviously be careful taking it off. I've used plasters in the past, but they just made my fingers feel slippy and sent my timing AWOL.
  21. Hey, check it out, someone signed up on the forum just to defend this book. He's even going to start his own website with how it saved his life! Oh, and anyone flaming him will get RSI. [quote name='"The Idiot"']And to the flamers.... If you guys dont wise up, you WILL get rsi![/quote] I'm not even going to try and make a constructive post, the two (probably one in all reality, people don't randomly find and join forums to jump into a thread about a book) people (person) defending it are quite obviously giving bad advice by advising anything apart from going to the doctor about it.
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' post='806410' date='Apr 14 2010, 07:33 PM']Ima big fan of the MM buckers, but not many others. BUT, the H+S Stingray 5 allows for single coil usage [/quote] I'm sure that HS (or HH) SR5s are even rarer than standard ones. I might give Electro a bell sometime this week just to see what they have in, then pop down if they have some of these options in but it's an hour's drive, so it'll only be worth it if they have something I actually have the option of getting (and I'll feel guilty anyway for trying out one of their basses, then buying 2nd hand). Just did a search in the FS section, no HH/HS SR5s as far as I can see.
  23. I've been trying to listen out for good bass sounds I can use as an example, but of course each time I hear one I like, I'm driving or otherwise occupied and soon forget. I really like the bass tone used in Jamiroquai stuff, but I play rock, so unsure how it'd sound in context. I wouldn't mind something a bit growlier though. I don't use any FX so sometimes with certain EQs I've found myself sounding too clean when our guitarist's Mesa starts making a fuss. I do want it to stand out from the guitarist's tone though, I don't want something that'll just blend in and fatten out the sound, I want to hold my own space since I do often carry melodies. It's incredibly hard to describe what I'm looking for tone-wise. I'm actually pretty flexible which isn't helping. Beefy and defined are my main two and in the price range I'm looking at, I don't think there'll be too many basses that sound week and muddy (at least I hope not). I do like the sound of a neck J but also like some added growl of a bridge J (My Ibanez is usually about 65/35 neck/bridge). Not so keen on buckers, but can't you coil tap $$s? I like the feel and sound of a Jazz bass (tried a MIM), but I don't really find them that inspiring which is why I've been eyeing up Warwicks (J/J pups and look interesting to me), that's not to say I've ruled out Fender/clones but since I'm having trouble finding any to try, I don't want to buy a bass I find uninspiring to look at just on the chance that I'll find it inspiring to play. I've only played the Thumb sat down and it's been a long time since I've had a go on a Corvette (std, not $$) so can't really remember that. The Thumb's scale didn't feel too bad, but I'm used to my 35" BTB scale, so that probably helped. How's their positioning on a strap? Do they sit in a similar position to most basses or do they feel like they're a little bit towards the fretting hand? There's something about the size of the body that makes it look like it'd be a bit differently positioned to most basses. I didn't get a chance to try out the Thumb plugged in, but from what I've heard online they do sound like the blend of pickups I like (as above, 65/35) as well as very unique, which I like. theFALLEN, thanks for the offer but I've played a BTB406QM for the last 9 years and fancy something new as well as moving to a 5 string. If I just wanted to move to 5 strings, I'd definitely look into picking yours up, I still LOVE my BTB, one of the best basses I've ever played.
  24. If anyone around the Notts/Derbys area has a Lakland, G&L, Spector, EBMM or Warwick (or anything else that could be a possibility) they're willing to let me get my grubby mitts on, let me know! There's a lot of options that I'd love to have a look at but there's just nowhere to try them out. Seems any basses that cost more than about £500 (minus Fender US Jazzes) new are a pain to find to try out.
  25. [quote name='MythSte' post='806061' date='Apr 14 2010, 02:18 PM']EBMM Stingray 5 and GK is tried and tested and deadly good...! If it was me It'd be a tossup between a nice Corvette or an SR5. Let us know how you get on![/quote] I have a "thing" about using other peoples' gear though, even though it's purely coincidental that they're what I'm looking at, I don't want someone to look at my gear and think "he's trying to be Flea!" haha. If I find a SR5 that feels and sounds perfect, that's more important than what other people think, but it does put me off looking as hard at similar setups to other people. I might take a trip up to Electro Music (as was suggested by thedonutman ) and see what they have in stock there, I really am interested in trying out another SR5 because I'm sure that the one I tried was a dud (probably due to strings) or if I just didn't quite get on with just having the single humbucker (it sounded ok on single coil setting, didn't much like the others though) I'd like to know if it's that. It's just a long way for a purely hypothetical situation of actually finding a SR5 2nd hand. I'd also love to try out a Bongo 5, but they're even rarer on the 2nd hand market. I've been offered a Thumb BO for a very reasonable price and a Corvette $$ for about the same money on these very forums, very tempted by them both. I just need time to try and get used to the neck after a 6 string BTB neck. But if I don't get on with a Warwick neck, either should be fairly easy to sell on I expect. Heard great things about both these basses too and from the small goes I've had on them (well, Thumb BO 5 and Corvette $$ 4, not the exact ones I've been offered) they both feel nice.
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