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Posts posted by DaBu

  1. Hi all

    Some money saving advice needed!!

    I play through an Ashdown Little Bastard. I love the sound. However it's not quite loud enough for the band i'm in, or more specifically it can't compete against two mesa's and a drummer without becoming too gainy! I changed the preamp valves and it still doesn't cut it. My question then is can i use the ashdown for the tone/sound through another power amp? If so how could i do this? i.e would it be using the DI output? If so any recommendations on a power amp also? I'm a one amp guy usually, so keen to learn how to expand or get the best out of my sound! Cheers guys i don't want to shelve the ashdown and i can't justify another louder valve amp, although an Orange AD 200 would be just the ticket!

  2. Cheers Mr Foxen.

    I can see them through a vent on the top which removes. I probably can get my hand in, but thought i would be able to slide the whole board out to have a proper look. I just can't seem to find the screws that hold it in place and the case/outer shell is an all round wooen box with front and back cover.

    Cheers again

  3. Hello all,

    I need some advice and technical expertise. I'm going to change a preamp valve on my Ashdown Little Bastard. It Growls a little too much when cranked up! An ex Marshall amp builder has suggested a ECC81. My query is this, How do i take the board out to be able to get at changing the valve? First time doing this so a bit cautious!!


  4. A Marshall MB4210 for sale. It's not yet a year old and still in warranty (which i think is two years) and comes with a padded cover that cost nearly £40.00.
    I bought it in March 2010 from soundslive in Newcastle. It's a good sounding amp that has never been gigged and probably only used about 12-15 times at practice. It's too much of a beast for me in sound and weight. It is a little heavy for me as i've got lower back problems. Plus i'm getting an Asdown LB which suits my needs. The money i make off this gets me the cab! There is minimal wear and tear. If people want pics let me know. Local (Gateshead/North East) pick up would be great and save on p&p!
    If anyone is interested let me know and make me an offer. I obviously don't want to give it away and appreciate the slight useage.


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